Retopology Tools for 3ds Max 1.5

The updated Retopology Tools for 3ds Max introduces preprocessing and OpenVDB remeshing as stand-alone processes alongside improvements to processing time when using Autodesk ReForm.

Retopology Tools version 1.5 is automatically included in your installation of 3ds Max 2025. If you are using a previous version of 3ds Max, you can download the latest Retopology Tools installer for your version of 3ds Max from your Autodesk account.

Performance improvements

Retopology's base algorithm, Autodesk ReForm, has been updated to version 1.5, resulting in improved performance and stability. While the performance boost may vary depending on the input mesh, processing times are now up to 8% faster. ReForm version 1.5 is only available for 3ds Max 2025. Previous supported versions of 3ds Max will remain on the previous support version of ReForm.

Feature improvements

  • Preprocess is now a stand-alone option (available for 3ds Max 2022 or newer) from the algorithm menu options. When you use this function, it will only perform the Preprocess step, giving you a triangulated output result.
  • OpenVDB remeshing (available for 3ds Max 2024 or newer) is now accessible from the algorithm menu options. When this option is chosen, you can remesh your selected data using OpenVDBs Volume-to-Mesh conversion, which reconstructs water tight geometry using Signed Distance Fields (SDF) grids. You can then influence the resolution of the output that is generated by adjusting the Voxel Size parameter.
    • A new escape mechanism has also been added to interrupt OpenVDB based meshing. Use the ESC key to call an abort request on the OpenVDB process. This mechanism will help when you have accidentally set a voxel size at a value that causes longer processing time.

      Note: For complex OpenVDB calculations this abort might not be instantaneous and have a delay if OpenVDB is consuming a significant amount of CPU and memory resources already.

  • New and updated tooltips can be seen in the interface.

Bug fixes

For more information on Retopology bug fixes, see the Retopology Tools for 3ds Max 1.5.0 Release Notes. Download updated versions for previous releases of 3ds Max from your Autodesk account.