When you make a space associative, you connect it to a set of boundary objects that define the space’s geometry. To make it non-associative you disconnect it from its boundary objects, so that it is not affected by future modifications to those objects.
If you make a non-associative space associative, the software checks if a valid set of enclosing boundary objects can be found. If this is so, the space is made associative to them and the geometry is updated accordingly.
Making a space associative to boundary walls
If you make an associative space non-associative, the space is disconnected from its boundary objects. The space geometry retains its current shape after the associativity is deactivated, but is grip-editable.
Removing the associativity of a space to the boundary walls
Making an associative space non-associative
Edit the space as desired.
Making a non-associative space associative
If a valid set of boundary objects is detected, the space geometry is updated to the boundary of these objects, and the Associative property on the Properties palette is set to Yes.
If no valid set of boundary objects is detected, the space geometry remains unchanged and the Associative property on the Properties palette remains read-only and set to No.