To Predefine the Color of a Mechanical Object (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

  1. At the Command prompt, enter AMOPTIONS.
  2. Click the AM:Standards tab.
  3. In the Standard Elements list, double-click the root node (the standard name). The Standard Settings dialog box appears.
  4. In the Object properties section, click Settings. The Object Property Settings dialog box appears.
    Note: The Settings button is available only if the Let AutoCAD Mechanical toolset manage object properties check box is selected.
  5. In the Category list, select the category corresponding to the object you want to modify.
    Note: The Object you want to modify may be listed in more than one category.
  6. In the row corresponding to the object you want to modify, click in the color column. The Select Color dialog box appears.
  7. Select the desired color.
    • To enable the object to acquire the color from the layer it uses, click ByLayer.
    • To enable the object to acquire the color from a block it is part of, click ByBlock.
    • To select an explicit color, click the desired color.

    If other objects use the object you are modifying, a message appears showing the categories of the affected objects. Click Change Property.

  8. Click OK until all dialog boxes close.