Gear Dialog Box (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

Use the Gear dialog box to define the torque delivered by a spur gear wheel, helical gear wheel or bevel gear wheel.

Inputs tab

Specifies the properties of the gear wheel and the loads acting on it.


Gear Load

Specifies the load applied on or by the gear wheel.


Rest of Torque on Shaft

Specifies that the selected torque compensates for the imbalance of torques acting on the shaft.

The system validates all the torsion moments acting on the shaft to ensure that the sum of all torques (net torque) on the shaft is zero. If you select this check box, the selected torque automatically takes on a value to make the net torque zero.



Specifies that the specified gear is rotated by another gear.



Specifies that the specified gear is the source of power and rotation.


Constant motive force

Specifies that the gear exerts a static torque.


Dynamic motive force

Specifies that the gear exerts a torque that varies within known limits.





Specifies the magnitude of the torque. If Dynamic motive force is selected, this box splits into to two. Use these boxes to specify the magnitude of the maximum and minimum torques.


Calculation from

Displays the Coupling Gear dialog box, which derives the torque on the gear wheel from the torque or power delivered by its mate (a gear wheel coupled to the selected gear wheel).


Gear Geometry on Shaft

Specifies the geometric properties of the gear wheel.


Pitch Diameter

Specifies the diameter of the pitch circle.


Angle Gamma

Specifies the angle between the z axis and radius to the pitch point (see thumbnail displayed inside the dialog box).


Pressure Angle

Specifies the pressure angle, which indicates the direction of the force created by a driving gear upon its mate. (see thumbnail displayed inside the dialog box).


Helix Angle

Specifies the angle between a gear tooth and the gear axis in helical gears (see thumbnail displayed inside the dialog box). For spur gears this value is 0 degrees.


Left slope

Specifies the tooth alignment of the helical gear (see thumbnail displayed inside the dialog box).


Right slope

Specifies the tooth alignment of the helical gear (see thumbnail displayed inside the dialog box).


Bevel gear

Makes properties relevant for bevel gears available for data entry.


Pitch Angle

Specifies the angle between the face of the pitch cone and the axis of the bevel gear (see thumbnail displayed inside the dialog box).



Specifies the direction of the bevel gear (see thumbnail displayed inside the dialog box).



Specifies the direction of the bevel gear (see thumbnail displayed inside the dialog box).



Displays a thumbnail of the gear geometry.



Displays a thumbnail of an example, which illustrate the properties to specify.


Current situation

Displays a preview of the properties you specified.

Components tab

Resolves the load into components in the x,y and z directions.



Specifies the magnitude of the load in the x direction. If Dynamic motive force is selected, this box splits into two to enable you to specify the minimum and maximum loads separately.



Specifies the magnitude of the load in the y direction. If Dynamic motive force is selected, this box splits into two to enable you to specify the minimum and maximum loads separately.



Specifies the magnitude of the load in the x direction. If Dynamic motive force is selected, this box splits into two to enable you to specify the minimum and maximum loads separately.



Displays a thumbnail of the gear geometry and forces acting on the gear.