When you update the boundary objects for associative spaces (for example, moving a wall to a different position) the space does not update. In some cases, it displays a solution tip icon, but in other cases just does not update.
Verify that the Associative setting on the Properties palette is still set to Yes. If it has been accidentally set to No, the space loses its associativity to the boundary objects. The space no longer updates, but displays no solution tip icon.
You can choose to not automatically update associative spaces each time a change in geometry occurs. This can be useful to improve performance. If the Automatically update associative spaces option on the AEC Object Settings tab of the Options dialog has been cleared, then a space will not automatically react to changes in the boundary objects. You can either reselect the automatic update option, or, if you do not want to have automatic updates, you can select the space, and click .
Verify that the change in the geometry has not accidentally opened up a gap in the boundary objects. This could happen if you move a wall so that it no longer intersects neighboring walls. It could also happen if a wall is moved so that it intersects with another wall that is not defined as a boundary object and is in the same cleanup group.
The Update Space Geometry command uses the current viewport’s zoom value. This might lead to unexpected results, if you have zoomed in on the drawing area between generating and updating the space. Zoom out so that the space and its boundary objects are entirely visible, and try to update again.