About Arranging Dimensions (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

AutoCAD Mechanical toolset provides many commands to rearrange dimensions, after they have been placed in the drawing area.

Use the AMDIMARRANGE command to arrange dimensions in relation to an edge of a contour, using the distance snap settings. The previous illustration shows how to move a dimension (1) to the taller edge (2). AMDIMARRANGE works with linear dimensions, ordinate dimensions, and angular dimensions used as baseline dimensions.

Use the AMDIMALIGN command to align one dimension to another, like chain dimensions. The previous illustration shows how one dimension is selected as the base (1) and the other (2) aligns to it. You can align angular and linear dimensions.

Use the AMDIMJOIN command to merge two adjacent dimensions as a single dimension. The previous illustration shows how one dimension is selected as the base (1) and the other (2) joins to it.

Use the AMDIMINSERT command to split a dimension. The previous illustration shows how a dimension is selected (1) and the origin of the extension line to be inserted (2) is specified to split the dimension.

If a dimension (1) crosses other dimensions or objects, use the AMDIMBREAK command to place a break at the crossing points. The break is intelligent. If you move the crossing dimension, the break moves with the dimension; if you delete the dimension, the break disappears.