3ds Max C++ API Reference
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IBipDriver Class Referenceabstract

#include <BipedApi.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for IBipDriver:

Public Member Functions

virtual ~IBipDriver ()
virtual void SetTrackSelection (int track)=0
virtual int GetTrackSelection ()=0
virtual void SaveBipFileDlg ()=0
virtual void LoadBipFileDlg ()=0
virtual int SaveFigfile (const MCHAR *fname)=0
virtual int SaveStpfile (const MCHAR *fname)=0
virtual int SaveBipfile (const MCHAR *fname, BOOL SaveListCntrls, BOOL SaveMaxObjects, Tab< SaveSubAnimInfo > *selectedControlers=NULL, Tab< INode * > *selectedNodes=NULL)=0
virtual int SaveBipfileSegment (const MCHAR *filenamebuf, int StartSeg, int EndSeg, int SegKeyPerFrame, BOOL SaveListCntrls, BOOL SaveMaxObjects, Tab< SaveSubAnimInfo > *selectedControlers=NULL, Tab< INode * > *selectedNodes=NULL)=0
virtual int LoadFigfile (const MCHAR *fname, BOOL redraw=false, BOOL msgs=false)=0
virtual int LoadBipStpfile (const MCHAR *fname, BOOL redraw, BOOL msgs, BOOL MatchFile=false, BOOL ZeroHgt=false, BOOL loadMaxObjects=false, BOOL promptForDuplicates=false, BOOL retargetHeight=false, BOOL retargetLimbSizes=false, BOOL scaleIKObjectSize=false, BOOL loadSubAnimControllers=false, Tab< const MCHAR * > *selectedNodes=NULL, Tab< LoadSubAnimInfo > *selectedControllers=NULL)=0
virtual int LoadMocapfile (const MCHAR *fname, BOOL redraw=false, BOOL msgs=false, BOOL prompt=false)=0
virtual BOOL IsCreating ()=0
virtual void BeginModes (DWORD modes, int redraw=TRUE)=0
virtual void EndModes (DWORD modes, int redraw=TRUE)=0
virtual DWORD GetActiveModes ()=0
virtual BOOL CanSwitchMode (DWORD mode)=0
virtual void ConvertToFreeForm (bool keyPerFrame=false)=0
virtual void ConvertToFootSteps (bool keyPerFrame=false, bool flattenToZ=true)=0
virtual DWORD GetDisplaySettings ()=0
virtual void SetDisplaySettings (DWORD disp)=0
virtual BOOL DoDisplayPrefDlg (HWND hParent)=0
virtual int GetBodyType ()=0
virtual void SetBodyType (int bodytype)=0
virtual int GetDynamicsType ()=0
virtual void SetDynamicsType (int dyn)=0
virtual float GetGravAccel ()=0
virtual void SetGravAccel (float grav)=0
virtual const MCHARGetRootName ()=0
virtual void SetRootName (const MCHAR *rootname, bool incAll=true)=0
virtual BOOL GetAdaptLocks (int id)=0
virtual void SetAdaptLocks (int id, BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL GetSeparateTracks (int id)=0
virtual void SeparateTracks (int id, BOOL separate)=0
virtual void SetBodySpaceNeckRotation (BOOL val)=0
virtual BOOL GetBodySpaceNeckRotation ()=0
virtual BOOL GetHasArms ()=0
virtual void SetHasArms (BOOL arms)=0
virtual int GetNumLinks (int keytrack)=0
virtual void SetNumLinks (int keytrack, int n)=0
virtual int GetNumFingers ()=0
virtual void SetNumFingers (int n)=0
virtual int GetNumToes ()=0
virtual void SetNumToes (int n)=0
virtual float GetAnkleAttach ()=0
virtual void SetAnkleAttach (float aa)=0
virtual float GetHeight ()=0
virtual void SetHeight (float h, BOOL KeepFeetOnGround=TRUE)=0
virtual BOOL GetTrianglePelvis ()=0
virtual void SetTrianglePelvis (BOOL tri)=0
virtual BOOL GetProp1Exists ()=0
virtual void SetProp1Exists (BOOL prop)=0
virtual BOOL GetProp2Exists ()=0
virtual void SetProp2Exists (BOOL prop)=0
virtual BOOL GetProp3Exists ()=0
virtual void SetProp3Exists (BOOL prop)=0
virtual BOOL ConvertFromBuffer ()=0
virtual BOOL PasteFromBuffer ()=0
virtual BOOL GetDispBuffer ()=0
virtual void SetDispBuffer (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL GetDispBufferTraj ()=0
virtual void SetDispBufferTraj (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL GetTalentFigMode ()=0
virtual void SetTalentFigMode (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual void AdjustTalentPose ()=0
virtual void SaveTalentFigFile (const MCHAR *fname)=0
virtual void SaveTalentPoseFile (const MCHAR *fname)=0
virtual BOOL GetFSAppendState ()=0
virtual void SetFSAppendState (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL GetFSInsertState ()=0
virtual void SetFSInsertState (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual int GetGaitMode ()=0
virtual void SetGaitMode (int mode)=0
virtual int GetGroundDur ()=0
virtual void SetGroundDur (int val)=0
virtual int GetAirDur ()=0
virtual void SetAirDur (int val)=0
virtual void DoMultipleFSDlg ()=0
virtual int AddFootprint (Point3 pos, float dir, Matrix3 mtx, int appendFS)=0
virtual void AddFootprints (MultFprintParams *Params)=0
virtual void NewFprintKeys ()=0
virtual void BendFootprints (float angle)=0
virtual void ScaleFootprints (float scale)=0
virtual IMoFlowGetMoFlow ()=0
virtual void UnifyMotion ()=0
virtual const MCHARGetClipAtTime (TimeValue t)=0
virtual IMixerGetMixer ()=0
virtual void SetAttachNode (INode *node)=0
virtual INodeGetAttachNode ()=0
virtual void SetHeadTarget (INode *node)=0
virtual INodeGetHeadTarget ()=0
virtual bool IsNodeDeleted ()=0
virtual Interval GetCurrentRange ()=0
virtual int GetMaxNodes ()=0
virtual int GetMaxLinks ()=0
virtual INodeGetNode (int id, int link=0)=0
virtual BOOL GetIdLink (INode *node, int &id, int &link)=0
virtual ControlGetHorizontalControl ()=0
virtual ControlGetVerticalControl ()=0
virtual ControlGetTurnControl ()=0
virtual void SetBipedKey (TimeValue t, INode *node=NULL, BOOL setHor=TRUE, BOOL setVer=TRUE, BOOL setTurn=TRUE)=0
virtual void SetPlantedKey (TimeValue t, INode *node=NULL)=0
virtual void SetSlidingKey (TimeValue t, INode *node=NULL)=0
virtual void SetFreeKey (TimeValue t, INode *node=NULL)=0
virtual ScaleValue GetBipedScale (TimeValue t, INode *node)=0
virtual Point3 GetBipedPos (TimeValue t, INode *node)=0
virtual Quat GetBipedRot (TimeValue t, INode *node, BOOL local=FALSE)=0
virtual void SetBipedScale (BOOL relative, const ScaleValue &scale, TimeValue t, INode *node)=0
virtual void SetBipedPos (const Point3 &p, TimeValue t, INode *node, BOOL setKey=TRUE)=0
virtual void SetBipedRot (const Quat &q, TimeValue t, INode *node, BOOL setKey=TRUE)=0
virtual void SetMultipleKeys ()=0
virtual void DoSetMultipleKeysDlg ()=0
virtual void ResetAllLimbKeys ()=0
virtual void CollapseMoveAllMode (BOOL msg)=0
virtual INodeGetRotParentNode (int id, int link)=0
virtual INodeGetPosParentNode (int id, int link)=0
virtual Quat GetParentNodeRot (TimeValue t, int id, int link)=0
virtual Point3 GetParentNodePos (TimeValue t, int id, int link)=0
virtual void GetClavicleVals (TimeValue t, int id, float &val1, float &val2)=0
virtual void GetHingeVal (TimeValue t, int id, float &val)=0
virtual void GetHorseAnkleVal (TimeValue, int id, float &val)=0
virtual void GetPelvisVal (TimeValue t, float &val)=0
virtual void GetFingerVal (TimeValue t, int id, int link, float &val)=0
virtual BOOL GetIKActive (TimeValue t, int id)=0
virtual int NumLayers ()=0
virtual void CreateLayer (int index, const MCHAR *name)=0
virtual void DeleteLayer (int index)=0
virtual bool CollapseAtLayer (int index)=0
virtual bool GetLayerActive (int index)=0
virtual void SetLayerActive (int index, bool onOff)=0
virtual const MCHARGetLayerName (int index)=0
virtual void SetLayerName (int index, const MCHAR *name)=0
virtual int GetCurrentLayer ()=0
virtual void SetCurrentLayer (int index)=0
virtual void UpdateLayers ()=0
virtual void SetSnapKey (TimeValue t, INode *node=NULL)=0
virtual int GetVisibleBefore ()=0
virtual void SetVisibleBefore (int val)=0
virtual int GetVisibleAfter ()=0
virtual void SetVisibleAfter (int val)=0
virtual bool GetKeyHighlight ()=0
virtual void SetKeyHighlight (bool onOff)=0
virtual void ClearPreferredClips ()=0
virtual bool AddPreferredClip (const MCHAR *clipname, int prob=100)=0
virtual bool DeletePreferredClip (const MCHAR *clipname)=0
virtual int IsPreferredClip (const MCHAR *clipname)=0
virtual const MCHARGetCurrentClip ()=0
virtual int NumPreferredClips ()=0
virtual const MCHARGetPreferredClip (int i)=0
virtual int GetPreferredClipProbability (int i)=0
virtual bool GetEnableSubAnims ()=0
virtual void SetEnableSubAnims (bool onOff)=0
virtual bool GetManipSubAnims ()=0
virtual void SetManipSubAnims (bool onOff)=0
virtual bool GetShowAllTracksInTV ()=0
virtual void SetShowAllTracksInTV (bool onOff)=0
virtual bool GetShowBipedInTrackBar ()=0
virtual void SetShowBipedInTrackBar (bool onOff)=0
virtual void Mirror ()=0
virtual void ClearAllAnimation ()=0
virtual void ClearSelectedAnimation ()=0
virtual void CreatePosSubAnims (Control *controlToClone, BOOL checkIfOneExists)=0
virtual void CreateRotSubAnims (Control *controlToClone, BOOL checkIfOneExists)=0
virtual void CreateScaleSubAnims (Control *controlToClone, BOOL checkIfOneExists)=0
virtual void SetPosSubAnim (const Point3 &p, TimeValue t, INode *node, BOOL absolute)=0
virtual void SetRotSubAnim (const Quat &q, TimeValue t, INode *node, BOOL absolute)=0
virtual void SetScaleSubAnim (const ScaleValue &s, TimeValue t, INode *node)=0
virtual void CollapseAllPosSubAnims (BOOL perFrame, BOOL keep)=0
virtual void CollapseAllRotSubAnims (BOOL perFrame, BOOL keep)=0
virtual void CollapseRotSubAnims (BOOL perFrame, BOOL keep, INode *node)=0
virtual void CollapsePosSubAnims (BOOL perFrame, BOOL keep, INode *node)=0
virtual const MCHARCopyPosture (int copyType, BOOL copyHor, BOOL copyVer, BOOL copyTurn)=0
virtual BOOL PastePosture (int copyType, int opposite, const MCHAR *name)=0
virtual void DeleteAllCopies (int copyType, BOOL holdIt=true)=0
virtual int NumCopies (int copyType)=0
virtual void DeleteCopy (int copyType, const MCHAR *name)=0
virtual const MCHARGetCopyName (int copyType, int index)=0
virtual void SetCopyName (int copyType, int index, const MCHAR *newName)=0
virtual BOOL SaveCopyPasteFile (const MCHAR *fname)=0
virtual BOOL LoadCopyPasteFile (const MCHAR *fname)=0

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MaxHeapOperators
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size)
 Standard new operator used to allocate objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard new operator used to allocate objects if there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an object If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an object If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown.
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, void *placement_ptr)
 Placement new operator.
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, void *placement_ptr)
 Placement delete operator.
static UtilExport voidaligned_malloc (size_t size, size_t alignment)
 Allocates memory on a specified alignment boundary.
static UtilExport voidaligned_realloc (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t alignment)
 Reallocates memory on a specified alignment boundary.
static UtilExport void aligned_free (void *ptr)
 Frees a block of memory that was allocated with aligned_malloc/aligned_realloc.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~IBipDriver()

virtual ~IBipDriver ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ SetTrackSelection()

virtual void SetTrackSelection ( int  track)
pure virtual

◆ GetTrackSelection()

virtual int GetTrackSelection ( )
pure virtual

◆ SaveBipFileDlg()

virtual void SaveBipFileDlg ( )
pure virtual

◆ LoadBipFileDlg()

virtual void LoadBipFileDlg ( )
pure virtual

◆ SaveFigfile()

virtual int SaveFigfile ( const MCHAR fname)
pure virtual

◆ SaveStpfile()

virtual int SaveStpfile ( const MCHAR fname)
pure virtual

◆ SaveBipfile()

virtual int SaveBipfile ( const MCHAR fname,
BOOL  SaveListCntrls,
BOOL  SaveMaxObjects,
Tab< SaveSubAnimInfo > *  selectedControlers = NULL,
Tab< INode * > *  selectedNodes = NULL 
pure virtual

◆ SaveBipfileSegment()

virtual int SaveBipfileSegment ( const MCHAR filenamebuf,
int  StartSeg,
int  EndSeg,
int  SegKeyPerFrame,
BOOL  SaveListCntrls,
BOOL  SaveMaxObjects,
Tab< SaveSubAnimInfo > *  selectedControlers = NULL,
Tab< INode * > *  selectedNodes = NULL 
pure virtual

◆ LoadFigfile()

virtual int LoadFigfile ( const MCHAR fname,
BOOL  redraw = false,
BOOL  msgs = false 
pure virtual

◆ LoadBipStpfile()

virtual int LoadBipStpfile ( const MCHAR fname,
BOOL  redraw,
BOOL  msgs,
BOOL  MatchFile = false,
BOOL  ZeroHgt = false,
BOOL  loadMaxObjects = false,
BOOL  promptForDuplicates = false,
BOOL  retargetHeight = false,
BOOL  retargetLimbSizes = false,
BOOL  scaleIKObjectSize = false,
BOOL  loadSubAnimControllers = false,
Tab< const MCHAR * > *  selectedNodes = NULL,
Tab< LoadSubAnimInfo > *  selectedControllers = NULL 
pure virtual

◆ LoadMocapfile()

virtual int LoadMocapfile ( const MCHAR fname,
BOOL  redraw = false,
BOOL  msgs = false,
BOOL  prompt = false 
pure virtual

◆ IsCreating()

virtual BOOL IsCreating ( )
pure virtual

◆ BeginModes()

virtual void BeginModes ( DWORD  modes,
int  redraw = TRUE 
pure virtual

◆ EndModes()

virtual void EndModes ( DWORD  modes,
int  redraw = TRUE 
pure virtual

◆ GetActiveModes()

virtual DWORD GetActiveModes ( )
pure virtual

◆ CanSwitchMode()

virtual BOOL CanSwitchMode ( DWORD  mode)
pure virtual

◆ ConvertToFreeForm()

virtual void ConvertToFreeForm ( bool  keyPerFrame = false)
pure virtual

◆ ConvertToFootSteps()

virtual void ConvertToFootSteps ( bool  keyPerFrame = false,
bool  flattenToZ = true 
pure virtual

◆ GetDisplaySettings()

virtual DWORD GetDisplaySettings ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetDisplaySettings()

virtual void SetDisplaySettings ( DWORD  disp)
pure virtual

◆ DoDisplayPrefDlg()

virtual BOOL DoDisplayPrefDlg ( HWND  hParent)
pure virtual

◆ GetBodyType()

virtual int GetBodyType ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetBodyType()

virtual void SetBodyType ( int  bodytype)
pure virtual

◆ GetDynamicsType()

virtual int GetDynamicsType ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetDynamicsType()

virtual void SetDynamicsType ( int  dyn)
pure virtual

◆ GetGravAccel()

virtual float GetGravAccel ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetGravAccel()

virtual void SetGravAccel ( float  grav)
pure virtual

◆ GetRootName()

virtual const MCHAR * GetRootName ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetRootName()

virtual void SetRootName ( const MCHAR rootname,
bool  incAll = true 
pure virtual

◆ GetAdaptLocks()

virtual BOOL GetAdaptLocks ( int  id)
pure virtual

◆ SetAdaptLocks()

virtual void SetAdaptLocks ( int  id,
BOOL  onOff 
pure virtual

◆ GetSeparateTracks()

virtual BOOL GetSeparateTracks ( int  id)
pure virtual

◆ SeparateTracks()

virtual void SeparateTracks ( int  id,
BOOL  separate 
pure virtual

◆ SetBodySpaceNeckRotation()

virtual void SetBodySpaceNeckRotation ( BOOL  val)
pure virtual

◆ GetBodySpaceNeckRotation()

virtual BOOL GetBodySpaceNeckRotation ( )
pure virtual

◆ GetHasArms()

virtual BOOL GetHasArms ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetHasArms()

virtual void SetHasArms ( BOOL  arms)
pure virtual

◆ GetNumLinks()

virtual int GetNumLinks ( int  keytrack)
pure virtual

◆ SetNumLinks()

virtual void SetNumLinks ( int  keytrack,
int  n 
pure virtual

◆ GetNumFingers()

virtual int GetNumFingers ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetNumFingers()

virtual void SetNumFingers ( int  n)
pure virtual

◆ GetNumToes()

virtual int GetNumToes ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetNumToes()

virtual void SetNumToes ( int  n)
pure virtual

◆ GetAnkleAttach()

virtual float GetAnkleAttach ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetAnkleAttach()

virtual void SetAnkleAttach ( float  aa)
pure virtual

◆ GetHeight()

virtual float GetHeight ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetHeight()

virtual void SetHeight ( float  h,
BOOL  KeepFeetOnGround = TRUE 
pure virtual

◆ GetTrianglePelvis()

virtual BOOL GetTrianglePelvis ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetTrianglePelvis()

virtual void SetTrianglePelvis ( BOOL  tri)
pure virtual

◆ GetProp1Exists()

virtual BOOL GetProp1Exists ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetProp1Exists()

virtual void SetProp1Exists ( BOOL  prop)
pure virtual

◆ GetProp2Exists()

virtual BOOL GetProp2Exists ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetProp2Exists()

virtual void SetProp2Exists ( BOOL  prop)
pure virtual

◆ GetProp3Exists()

virtual BOOL GetProp3Exists ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetProp3Exists()

virtual void SetProp3Exists ( BOOL  prop)
pure virtual

◆ ConvertFromBuffer()

virtual BOOL ConvertFromBuffer ( )
pure virtual

◆ PasteFromBuffer()

virtual BOOL PasteFromBuffer ( )
pure virtual

◆ GetDispBuffer()

virtual BOOL GetDispBuffer ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetDispBuffer()

virtual void SetDispBuffer ( BOOL  onOff)
pure virtual

◆ GetDispBufferTraj()

virtual BOOL GetDispBufferTraj ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetDispBufferTraj()

virtual void SetDispBufferTraj ( BOOL  onOff)
pure virtual

◆ GetTalentFigMode()

virtual BOOL GetTalentFigMode ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetTalentFigMode()

virtual void SetTalentFigMode ( BOOL  onOff)
pure virtual

◆ AdjustTalentPose()

virtual void AdjustTalentPose ( )
pure virtual

◆ SaveTalentFigFile()

virtual void SaveTalentFigFile ( const MCHAR fname)
pure virtual

◆ SaveTalentPoseFile()

virtual void SaveTalentPoseFile ( const MCHAR fname)
pure virtual

◆ GetFSAppendState()

virtual BOOL GetFSAppendState ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetFSAppendState()

virtual void SetFSAppendState ( BOOL  onOff)
pure virtual

◆ GetFSInsertState()

virtual BOOL GetFSInsertState ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetFSInsertState()

virtual void SetFSInsertState ( BOOL  onOff)
pure virtual

◆ GetGaitMode()

virtual int GetGaitMode ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetGaitMode()

virtual void SetGaitMode ( int  mode)
pure virtual

◆ GetGroundDur()

virtual int GetGroundDur ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetGroundDur()

virtual void SetGroundDur ( int  val)
pure virtual

◆ GetAirDur()

virtual int GetAirDur ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetAirDur()

virtual void SetAirDur ( int  val)
pure virtual

◆ DoMultipleFSDlg()

virtual void DoMultipleFSDlg ( )
pure virtual

◆ AddFootprint()

virtual int AddFootprint ( Point3  pos,
float  dir,
Matrix3  mtx,
int  appendFS 
pure virtual

◆ AddFootprints()

virtual void AddFootprints ( MultFprintParams Params)
pure virtual

◆ NewFprintKeys()

virtual void NewFprintKeys ( )
pure virtual

◆ BendFootprints()

virtual void BendFootprints ( float  angle)
pure virtual

◆ ScaleFootprints()

virtual void ScaleFootprints ( float  scale)
pure virtual

◆ GetMoFlow()

virtual IMoFlow * GetMoFlow ( )
pure virtual

◆ UnifyMotion()

virtual void UnifyMotion ( )
pure virtual

◆ GetClipAtTime()

virtual const MCHAR * GetClipAtTime ( TimeValue  t)
pure virtual

◆ GetMixer()

virtual IMixer * GetMixer ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetAttachNode()

virtual void SetAttachNode ( INode node)
pure virtual

◆ GetAttachNode()

virtual INode * GetAttachNode ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetHeadTarget()

virtual void SetHeadTarget ( INode node)
pure virtual

◆ GetHeadTarget()

virtual INode * GetHeadTarget ( )
pure virtual

◆ IsNodeDeleted()

virtual bool IsNodeDeleted ( )
pure virtual

◆ GetCurrentRange()

virtual Interval GetCurrentRange ( )
pure virtual

◆ GetMaxNodes()

virtual int GetMaxNodes ( )
pure virtual

◆ GetMaxLinks()

virtual int GetMaxLinks ( )
pure virtual

◆ GetNode()

virtual INode * GetNode ( int  id,
int  link = 0 
pure virtual

◆ GetIdLink()

virtual BOOL GetIdLink ( INode node,
int id,
int link 
pure virtual

◆ GetHorizontalControl()

virtual Control * GetHorizontalControl ( )
pure virtual

◆ GetVerticalControl()

virtual Control * GetVerticalControl ( )
pure virtual

◆ GetTurnControl()

virtual Control * GetTurnControl ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetBipedKey()

virtual void SetBipedKey ( TimeValue  t,
INode node = NULL,
BOOL  setHor = TRUE,
BOOL  setVer = TRUE,
BOOL  setTurn = TRUE 
pure virtual

◆ SetPlantedKey()

virtual void SetPlantedKey ( TimeValue  t,
INode node = NULL 
pure virtual

◆ SetSlidingKey()

virtual void SetSlidingKey ( TimeValue  t,
INode node = NULL 
pure virtual

◆ SetFreeKey()

virtual void SetFreeKey ( TimeValue  t,
INode node = NULL 
pure virtual

◆ GetBipedScale()

virtual ScaleValue GetBipedScale ( TimeValue  t,
INode node 
pure virtual

◆ GetBipedPos()

virtual Point3 GetBipedPos ( TimeValue  t,
INode node 
pure virtual

◆ GetBipedRot()

virtual Quat GetBipedRot ( TimeValue  t,
INode node,
BOOL  local = FALSE 
pure virtual

◆ SetBipedScale()

virtual void SetBipedScale ( BOOL  relative,
const ScaleValue scale,
TimeValue  t,
INode node 
pure virtual

◆ SetBipedPos()

virtual void SetBipedPos ( const Point3 &  p,
TimeValue  t,
INode node,
BOOL  setKey = TRUE 
pure virtual

◆ SetBipedRot()

virtual void SetBipedRot ( const Quat &  q,
TimeValue  t,
INode node,
BOOL  setKey = TRUE 
pure virtual

◆ SetMultipleKeys()

virtual void SetMultipleKeys ( )
pure virtual

◆ DoSetMultipleKeysDlg()

virtual void DoSetMultipleKeysDlg ( )
pure virtual

◆ ResetAllLimbKeys()

virtual void ResetAllLimbKeys ( )
pure virtual

◆ CollapseMoveAllMode()

virtual void CollapseMoveAllMode ( BOOL  msg)
pure virtual

◆ GetRotParentNode()

virtual INode * GetRotParentNode ( int  id,
int  link 
pure virtual

◆ GetPosParentNode()

virtual INode * GetPosParentNode ( int  id,
int  link 
pure virtual

◆ GetParentNodeRot()

virtual Quat GetParentNodeRot ( TimeValue  t,
int  id,
int  link 
pure virtual

◆ GetParentNodePos()

virtual Point3 GetParentNodePos ( TimeValue  t,
int  id,
int  link 
pure virtual

◆ GetClavicleVals()

virtual void GetClavicleVals ( TimeValue  t,
int  id,
float &  val1,
float &  val2 
pure virtual

◆ GetHingeVal()

virtual void GetHingeVal ( TimeValue  t,
int  id,
float &  val 
pure virtual

◆ GetHorseAnkleVal()

virtual void GetHorseAnkleVal ( TimeValue  ,
int  id,
float &  val 
pure virtual

◆ GetPelvisVal()

virtual void GetPelvisVal ( TimeValue  t,
float &  val 
pure virtual

◆ GetFingerVal()

virtual void GetFingerVal ( TimeValue  t,
int  id,
int  link,
float &  val 
pure virtual

◆ GetIKActive()

virtual BOOL GetIKActive ( TimeValue  t,
int  id 
pure virtual

◆ NumLayers()

virtual int NumLayers ( )
pure virtual

◆ CreateLayer()

virtual void CreateLayer ( int  index,
const MCHAR name 
pure virtual

◆ DeleteLayer()

virtual void DeleteLayer ( int  index)
pure virtual

◆ CollapseAtLayer()

virtual bool CollapseAtLayer ( int  index)
pure virtual

◆ GetLayerActive()

virtual bool GetLayerActive ( int  index)
pure virtual

◆ SetLayerActive()

virtual void SetLayerActive ( int  index,
bool  onOff 
pure virtual

◆ GetLayerName()

virtual const MCHAR * GetLayerName ( int  index)
pure virtual

◆ SetLayerName()

virtual void SetLayerName ( int  index,
const MCHAR name 
pure virtual

◆ GetCurrentLayer()

virtual int GetCurrentLayer ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetCurrentLayer()

virtual void SetCurrentLayer ( int  index)
pure virtual

◆ UpdateLayers()

virtual void UpdateLayers ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetSnapKey()

virtual void SetSnapKey ( TimeValue  t,
INode node = NULL 
pure virtual

◆ GetVisibleBefore()

virtual int GetVisibleBefore ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetVisibleBefore()

virtual void SetVisibleBefore ( int  val)
pure virtual

◆ GetVisibleAfter()

virtual int GetVisibleAfter ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetVisibleAfter()

virtual void SetVisibleAfter ( int  val)
pure virtual

◆ GetKeyHighlight()

virtual bool GetKeyHighlight ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetKeyHighlight()

virtual void SetKeyHighlight ( bool  onOff)
pure virtual

◆ ClearPreferredClips()

virtual void ClearPreferredClips ( )
pure virtual

◆ AddPreferredClip()

virtual bool AddPreferredClip ( const MCHAR clipname,
int  prob = 100 
pure virtual

◆ DeletePreferredClip()

virtual bool DeletePreferredClip ( const MCHAR clipname)
pure virtual

◆ IsPreferredClip()

virtual int IsPreferredClip ( const MCHAR clipname)
pure virtual

◆ GetCurrentClip()

virtual const MCHAR * GetCurrentClip ( )
pure virtual

◆ NumPreferredClips()

virtual int NumPreferredClips ( )
pure virtual

◆ GetPreferredClip()

virtual const MCHAR * GetPreferredClip ( int  i)
pure virtual

◆ GetPreferredClipProbability()

virtual int GetPreferredClipProbability ( int  i)
pure virtual

◆ GetEnableSubAnims()

virtual bool GetEnableSubAnims ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetEnableSubAnims()

virtual void SetEnableSubAnims ( bool  onOff)
pure virtual

◆ GetManipSubAnims()

virtual bool GetManipSubAnims ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetManipSubAnims()

virtual void SetManipSubAnims ( bool  onOff)
pure virtual

◆ GetShowAllTracksInTV()

virtual bool GetShowAllTracksInTV ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetShowAllTracksInTV()

virtual void SetShowAllTracksInTV ( bool  onOff)
pure virtual

◆ GetShowBipedInTrackBar()

virtual bool GetShowBipedInTrackBar ( )
pure virtual

◆ SetShowBipedInTrackBar()

virtual void SetShowBipedInTrackBar ( bool  onOff)
pure virtual

◆ Mirror()

virtual void Mirror ( )
pure virtual

◆ ClearAllAnimation()

virtual void ClearAllAnimation ( )
pure virtual

◆ ClearSelectedAnimation()

virtual void ClearSelectedAnimation ( )
pure virtual

◆ CreatePosSubAnims()

virtual void CreatePosSubAnims ( Control controlToClone,
BOOL  checkIfOneExists 
pure virtual

◆ CreateRotSubAnims()

virtual void CreateRotSubAnims ( Control controlToClone,
BOOL  checkIfOneExists 
pure virtual

◆ CreateScaleSubAnims()

virtual void CreateScaleSubAnims ( Control controlToClone,
BOOL  checkIfOneExists 
pure virtual

◆ SetPosSubAnim()

virtual void SetPosSubAnim ( const Point3 &  p,
TimeValue  t,
INode node,
BOOL  absolute 
pure virtual

◆ SetRotSubAnim()

virtual void SetRotSubAnim ( const Quat &  q,
TimeValue  t,
INode node,
BOOL  absolute 
pure virtual

◆ SetScaleSubAnim()

virtual void SetScaleSubAnim ( const ScaleValue s,
TimeValue  t,
INode node 
pure virtual

◆ CollapseAllPosSubAnims()

virtual void CollapseAllPosSubAnims ( BOOL  perFrame,
BOOL  keep 
pure virtual

◆ CollapseAllRotSubAnims()

virtual void CollapseAllRotSubAnims ( BOOL  perFrame,
BOOL  keep 
pure virtual

◆ CollapseRotSubAnims()

virtual void CollapseRotSubAnims ( BOOL  perFrame,
BOOL  keep,
INode node 
pure virtual

◆ CollapsePosSubAnims()

virtual void CollapsePosSubAnims ( BOOL  perFrame,
BOOL  keep,
INode node 
pure virtual

◆ CopyPosture()

virtual const MCHAR * CopyPosture ( int  copyType,
BOOL  copyHor,
BOOL  copyVer,
BOOL  copyTurn 
pure virtual

◆ PastePosture()

virtual BOOL PastePosture ( int  copyType,
int  opposite,
const MCHAR name 
pure virtual

◆ DeleteAllCopies()

virtual void DeleteAllCopies ( int  copyType,
BOOL  holdIt = true 
pure virtual

◆ NumCopies()

virtual int NumCopies ( int  copyType)
pure virtual

◆ DeleteCopy()

virtual void DeleteCopy ( int  copyType,
const MCHAR name 
pure virtual

◆ GetCopyName()

virtual const MCHAR * GetCopyName ( int  copyType,
int  index 
pure virtual

◆ SetCopyName()

virtual void SetCopyName ( int  copyType,
int  index,
const MCHAR newName 
pure virtual

◆ SaveCopyPasteFile()

virtual BOOL SaveCopyPasteFile ( const MCHAR fname)
pure virtual

◆ LoadCopyPasteFile()

virtual BOOL LoadCopyPasteFile ( const MCHAR fname)
pure virtual