Extraction Template Wizard - Specify the Component Property Mapping - Step (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

Maps text objects from the title block list, the parts list, and the balloon list to its component properties.

Text objects list

Shows a list of text objects extracted from the Reference Drawing.


Title block

Displays a list of the text objects extracted in the Select the Title Block step of the Extraction Template wizard.


Parts list

Displays a list of the text objects extracted in the Select the Parts List step of the Extraction Template wizard.


Displays the balloon type extracted in the Specify the Balloon Type step of the Extraction Template wizard.

Component properties

Displays the component properties in use by the BOM.


Maps the text object selected in the Text objects list to the Component Properties list.

  • One component property must contain no more than 3 text objects.
  • If you go back to the Text Extraction dialog box and change the mapped text objects, these text objects move back to their original lists automatically.


Compares text objects with component properties and automatically maps matching items.


Moves the text object selected in the Component properties list back to its original list.

Remove all

Moves back all text objects added to the Component properties list back to their original lists.

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