Note: This topic is for Roombook users only.
The View/Edit Results dialog box lists all calculated Roombook results and allows manual editing.
- Click
- In the Calculate Room Quantities dialog box, click Calculate.
- Click View/Edit Results to view and edit the calculated room quantities.
- In the Room Quantities dialog box, under Select Room, select a calculated room (space) and view the quantities.
- Under Room Quantity, select the calculated room quantity.
- Room Number (or Name)
- Selects the space of which you want to view or edit the calculated quantities. You can select by number or by name. If there are several rooms (spaces) with the same name in the drawing, you can do the selection by number (numbers should always be unique).
If there are rooms from external references, the name of the xref file is displayed next to the room name.
- Room Quantity
- Selects the calculated room quantity: wall surfaces, floor surfaces, ceiling surfaces, room perimeter, and furniture objects. Depending on the selected room quantity, the calculated objects and values are listed in the table. The room quantities are listed separately for each room (space).
- Expand (or Collapse)
- Lists all its single faces in the expandable tree structure for each calculated object.
- Highlight
- Graphically highlights the selected object or face in the drawing in order to see which it refers. Select an entry in the table and click the symbol. The dialog box disappears and highlights the object in the drawing. Press Enter to return to the dialog box.
- Add Object
- Manually adds more objects to the current category which are not included in the automatic detection.
For example, adding another wall to category "wall surfaces" which actually does not belong to the room (space) but which you want to calculate anyway.
- Add Face
- Manually adds more faces to the current category which are not included in the automatic detection. Only objects with "Bound Spaces" property are accepted.
For example, adding another face of a wall to category "wall surfaces" which actually does not belong to the room but which you want to calculate anyway.
When you click Add Face, the dialog box disappears and the cursor is in selection state. You can now manually click on the objects which you want to manually add. Press Enter to finish the selection and to return to the dialog box. The manually added objects or faces are listed in the table with the "Type: By Object" (in contrast to "Automatic").
- Delete Material Overrides
- Resets a material override and restores the standard definition (either by surface material type or by object).
Select the lines (one or more) and click Delete Material Overrides. This restores the default values.
- Delete Row
- Deletes a manually defined object or face. Automatically detected room quantities cannot be deleted.
- Calculated Quantities
- Llists all the single faces in the expandable tree structure for each calculated object. This allows you to modify each single face separately.
- Object Name
- Name of a calculated object. The object name of the calculated room quantity is composed from object, counter, and style name. The names of the single faces are composed from object type, face, and counter.
- Materials
- Lists the materials assigned to the room quantity.
If the space is attached to a surface material style, you see the surface materials as defined in the Roombook Surface Material Style dialog box. If the space is not attached to a surface material style, you see the materials which are assigned to the object style by AutoCAD (for example, "brick" for a brick wall).
The material of the main object is transferred to all automatically detected faces and sub areas. For example, a wall object has the Plaster surface material. There are two windows in the wall which are automatically detected as sub areas and subtracted from the area of the main object. In order to reduce the Plaster material of the main surface correctly by the subtracted window area, the sub area automatically gets the same material as the main area with the calculation sign minus.
- Override Material
- Apart from the global assignment of materials by surface material styles or by object, you can also define individual material overridings.
Click Materials browse button. The Select Materials is displayed and you can assign other materials for this particular object. For instant control, overridden materials are displayed bold.
- Sub Areas
- Displays a detailed listing of how a room quantity is calculated, and can adjust the calculation manually, if needed. This options is unavailable for room perimeter and furniture objects.
- Area, Height, Length, Count
- Displays the main information of the calculated room quantity.
- Wall Surfaces: Area and Height
- Floor Surfaces: Area and Threshold Area (Depending on the opening direction of the door, the threshold area is added to the corresponding room and its floor surface.)
- Ceiling Surfaces: Area
- Room Perimeters: Length
- Furniture Objects: Number of objects and comments and notes which are added to the component in the AutoCAD Properties palette.
- ID
- The Quantity ID is a unique identifier for the calculated objects.
- Ignore
- Allows to exclusion of objects (automatic or manual) from the quantity calculation. Unmarked objects are not calculated and not displayed in the export files.
- Type
- Displays how a room quantity was detected.
- Automatic: Automatically detected by the system and cannot be deleted manually.
- By Object: Manually selected by objects and can be deleted manually.
- Total
- Reports the total sum of the room quantities main information.
- Wall Surfaces: summarized area
- Floor Surfaces: summarized area
- Ceiling Surfaces: summarized area
- Room Perimeters: summarized length
- Furniture Objects: summarized count
- Wall Height Reduction
- Only applicable for wall surfaces.