To Run Automatic Reports

  1. Click Reports tabMiscellaneous panelAutomatic Reports. Find
  2. (Optional) Click Open Report Grouping to restore a set of reports and format files saved previously in a report grouping file (.rgf).
  3. To add a report:
    • Select the report name from the schematic, panel, or other report list.
    • Specify the format file to use for the selected report. Click Format File Setup to create, edit, and save a format file.
      Note: The format files must define file output, table output, or both since the reports are not displayed on the screen.
    • Click Add to add the report to the Selected Reports list. The Add button is not active until both a report name and format file are selected.
  4. Continue adding more reports to the Selected Reports list.

    For the File and Table Output options, an x indicates that the format file contains a definition for that output type, and the output type is selected. An o indicates that the format file does not contain a definition for that output type, or the output type is not selected.

  5. Select a report in Selected Reports and click Modify Output to change the output options.
    Note: If the format file does not contain file or table output settings, the respective options are disabled.
  6. To remove a report do one of the following:
    • Select a report in Selected Reports and click Remove.
    • Click Remove All to remove all selected reports.
  7. Click Save Report Grouping to save a file containing the list of report names and format files for reuse.
  8. If any of the selected reports have table output, specify:
    • First Drawing Name. File name and location for the fist drawing needed for new report tables. Subsequent drawing names are generated by incrementing the file name.
    • Template. Drawing template used to create drawings for new report tables.
  9. Click OK to generate the report output for each selected report.
    Note: New drawings are added to the active project.