Power Snap Settings Dialog Box (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

Use the Snap Settings dialog box to create four global settings, or four global settings and one current setting, for the object snaps.

Power Snap Configuration

Displays a drop-down list of a current setting and four global settings.

Power Snap tab


Object Snap On

Turns object snap on and off. Whenever AutoCAD Mechanical toolset prompts you to pick a point, and object snap is on, as you move the cross hairs in the vicinity of a point selected under Modes below, the cross hairs snap to it. Additionally, AutoCAD Mechanical toolset displays a marker and a tooltip at the snap location. You can also turn Object Snap on or off by pressing F3.


Object Snap Tracking On

Turns object snap tracking on and off. With object snap tracking, the cursor can track along alignment paths based on other object snap points when specifying points in a command. To use object snap tracking, turn on one or more object snaps. The AUTOSNAP system variable controls this setting.


Snap On

Turns Snap mode on and off. When you turn snap on, the cursor “snaps” to a grid that divides the drawing area into small rectangles. You can also turn Snap mode on or off by clicking Snap on the Status bar, by pressing F9, or by using the SNAPMODE system variable.





Snaps to the closest endpoint of an object. (END)



Snaps to the midpoint of an object. (MID)



Snaps to the center of an arc, circle, ellipse, or elliptical arc. (CEN)



Snaps to a point object. (NOD)



Snaps to a quadrant point of an arc or a circle. (QUA)



Snaps to the intersection of a line, an arc, or a circle. (INT)



Snaps to the phantom extension of an arc or line. (EXT)



Snaps to the insertion point of text, a block, a shape, or an attribute. (INS) or the base point of a (mechanical structure) component view or folder. (INSS)



Snaps to a point perpendicular to an arc, a line, or a circle. (PER)



Snaps to the tangent of an arc or a circle. (TAN)



Snaps to the nearest point of an arc, a circle, a line, or a point. (NEA)


Apparent Intersection

Snaps to the apparent intersection of two objects. (APPINT)



Snaps parallel to a specified line. (PAR)


Arc Radial Lines

Snaps to a point on the phantom line that passes through an arc center point and one of the arc endpoints. (ARCR)


Arc Tangent Lines

Snaps to a point on the phantom line that passes tangentially through an arc endpoint. (ARCT)



Snaps symmetrically to a specified line. (SYMP)


Select All

Selects all object snap modes on the respective Setting tab.


Clear All

Clears all selected object snap modes on the respective Setting tab.




Crosshair Size

Defines the size of the crosshairs.


Show Snap in Status Line

Displays the currently active snap modes in the status bar.


Ignore Z Coordinate

Sets the Z coordinate to 0.0. The program projects all points selected on the current coordinate system.


Use Entity Filter

Activates the current settings in the Entity Filter dialog box.

Polar Snap tab


Polar Tracking On

Turns polar tracking on and off. You can also turn polar tracking on or off by pressing F10 or by using the AutoCAD AUTOSNAP system variable.


Polar Angle Settings

Sets the alignment angles for polar tracking. The POLARANG system variable controls alignment angles.


Increment Angle

Sets the polar increment angle used to open polar tracking alignment paths. Enter any angle, or select a common angle of 90, 60, 45, 30, 22.5, 18, 15, 10, and 5 degrees from the list. The POLARANG system variable controls this setting.


Additional Angles

Makes any additional increment in the list available for polar tracking. The POLARMODE system variable controls the setting. If selected, the box below this title lists the additional angles that are available.



Displays the Additional Angle dialog box enabling you to enter new angles.



Deletes selected additional angles.


Object Snap Tracking Settings

Sets options for object snap tracking.


Track Orthogonally Only

Displays only orthogonal (horizontal/vertical) object snap tracking paths for acquired object snap points when object snap tracking is on. The POLARMODE system variable controls this setting.


Track Using All Polar Angle Settings

Enables the cursor to track along any polar angle tracking path for acquired Osnap points when Object snap tracking is on while specifying points. The POLARMODE system variable controls this setting.


Polar Angle Measurement

Sets the basis by which the program measures polar tracking alignment angles.



Bases polar tracking angles on the current user coordinate system (UCS).


Relative to Last Segment

Bases polar tracking angles on the last object you created.


Polar Snap


Polar Snap On

Sets the snap type to PolarSnap. When you set the snap type to Polar Snap and Snap mode is on, the cursor snaps along polar alignment angles set on the Polar Tracking tab relative to the starting polar tracking point. The SNAPTYPE system variable controls the snap type.


Polar Distance

Sets the snap increment distance when you set the Snap Type to Polar Snap. If this value is 0, the Polar Snap distance assumes the value for Snap X Spacing. The POLARDIST system variable controls this value.

Filter Options

Displays the Entity Filter dialog box.