To Convert a Mesh Object to a 3D Solid

  1. Click Mesh tabConvert Mesh panelConvert Options drop-down.
  2. Specify one of the following conversion options:
    • Smooth, optimized. The resulting model is smoothed, with merged faces (SMOOTHMESHCONVERT = 0). Find
    • Smooth, not optimized. The resulting model is smooth, with the same number of faces as the original mesh object (SMOOTHMESHCONVERT = 1). Find
    • Faceted, optimized. The resulting model is angular, with merged, planar faces (SMOOTHMESHCONVERT = 2). Find
    • Faceted, not optimized. The resulting model is angular, with the same number of faces as the original mesh object (SMOOTHMESHCONVERT = 3). Find
  3. Click Mesh Modeling tabConvert Mesh panelConvert to Solid.
  4. Select a mesh object that has no gaps or intersecting faces.


In some cases, an error message results when you try to convert surfaces and meshes to a 3D solid. The following suggestions may be able to resolve the issue: