To Assign a Coordinate System

Learn to independently assign north-easting and elevation coordinate systems to your drawing.

To assign coordinate systems to your drawing

  1. At the Command line, enter: GEOCSASSIGN.

    The Assign Coordinate System dialog box displays.

  2. Select the Northing-Easting box in the upper left.

    The North-Easting Coordinate Systems Available tree displays below.

  3. Expand the tree nodes and select the desired coordinate system.

    When a coordinate system is selected, its details appear to the right. This includes a preview on a map.

  4. Click Assign.
  5. Select the Elevation box in the upper left.

    The Elevation Coordinate Systems Available tree displays in the lower right section of the dialog box..

  6. Expand the tree nodes and select the desired coordinate system.

    When a coordinate system is selected, its details appear to the right. This includes a preview on a map.

  7. Click Assign.
  8. Click OK to accept the changes and close the dialog box or Cancel to disregard the changes and close the dialog box.
  9. Tip: When selecting Northing-Easting or Elevation coordinate systems, you can narrow the visible available systems by using a combination of the search and filter tools.
    • Search. Shows only systems with the entered character string.
    • Status. Shows only systems that are Up to Dtae, Out of Date, or User Defined.
    • Code Type. Shows only systems available in either Autodesk, or EPSG code databases.
    • Unit. Shows only systems available using a specific unit of measurement.

To remove coordinate systems from your drawing

  1. At the Command line, enter: GEOCSASSIGN.

    The Assign Coordinate System dialog box displays.

  2. Select the Nothing-Easting or Elevation box with the coordinate system to be removed.
  3. In the Systems Available section below, select None.
  4. Click Assign.
  5. Click OK to accept the changes and close the dialog box or Cancel to disregard the changes and close the dialog box.