3ds Max C++ API Reference
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RenderEnums.h File Reference
#include "Types.h"
#include "GraphicsExport.h"
#include <WTypes.h>


namespace  MaxSDK
namespace  MaxSDK::Graphics




enum  PrimitiveType {
  PrimitivePointList , PrimitiveLineList , PrimitiveLineStrip , PrimitiveTriangleList ,
  PrimitiveTriangleStrip , PrimitiveLineListAdj , PrimitiveLineStripAdj , PrimitiveTriangleListAdj ,
  PrimitiveTriangleStripAdj , PrimitivePatchList1 , PrimitivePatchList2 , PrimitivePatchList3 ,
  PrimitivePatchList4 , PrimitivePatchList5 , PrimitivePatchList6 , PrimitivePatchList7 ,
  PrimitivePatchList8 , PrimitivePatchList9 , PrimitivePatchList10 , PrimitivePatchList11 ,
  PrimitivePatchList12 , PrimitivePatchList13 , PrimitivePatchList14 , PrimitivePatchList15 ,
  PrimitivePatchList16 , PrimitivePatchList17 , PrimitivePatchList18 , PrimitivePatchList19 ,
  PrimitivePatchList20 , PrimitivePatchList21 , PrimitivePatchList22 , PrimitivePatchList23 ,
  PrimitivePatchList24 , PrimitivePatchList25 , PrimitivePatchList26 , PrimitivePatchList27 ,
  PrimitivePatchList28 , PrimitivePatchList29 , PrimitivePatchList30 , PrimitivePatchList31 ,
  PrimitivePatchList32 , PrimitiveTypeCount
 Supported primitive types. More...
enum  BufferClearFlag { ClearBackbuffer = 0x1 , ClearDepthBuffer = 0x2 , ClearStencilBuffer = 0x4 , ClearAll = 0x7 }
 This flag describes the way to clear the current buffers. More...
enum  BlendSelector {
  BlendSelectorBlendFactor , BlendSelectorBothInvSourceAlpha , BlendSelectorBothSourceAlpha , BlendSelectorDestinationAlpha ,
  BlendSelectorDestinationColor , BlendSelectorInvBlendFactor , BlendSelectorInvDestinationAlpha , BlendSelectorInvDestinationColor ,
  BlendSelectorInvSourceAlpha , BlendSelectorInvSourceColor , BlendSelectorOne , BlendSelectorSourceAlpha ,
  BlendSelectorSourceAlphaSat , BlendSelectorSourceColor , BlendSelectorZero
 blend selector. More...
enum  CullMode { CullModeCW , CullModeCCW , CullModeNone }
 cull type. More...
enum  FillMode { FillSolid , FillWireFrame }
 fill mode for polygons More...
enum  CompareFunction {
  CompareFunctionAlways , CompareFunctionEqual , CompareFunctionGreater , CompareFunctionGreaterEqual ,
  CompareFunctionLess , CompareFunctionLessEqual , CompareFunctionNever , CompareFunctionNotEqual
 compare functions More...
enum  ColorWriteEnable {
  ColorWriteEnableNone = 0 , ColorWriteEnableAlpha = 0x8 , ColorWriteEnableBlue = 0x4 , ColorWriteEnableGreen = 0x2 ,
  ColorWriteEnableRed = 0x1 , ColorWriteEnableRedGreenBlue = 0x7 , ColorWriteEnableRedGreenBlueAlpha = 0xf , WRITEENABLE_FORCE_DWORD = 0x7fffffff
enum  BlendOperation {
  BlendOperationAdd , BlendOperationMax , BlendOperationMin , BlendOperationSubtract ,
 blend operations More...
enum  StencilOperationType {
  StencilOperationTypeDecrement = 8 , StencilOperationTypeDecrementSaturation = 5 , StencilOperationTypeIncrement = 7 , StencilOperationTypeIncrementSaturation = 4 ,
  StencilOperationTypeInvert = 6 , StencilOperationTypeKeep = 1 , StencilOperationTypeReplace = 3 , StencilOperationTypeZeroStencil = 2 ,
 Stencil buffer operation. More...
enum  AccessType {
  AccessTypeNone = 0x0 , ReadAcess = 0x1 , WriteAcess = 0x2 , ReadWriteAcess = ReadAcess | WriteAcess ,
 AccessType Types for accessing buffers. More...
enum  TargetFormat : int {
  TargetFormatUnkown , TargetFormatD24S8 , TargetFormatD24X8 , TargetFormatD32 ,
  TargetFormatDxt1 , TargetFormatDxt2 , TargetFormatDxt3 , TargetFormatDxt4 ,
  TargetFormatDxt5 , TargetFormatA8 , TargetFormatR8 , TargetFormatR16 ,
  TargetFormatR16F , TargetFormatA1R5G5B5 , TargetFormatR5G6B5 , TargetFormatR32F ,
  TargetFormatR16G16 , TargetFormatR16G16F , TargetFormatA8R8G8B8 , TargetFormatA8B8G8R8 ,
  TargetFormatX8B8G8R8 , TargetFormatA2B10G10R10 , TargetFormatR32G32F , TargetFormatA16B16G16R16 ,
  TargetFormatA16B16G16R16F , TargetFormatA32B32G32R32F , TargetFormatX8R8G8B8 , TargetFormatR32G32B32F ,
  TargetFormatR32UINT , TargetFormatR32SINT , TargetFormatCount
 TargetFormat indicates which type the target/texture is. More...
enum  GraphicFeatureLevel {
  Level_Unknown = 0 , Level_NULL = 5 , Level2_0 = 20 , Level2_1 = 21 ,
  Level3_0 = 30 , Level3_1 = 31 , Level4_0 = 40 , Level4_1 = 41 ,
  Level4_5 = 45 , Level5_0 = 50 , Level_Count = 9
 This enum specifies the feature levels device supported. More...
enum  TextureType {
  TextureTypeUnknown = 0 , TextureTypeImage1D = 1 , TextureTypeImage1DArray = 2 , TextureTypeImage2D = 3 ,
  TextureTypeImage2DArray = 4 , TextureTypeCubeMap = 5 , TextureTypeVolume = 6 , TextureTypeCount
 Texture type enums. More...
enum  ResourceUsage {
  ResourceUsageNormal = 0 , ResourceUsageDynamic = 1 , ResourceUsageStaging = 2 , ResourceUsageMask = 0xf ,
  ResourceUsageStream = 0x10 , ResourceUsageTarget = 0x20
 Resource usage, used for texture. More...
enum  QueryType {
  QueryType_Event = 8 , QueryType_Occlusion = 9 , QueryType_TimeStamp = 10 , QueryType_Occlusion_Test = 20 ,
  QueryType_SO_Overflow_Test = 21 , QueryType_SO_Stats = 22
 Enums for QueryHandle, indicates which query types to issue. More...


GraphicsDriverAPI DWORD GetDeviceCompatibleARGBColor (DWORD color)
 Use this function for TargetFormatA8R8G8B8 only.
GraphicsDriverAPI size_t GetTargetFormatPixelSize (TargetFormat format)
 Get the number of bytes for each pixel by a given target format.

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