You can use your display configurations, display sets, and display representations in multiple drawings.
You can copy display configurations, display sets, and display representations between drawings. When you copy a display configuration, the display system also copies any display sets and display representations included in the selected configuration that do not exist in the destination drawing. Similarly, if you copy a display set, the display system copies any display representations that do not exist in the destination drawing.
If a display set or a display representation with the same name exists in the destination drawing, it is not overwritten with the new display information. To transfer the new information, rename the existing display set or representation in the destination drawing before copying display configurations or display sets.
For example, you might want to copy a display set named New Reflected, which contains a display representation for doors named Reflected Screened. The current drawing also contains a display representation for doors named Reflected Screened. You must rename the Reflected Screened display representation in the current drawing before copying the new display set and its display representations.
If your system has email, you can email display configurations to other users from the Display Manager. You can send the entire display system in your drawing to another user of AutoCAD Architecture 2025 toolset. The Display Manager copies the display system information to a new drawing, and attaches the drawing to a new email message created using your email program. Users of AutoCAD Architecture 2025 toolset who receive your display system by email can import it into their drawings, open the attached drawing file, and export your display system to their drawings; or they can use the attached drawing file as a template for new drawings.