Structural Analysis

Use this dialog to set up the solver parameters.

  • Select Structure Analysis in the left panel of the Job Preferences dialog.

Dialog elements

Method of solving a system of equations
Select which method should be used to solve the system of linear equations K * U = F.
  • Automatic - Relies on a set of rules to select the appropriate method.
  • Frontal - Uses the Gauss elimination method.
  • Skyline - Uses the Cholesky LDLt factorization method.
  • Sparse
  • Sparse M

    Click Parameters to select a renumbering method for the SparseM solver.

  • multithreaded (solver from the Intel® Math Kernel Library)
  • Iterative

    Click Parameters to select a type of Iterative solver.

Stop analysis after verification
Select the condition under which the analysis must be stopped. Three choices are available.
  • Never.
  • If errors have been detected.
  • If errors or warnings have been detected.

Select Never if you want to run the calculations even if errors or warnings are found.

Ignore analysis warnings
Specify if you want to display or ignore the analysis warnings.
When option requires calculation results
Select how the program prompts you when an option that requires results is called up and prior calculations have not been run.

Such options include result tables and diagram or map selection dialogs. Prior to running calculations the following dialog displays:

This dialog also displays after opening a file saved without results, but with a table, diagrams or result maps active.

Automatic freezing of results of structure calculations
Protects the structure calculation results.
Automatic bar merging during import of geometry
Merges overlapping bars into one bar when opening a DXF-format file.
DSC algorithm
Enables the discontinuity element during calculations of a structure where releases are defined.
RLINK elements
Enables elements of the RLINK type during calculations of a structure where rigid links are defined.

Automatic solver selection rules

The Automatic option of the structure analysis parameters relies on a set of rules.

See also:

Iterative Solver Parameters - General Information

Available Solvers

Iterative Solvers: Best Practices

Modal Analysis Parameters (Iterative Solver)

Modal Analysis - Precision of Calculations

Freezing Structure Calculation Results

Releases in bars - DSC elements

RLINK type elements