Entity Filter Dialog Box (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

Use the Entity Filter dialog box to set new filters to object snaps, and to delete or edit existing filters.

Active Entity Filter

Defines if the entity filter settings are derived from the drawing or from the Window’s registry.

When the active entity filter is set to “Registry Settings”, the entity filter settings are persistent across all drawings.

When the active entity filter is set to “Drawing Settings”, each drawing can have its own set of entity filters. This makes it possible to address the special needs of each drawing file, without impacting others.

List of Entity Filters

Shows a list of available entity filters and enables you to turn a filter on or off.


Displays the New Entity Filter dialog box, which enables you to define a new entity filter.


Displays the Edit Entity Filter dialog box for the filter selected in the list of entity filters.


Deletes the selected filter.