You can edit a space using grips.
The Edge grip has 4 edit modes:
- Offset: This is the default. Use it to offset the selected edge in a direction perpendicular to the midpoint of the edge. Depending on the shape of the boundary and the edge, neighboring lines are extended or trimmed, and new lines are added as necessary.
Offsetting the edge of a space boundary using the Edge grip
- Add Vertex: Use this edit mode to add a vertex to the selected edge, and create a new edge. If the selected edge is an arc, the new edge is also an arc.
Adding a vertex to the edge of a space boundary using the Edge grip
- Convert to Arc: Use this edit mode to convert the selected edge to an arc and stretch the midpoint of the arc. The edge grip for an arc also has a Stretch mode. You can use it to stretch the midpoint of the arc, thus increasing the size of the arc.
Converting the edge of a space boundary to an arc using the Edge grip
- Offset all: Use this option to move all edges of a space boundary an identical distance. When you drag one edge, all other edges are repositioned accordingly. This option is very useful for regular resizing operations, like scaling a space boundary.
Offsetting all edges of a space boundary using the Edge grip