Executes AMLAYERGROUP command options from the command line.

List of Prompts

The following prompts are displayed.

Layer group

Provides options to create, delete, and rename layer groups and change their properties.

Shows a list of layer groups, showing their names, states, plot status, and color numbers.
  • Layer group names - Performs a wild card search on names and lists the matching layer groups. For example, if you only want to display layer groups that start with the letters GEAR, enter GEAR*.
Creates a layer group and makes it current.
  • Layer group name - Specifies the layer group to create. If you enter the name of an existing layer group, that layer group is made the current layer group.
Specifies a new current layer group but does not create the layer group if it does not exist. A frozen layer group cannot be made current.
  • Layer group name - Specifies the layer group to make current.
Creates a layer group.
  • Layer group name - Specifies the layer group to create. You can specify multiple layer group names, separating each name with a comma.
Freezes layer groups, making objects on them invisible and excluding them from regeneration and plotting.
Thaws frozen layer groups, making objects on them visible and available for regeneration and plotting.
Locks layer groups, preventing editing of objects on them.
Unlocks layer groups, permitting editing of objects on them.
Changes the colors associated with layer groups.
  • Color name or number - Specifies the AutoCAD color index corresponding to the color to assign to the layer group. Enter <ByLayer> to specify that there is no explicit color for the layer group and that the color of each mechanical layer in that group cannot be overridden by the layer group color.
Renames a layer group.
Selection set
Selects the objects on mechanical layers, permitting subsequent commands to use them as a selection set via the Previous keyword.
Highlights all objects on the layers you select.

Object key

Looks up the layer assigned to an object in the current layer group, and sets it as current.

Lists of object types and object keys.

Standard part layer group

Sets a layer group for standard parts and features to be created on. When this option is set, no matter what layer group is current, all standard parts and features are created on the specified layer group.