3ds Max C++ API Reference
#include "..\strclass.h"
Classes | |
class | IModeSettings |
This class holds the detailed settings for each of the color management modes (see ColorPipelineMode). More... | |
Namespaces | |
namespace | MaxSDK |
namespace | MaxSDK::ColorManagement |
Enumerations | |
enum class | ColorPipelineMode : uint8_t { kUNMANAGED , kGAMMA , kOCIO_DEFAULT , kOCIO_CUSTOM , kOCIO_ENVVAR , kNumColorPipelineModes } |
Enum for color management modes. More... | |
enum class | ModeStatus : uint8_t { kNORMAL , kFALLBACK_RAW , kINVALID } |
enum class | ConfigSource : uint8_t { kBUILT_IN , kENV_VARIABLE , kUSER_DEFINED } |
Enum for source of the config file that's used in the mode. More... | |
enum class | DisplayViewTarget : uint8_t { kGLOBAL , kVIEWPORT , kFRAME_BUFFER , kMTL_EDITOR , kCOLOR_PICKER , kCOLOR_SWATCH , kNumDisplayViewTargets } |
Enum for identifying display/view pair targets. More... | |
enum class | OutputConversion : uint8_t { kNO_CONVERSION , kCOLOR_SPACE_CONVERSION , kDISPLAY_VIEWTRANSFORM } |
Enum for Output Color conversion options. More... | |
enum class | ColorSpaceFlags : uint32_t { kNONE = 0ul , kEXISTS = 1ul << 0 , kIS_DATA = 1ul << 1 , kHAS_FILETRANSFORM = 1ul << 2 } |
Flags that provide some information on color spaces. More than one flags can be present. More... | |
enum class | ListOptions : uint32_t { kNONE = 0ul , kUI_NAME = 1ul << 0 , kINCLUDE_ROLES = 1ul << 1 } |
Flags that can be passed to functions operating on lists (such as GetNumFileIOColorSpaces() ) to control the list content. More... | |