#define | MTL_IN_SCENE (1<<0) |
| The material is being used in the scene.
#define | MTL_BEING_EDITED (1<<1) |
| The material's parameters are being displayed in the Material Editor.
#define | MTL_SUB_BEING_EDITED (1<<2) |
| This material OR sub-material texmap is being displayed in the Material Editor.
#define | MTL_TEX_DISPLAY_ENABLED (1<<3) |
| Viewport display enabled for this material (see MTL_SUB_DISPLAY_ENABLED).
#define | MTL_MEDIT_BACKGROUND (1<<8) |
| Material has the background shown in Material Editor.
#define | MTL_MEDIT_BACKLIGHT (1<<9) |
| Material is backlight in the Material Editor.
#define | MTL_OBJTYPE_SHIFT 10 |
| Object type displayed in Material Editor.
#define | MTL_TILING_SHIFT 13 |
#define | MTL_MEDIT_VIDCHECK (1<<16) |
#define | MTL_BROWSE_OPEN1 (1<<18) |
| For internal use.
#define | MTL_BROWSE_OPEN2 (1<<19) |
| For internal use.
#define | MTL_SUB_DISPLAY_ENABLED (1<<20) |
| Indicates that texture display is enabled for map or material in this subtree.
#define | MTL_CLONED (1<<28) |
| Indicates material or texture was created by being cloned from another material or texture.
#define | MTL_HW_MAT_PRESENT (1<<29) |
#define | MTL_HW_MAT_ENABLED (1<<30) |
#define | MTL_WORK_FLAG (1<<31) |
| Interactive texture display enabled for THIS mtl base.
#define | MTL_HW_TEX_ENABLED (1<<17) |
| Indicates that the texture should be part of the realtime shader.
#define | MTLREQ_2SIDE (1<<0) |
| The material is 2-sided.
#define | MTLREQ_WIRE (1<<1) |
| The material is wire frame material.
#define | MTLREQ_WIRE_ABS (1<<2) |
| Wire frame material, absolute size.
#define | MTLREQ_TRANSP (1<<3) |
| The material uses transparency.
#define | MTLREQ_UV (1<<4) |
| The material requires UVW coordinates.
#define | MTLREQ_FACEMAP (1<<5) |
| The material uses "face map" UV coordinates.
#define | MTLREQ_XYZ (1<<6) |
| The material requires object XYZ coordinates.
#define | MTLREQ_OXYZ (1<<7) |
| The material requires object ORIGINAL XYZ coordinates.
#define | MTLREQ_BUMPUV (1<<8) |
| The Material requires UV bump vectors.
#define | MTLREQ_BGCOL (1<<9) |
| The material requires background color (e.g.
#define | MTLREQ_PHONG (1<<10) |
| The material requires interpolated normal.
#define | MTLREQ_AUTOREFLECT (1<<11) |
| The material needs to build auto-reflect map.
#define | MTLREQ_AUTOMIRROR (1<<12) |
| The material needs to build auto-mirror map.
#define | MTLREQ_NOATMOS (1<<13) |
| This is used by the Matte material for example.
#define | MTLREQ_ADDITIVE_TRANSP (1<<14) |
| Normally, if this is not specified, the background color is attenuated.
#define | MTLREQ_VIEW_DEP (1<<15) |
| Maps or materials which depend on the view should set this bit in their Requirements() method.
#define | MTLREQ_UV2 (1<<16) |
| The material requires second uv channel values (vertex colors).
#define | MTLREQ_BUMPUV2 (1<<17) |
| The material requires second uv channel bump vectors.
#define | MTLREQ_PREPRO (1<<18) |
| Pre-processing.
| No longer used.
#define | MTLREQ_DISPLACEMAP (1<<20) |
| Material has a Displacement map channel.
#define | MTLREQ_SUPERSAMPLE (1<<21) |
| This tells the scanline renderer that you want super sampling - the Standard material uses this.
#define | MTLREQ_WORLDCOORDS (1<<22) |
| This flag is set by UVGen and XYZGen when world coordinates are involved.
#define | MTLREQ_TRANSP_IN_VP (1<<23) |
| This flag should be returned true for any material that wants to be transparent in the viewport.
#define | MTLREQ_FACETED (1<<24) |
| The material should be rendered faceted in the viewports.
#define | MTLREQ_NOEXPOSURE (1<<25) |
| Do not do the tone-op (ie, for matte/shadow material, etc)
#define | MTLREQ_SS_GLOBAL (1<<26) |
| Material requires supersampling but use global sampler.
#define | MTLREQ_REND1 (1<<28) |
#define | MTLREQ_REND2 (1<<29) |
#define | MTLREQ_REND3 (1<<30) |
#define | MTLREQ_REND4 (1<<31) |