| FN_0 (kGetParticleContainer, TYPE_IOBJECT, GetParticleContainer) |
| FN_0 (kGetParticleSystem, TYPE_OBJECT, GetParticleSystem) |
| FN_0 (kGetParticleSystemNode, TYPE_INODE, GetParticleSystemNode) |
| FN_0 (kGetInitActions, TYPE_OBJECT_TAB_BR, GetInitActions) |
| FN_0 (kGetInitActionNodes, TYPE_INODE_TAB_BR, GetInitActionNodes) |
| FN_0 (kGetTimeStart, TYPE_TIMEVALUE, GetTimeStart) |
| FN_0 (kGetTimeEnd, TYPE_TIMEVALUE, GetTimeEnd) |
| VFN_1 (kSetTimeEnd, SetTimeEnd, TYPE_TIMEVALUE) |
| VFN_2 (kSetTimeEndPrecise, SetTimeEnd, TYPE_TIMEVALUE, TYPE_FLOAT) |
| FN_0 (kGetActionNode, TYPE_INODE, GetActionNode) |
| FN_0 (kGetIntegrator, TYPE_INTERFACE, GetIntegrator) |
| FN_0 (kRandSign, TYPE_INT, RandSign) |
| FN_0 (kRand01, TYPE_FLOAT, Rand01) |
| FN_0 (kRand11, TYPE_FLOAT, Rand11) |
| FN_0 (kRand55, TYPE_FLOAT, Rand55) |
| FN_1 (kRand0X, TYPE_INT, Rand0X, TYPE_INT) |
| FN_0 (kRandSpherePoint, TYPE_POINT3, RandSpherePoint) |
| FN_2 (kRandDivergeVector, TYPE_POINT3, RandDivergeVector, TYPE_POINT3, TYPE_ANGLE) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetUseTime, GetUseTime, kSetUseTime, SetUseTime, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetUseAge, GetUseAge, kSetUseAge, SetUseAge, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetUseLifespan, GetUseLifespan, kSetUseLifespan, SetUseLifespan, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetUseEventTime, GetUseEventTime, kSetUseEventTime, SetUseEventTime, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetUsePosition, GetUsePosition, kSetUsePosition, SetUsePosition, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetUseSpeed, GetUseSpeed, kSetUseSpeed, SetUseSpeed, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetUseAcceleration, GetUseAcceleration, kSetUseAcceleration, SetUseAcceleration, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetUseOrientation, GetUseOrientation, kSetUseOrientation, SetUseOrientation, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetUseSpin, GetUseSpin, kSetUseSpin, SetUseSpin, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetUseScale, GetUseScale, kSetUseScale, SetUseScale, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetUseTM, GetUseTM, kSetUseTM, SetUseTM, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetUseSelected, GetUseSelected, kSetUseSelected, SetUseSelected, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetUseShape, GetUseShape, kSetUseShape, SetUseShape, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetUseMtlIndex, GetUseMtlIndex, kSetUseMtlIndex, SetUseMtlIndex, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetUseMapping, GetUseMapping, kSetUseMapping, SetUseMapping, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetUseInt, GetUseInt, kSetUseInt, SetUseInt, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetUseFloat, GetUseFloat, kSetUseFloat, SetUseFloat, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetUseVector, GetUseVector, kSetUseVector, SetUseVector, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetUseMatrix, GetUseMatrix, kSetUseMatrix, SetUseMatrix, TYPE_bool) |
| FN_0 (kNumParticles, TYPE_INT, NumParticles) |
| FN_0 (kAddParticle, TYPE_bool, AddParticle) |
| FN_1 (kAddParticles, TYPE_bool, AddParticles, TYPE_INT) |
| FN_1 (kDeleteParticle, TYPE_bool, DeleteParticle, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_2 (kDeleteParticles, TYPE_bool, DeleteParticles, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INT) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, GetParticleBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_2 (kHasParticleBornIndex, TYPE_bool, HasParticleBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INDEX_BR) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetCurrentParticleIndex, GetCurrentParticleIndex, kSetCurrentParticleIndex, SetCurrentParticleIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetCurrentParticleBornIndex, GetCurrentParticleBornIndex, kSetCurrentParticleBornIndex, SetCurrentParticleBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kIsParticleNewByIndex, TYPE_bool, IsParticleNewByIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kIsParticleNewByBornIndex, TYPE_bool, IsParticleNewByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| RO_PROP_FN (kIsParticleNew, IsParticleNew, TYPE_bool) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleTimeByIndex, TYPE_TIMEVALUE, GetParticleTimeByIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleTimeByBornIndex, TYPE_TIMEVALUE, GetParticleTimeByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleTimeByIndex, SetParticleTimeByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_TIMEVALUE) |
| VFN_3 (kSetParticleTimePreciseByIndex, SetParticleTimeByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_TIMEVALUE, TYPE_FLOAT) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleTimeByBornIndex, SetParticleTimeByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_TIMEVALUE) |
| VFN_3 (kSetParticleTimePreciseByBornIndex, SetParticleTimeByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_TIMEVALUE, TYPE_FLOAT) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetParticleTime, GetParticleTime, kSetParticleTime, SetParticleTime, TYPE_TIMEVALUE) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleAgeByIndex, TYPE_TIMEVALUE, GetParticleAgeByIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleAgeByBornIndex, TYPE_TIMEVALUE, GetParticleAgeByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleAgeByIndex, SetParticleAgeByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_TIMEVALUE) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleAgeByBornIndex, SetParticleAgeByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_TIMEVALUE) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetParticleAge, GetParticleAge, kSetParticleAge, SetParticleAge, TYPE_TIMEVALUE) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleLifespanByIndex, TYPE_TIMEVALUE, GetParticleLifespanByIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleLifespanByBornIndex, TYPE_TIMEVALUE, GetParticleLifespanByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleLifespanByIndex, SetParticleLifespanByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_TIMEVALUE) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleLifespanByBornIndex, SetParticleLifespanByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_TIMEVALUE) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetParticleLifespan, GetParticleLifespan, kSetParticleLifespan, SetParticleLifespan, TYPE_TIMEVALUE) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleEventTimeByIndex, TYPE_TIMEVALUE, GetParticleEventTimeByIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleEventTimeByBornIndex, TYPE_TIMEVALUE, GetParticleEventTimeByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleEventTimeByIndex, SetParticleEventTimeByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_TIMEVALUE) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleEventTimeByBornIndex, SetParticleEventTimeByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_TIMEVALUE) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetParticleEventTime, GetParticleEventTime, kSetParticleEventTime, SetParticleEventTime, TYPE_TIMEVALUE) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticlePositionByIndex, TYPE_POINT3, GetParticlePositionByIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticlePositionByBornIndex, TYPE_POINT3, GetParticlePositionByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticlePositionByIndex, SetParticlePositionByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_POINT3) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticlePositionByBornIndex, SetParticlePositionByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_POINT3) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetParticlePosition, GetParticlePosition, kSetParticlePosition, SetParticlePosition, TYPE_POINT3) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleSpeedByIndex, TYPE_POINT3, GetParticleSpeedByIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleSpeedByBornIndex, TYPE_POINT3, GetParticleSpeedByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleSpeedByIndex, SetParticleSpeedByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_POINT3) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleSpeedByBornIndex, SetParticleSpeedByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_POINT3) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetParticleSpeed, GetParticleSpeed, kSetParticleSpeed, SetParticleSpeed, TYPE_POINT3) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleAccelerationByIndex, TYPE_POINT3, GetParticleAccelerationByIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleAccelerationByBornIndex, TYPE_POINT3, GetParticleAccelerationByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleAccelerationByIndex, SetParticleAccelerationByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_POINT3) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleAccelerationByBornIndex, SetParticleAccelerationByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_POINT3) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetParticleAcceleration, GetParticleAcceleration, kSetParticleAcceleration, SetParticleAcceleration, TYPE_POINT3) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleOrientationByIndex, TYPE_POINT3, GetParticleOrientationByIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleOrientationByBornIndex, TYPE_POINT3, GetParticleOrientationByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleOrientationByIndex, SetParticleOrientationByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_POINT3) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleOrientationByBornIndex, SetParticleOrientationByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_POINT3) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetParticleOrientation, GetParticleOrientation, kSetParticleOrientation, SetParticleOrientation, TYPE_POINT3) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleSpinByIndex, TYPE_ANGAXIS, GetParticleSpinByIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleSpinByBornIndex, TYPE_ANGAXIS, GetParticleSpinByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleSpinByIndex, SetParticleSpinByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_ANGAXIS) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleSpinByBornIndex, SetParticleSpinByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_ANGAXIS) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetParticleSpin, GetParticleSpin, kSetParticleSpin, SetParticleSpin, TYPE_ANGAXIS) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleScaleByIndex, TYPE_FLOAT, GetParticleScaleByIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleScaleByBornIndex, TYPE_FLOAT, GetParticleScaleByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleScaleByIndex, SetParticleScaleByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_FLOAT) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleScaleByBornIndex, SetParticleScaleByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_FLOAT) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetParticleScale, GetParticleScale, kSetParticleScale, SetParticleScale, TYPE_FLOAT) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleScaleXYZByIndex, TYPE_POINT3, GetParticleScaleXYZByIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleScaleXYZByBornIndex, TYPE_POINT3, GetParticleScaleXYZByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleScaleXYZByIndex, SetParticleScaleXYZByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_POINT3) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleScaleXYZByBornIndex, SetParticleScaleXYZByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_POINT3) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetParticleScaleXYZ, GetParticleScaleXYZ, kSetParticleScaleXYZ, SetParticleScaleXYZ, TYPE_POINT3) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleTMByIndex, TYPE_MATRIX3, GetParticleTMByIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleTMByBornIndex, TYPE_MATRIX3, GetParticleTMByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleTMByIndex, SetParticleTMByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_MATRIX3) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleTMByBornIndex, SetParticleTMByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_MATRIX3) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetParticleTM, GetParticleTM, kSetParticleTM, SetParticleTM, TYPE_MATRIX3) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleSelectedByIndex, TYPE_bool, GetParticleSelectedByIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleSelectedByBornIndex, TYPE_bool, GetParticleSelectedByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleSelectedByIndex, SetParticleSelectedByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_bool) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleSelectedByBornIndex, SetParticleSelectedByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetParticleSelected, GetParticleSelected, kSetParticleSelected, SetParticleSelected, TYPE_bool) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleShapeByIndex, TYPE_MESH, GetParticleShapeByIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleShapeByBornIndex, TYPE_MESH, GetParticleShapeByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleShapeByIndex, SetParticleShapeByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_MESH) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleShapeByBornIndex, SetParticleShapeByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_MESH) |
| VFN_1 (kSetGlobalParticleShape, SetGlobalParticleShape, TYPE_MESH) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetParticleShape, GetParticleShape, kSetParticleShape, SetParticleShape, TYPE_MESH) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleMtlIndexByIndex, SetParticleMtlIndexByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleMtlIndexByBornIndex, SetParticleMtlIndexByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_1 (kSetGlobalParticleMtlIndex, SetParticleMtlIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_3 (kSetParticleMappingByIndex, SetParticleMappingByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INT, TYPE_POINT3) |
| VFN_3 (kSetParticleMappingByBornIndex, SetParticleMappingByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INT, TYPE_POINT3) |
| VFN_2 (kSetGlobalParticleMapping, SetParticleMapping, TYPE_INT, TYPE_POINT3) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleIntByIndex, TYPE_INT, GetParticleIntByIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleIntByBornIndex, TYPE_INT, GetParticleIntByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleIntByIndex, SetParticleIntByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INT) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleIntByBornIndex, SetParticleIntByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_INT) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetParticleInt, GetParticleInt, kSetParticleInt, SetParticleInt, TYPE_INT) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleFloatByIndex, TYPE_FLOAT, GetParticleFloatByIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleFloatByBornIndex, TYPE_FLOAT, GetParticleFloatByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleFloatByIndex, SetParticleFloatByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_FLOAT) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleFloatByBornIndex, SetParticleFloatByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_FLOAT) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetParticleFloat, GetParticleFloat, kSetParticleFloat, SetParticleFloat, TYPE_FLOAT) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleVectorByIndex, TYPE_POINT3, GetParticleVectorByIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleVectorByBornIndex, TYPE_POINT3, GetParticleVectorByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleVectorByIndex, SetParticleVectorByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_POINT3) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleVectorByBornIndex, SetParticleVectorByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_POINT3) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetParticleVector, GetParticleVector, kSetParticleVector, SetParticleVector, TYPE_POINT3) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleMatrixByIndex, TYPE_MATRIX3, GetParticleMatrixByIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kGetParticleMatrixByBornIndex, TYPE_MATRIX3, GetParticleMatrixByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleMatrixByIndex, SetParticleMatrixByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_MATRIX3) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleMatrixByBornIndex, SetParticleMatrixByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_MATRIX3) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetParticleMatrix, GetParticleMatrix, kSetParticleMatrix, SetParticleMatrix, TYPE_MATRIX3) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleTestStatusByIndex, SetParticleTestStatusByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_bool) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleTestStatusByBornIndex, SetParticleTestStatusByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_bool) |
| VFN_1 (kSetGlobalTestStatus, SetGlobalTestStatus, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetParticleTestStatus, GetParticleTestStatus, kSetParticleTestStatus, SetParticleTestStatus, TYPE_bool) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleTestTimeByIndex, SetParticleTestTimeByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_TIMEVALUE) |
| VFN_3 (kSetParticleTestTimePreciseByIndex, SetParticleTestTimeByIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_TIMEVALUE, TYPE_FLOAT) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleTestTimeByBornIndex, SetParticleTestTimeByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_TIMEVALUE) |
| VFN_3 (kSetParticleTestTimePreciseByBornIndex, SetParticleTestTimeByBornIndex, TYPE_INDEX, TYPE_TIMEVALUE, TYPE_FLOAT) |
| PROP_FNS (kGetParticleTestTime, GetParticleTestTime, kSetParticleTestTime, SetParticleTestTime, TYPE_TIMEVALUE) |
| VFN_2 (kSetParticleTestTimePrecise, SetParticleTestTime, TYPE_TIMEVALUE, TYPE_FLOAT) |
| VFN_1 (kSetGlobalTestTime, SetGlobalTestTime, TYPE_TIMEVALUE) |
| VFN_2 (kSetGlobalTestTimePrecise, SetGlobalTestTime, TYPE_TIMEVALUE, TYPE_FLOAT) |
virtual IObject * | GetParticleContainer () const =0 |
| The non-maxscript-version of particle container in the Init/Proceed/Release calls for operator and test.
virtual Object * | GetParticleSystem () const =0 |
| The particle system in the Init/Proceed/Release calls for operator and test.
virtual INode * | GetParticleSystemNode () const =0 |
| The particle system node in the Init/Proceed/Release calls for operator and test.
virtual Tab< Object * > & | GetInitActions ()=0 |
| The list of actions during initialization in the Init/Proceed/Release calls for operator and test.
virtual Tab< INode * > & | GetInitActionNodes ()=0 |
| The list of action nodes during initialization in the Init/Proceed/Release calls for operator and test.
virtual TimeValue | GetTimeStart () const =0 |
| Start of the proceed interval in the Init/Proceed/Release calls for operator and test.
virtual TimeValue | GetTimeEnd () const =0 |
| End of the proceed interval in the Init/Proceed/Release calls for operator and test.
virtual void | SetTimeEnd (TimeValue time)=0 |
| Set the end time if the operator can't proceed particles to the given time end in the Init/Proceed/Release calls for operator.
virtual void | SetTimeEnd (TimeValue time, float timeDelta)=0 |
| Set the end time if the test can't proceed particles to the given time end in the Init/Proceed/Release calls for test.
virtual INode * | GetActionNode () const =0 |
| The node of the action in the Init/Proceed/Release calls for operator and test.
virtual FPInterface * | GetIntegrator () const =0 |
| Update cycle integrator in the Init/Proceed/Release calls for operator and test.
virtual int | RandSign (void)=0 |
| Get random sign { -1, 1 }.
virtual float | Rand01 (void)=0 |
| Get random number between 0.0f and 1.0f.
virtual float | Rand11 (void)=0 |
| Get random number between -1.0f and 1.0f.
virtual float | Rand55 (void)=0 |
| Get random number between -0.5f and 0.5f.
virtual int | Rand0X (int maxnum)=0 |
| Get integer random number between 0 and maxnum.
virtual Point3 * | RandSpherePoint ()=0 |
| Get random point from sphere surface of radius 1.
virtual Point3 * | RandDivergeVector (Point3 vec, float maxAngle)=0 |
| Returns a vector with the same length as a given vector but the direction differs from the given for no more than maxAngle.
virtual bool | GetUseTime () const =0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual void | SetUseTime (bool use)=0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual bool | GetUseAge () const =0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual void | SetUseAge (bool use)=0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual bool | GetUseLifespan () const =0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual void | SetUseLifespan (bool use)=0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual bool | GetUseEventTime () const =0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual void | SetUseEventTime (bool use)=0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual bool | GetUsePosition () const =0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual void | SetUsePosition (bool use)=0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual bool | GetUseSpeed () const =0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual void | SetUseSpeed (bool use)=0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual bool | GetUseAcceleration () const =0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual void | SetUseAcceleration (bool use)=0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual bool | GetUseOrientation () const =0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual void | SetUseOrientation (bool use)=0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual bool | GetUseSpin () const =0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual void | SetUseSpin (bool use)=0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual bool | GetUseScale () const =0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual void | SetUseScale (bool use)=0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual bool | GetUseTM () const =0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual void | SetUseTM (bool use)=0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual bool | GetUseSelected () const =0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual void | SetUseSelected (bool use)=0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual bool | GetUseShape () const =0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual void | SetUseShape (bool use)=0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual bool | GetUseMtlIndex () const =0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual void | SetUseMtlIndex (bool use)=0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual bool | GetUseMapping () const =0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual void | SetUseMapping (bool use)=0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual bool | GetUseInt () const =0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual void | SetUseInt (bool use)=0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual bool | GetUseFloat () const =0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual void | SetUseFloat (bool use)=0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual bool | GetUseVector () const =0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual void | SetUseVector (bool use)=0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual bool | GetUseMatrix () const =0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual void | SetUseMatrix (bool use)=0 |
| Used to define whether particle channel will be used by the operator/test.
virtual int | NumParticles ()=0 |
| Method to get/set properties of the particle in the container.
virtual bool | AddParticle ()=0 |
| Add a single particle to particle system.
virtual bool | AddParticles (int num)=0 |
| Add "num" particles into the particle system.
virtual bool | DeleteParticle (int index)=0 |
| Delete a single particle with the given index.
virtual bool | DeleteParticles (int start, int num)=0 |
| List-type delete of "num" particles starting with "start".
virtual int | GetParticleBornIndex (int i)=0 |
| Each particle is given a unique ID (consecutive) upon its birth.
virtual bool | HasParticleBornIndex (int bornIndex, int &index)=0 |
| Implemented by the Plug-In.
virtual int | GetCurrentParticleIndex ()=0 |
| Defines "current" index, used to get the property without specifying the index.
virtual int | GetCurrentParticleBornIndex ()=0 |
| Defines "current" bornIndex, used to get the property without specifying the index.
virtual void | SetCurrentParticleIndex (int index)=0 |
| Defines "current" index, used to set the property without specifying the index.
virtual void | SetCurrentParticleBornIndex (int bornIndex)=0 |
| Defines "current" bornIndex, used to set the property without specifying the index.
virtual bool | IsParticleNewByIndex (int index)=0 |
| Defines if a particle just arrived into the current event.
virtual bool | IsParticleNewByBornIndex (int id)=0 |
| See IsParticleNewByIndex().
virtual bool | IsParticleNew ()=0 |
| See IsParticleNewByIndex().
virtual TimeValue | GetParticleTimeByIndex (int index)=0 |
| Defines time for the current state for a particle.
virtual TimeValue | GetParticleTimeByBornIndex (int id)=0 |
| See GetParticleTimeByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleTimeByIndex (int index, TimeValue time)=0 |
| See GetParticleTimeByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleTimeByIndex (int index, TimeValue time, float timeDelta)=0 |
| See GetParticleTimeByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleTimeByBornIndex (int id, TimeValue time)=0 |
| See GetParticleTimeByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleTimeByBornIndex (int id, TimeValue time, float timeDelta)=0 |
| See GetParticleTimeByIndex().
virtual TimeValue | GetParticleTime ()=0 |
| See GetParticleTimeByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleTime (TimeValue time)=0 |
| See GetParticleTimeByIndex().
virtual TimeValue | GetParticleAgeByIndex (int index)=0 |
| Defines age of the specified particle.
virtual TimeValue | GetParticleAgeByBornIndex (int id)=0 |
| See GetParticleAgeByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleAgeByIndex (int index, TimeValue age)=0 |
| See GetParticleAgeByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleAgeByBornIndex (int id, TimeValue age)=0 |
| See GetParticleAgeByIndex().
virtual TimeValue | GetParticleAge ()=0 |
| See GetParticleAgeByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleAge (TimeValue age)=0 |
| See GetParticleAgeByIndex().
virtual TimeValue | GetParticleLifespanByIndex (int index)=0 |
| Defines lifespan of the specified particle.
virtual TimeValue | GetParticleLifespanByBornIndex (int id)=0 |
| See GetParticleLifespanByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleLifespanByIndex (int index, TimeValue lifespan)=0 |
| See GetParticleLifespanByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleLifespanByBornIndex (int id, TimeValue lifespan)=0 |
| See GetParticleLifespanByIndex().
virtual TimeValue | GetParticleLifespan ()=0 |
| See GetParticleLifespanByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleLifespan (TimeValue lifespan)=0 |
| See GetParticleLifespanByIndex().
virtual TimeValue | GetParticleEventTimeByIndex (int index)=0 |
| Defines for how long the specified particle was staying in the current action list (event).
virtual TimeValue | GetParticleEventTimeByBornIndex (int id)=0 |
| See GetParticleEventTimeByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleEventTimeByIndex (int index, TimeValue time)=0 |
| See GetParticleEventTimeByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleEventTimeByBornIndex (int id, TimeValue time)=0 |
| See GetParticleEventTimeByIndex().
virtual TimeValue | GetParticleEventTime ()=0 |
| See GetParticleEventTimeByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleEventTime (TimeValue time)=0 |
| See GetParticleEventTimeByIndex().
virtual Point3 * | GetParticlePositionByIndex (int index)=0 |
| Defines position of the specified particle in the current state.
virtual Point3 * | GetParticlePositionByBornIndex (int id)=0 |
| See GetParticlePositionByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticlePositionByIndex (int index, Point3 pos)=0 |
| See GetParticlePositionByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticlePositionByBornIndex (int id, Point3 pos)=0 |
| See GetParticlePositionByIndex().
virtual Point3 * | GetParticlePosition ()=0 |
| See GetParticlePositionByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticlePosition (Point3 pos)=0 |
| See GetParticlePositionByIndex().
virtual Point3 * | GetParticleSpeedByIndex (int index)=0 |
| Defines speed of the specified particle in the current state.
virtual Point3 * | GetParticleSpeedByBornIndex (int id)=0 |
| See GetParticleSpeedByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleSpeedByIndex (int index, Point3 speed)=0 |
| See GetParticleSpeedByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleSpeedByBornIndex (int id, Point3 speed)=0 |
| See GetParticleSpeedByIndex().
virtual Point3 * | GetParticleSpeed ()=0 |
| See GetParticleSpeedByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleSpeed (Point3 speed)=0 |
| See GetParticleSpeedByIndex().
virtual Point3 * | GetParticleAccelerationByIndex (int index)=0 |
| Defines acceleration of the specified particle in the current state.
virtual Point3 * | GetParticleAccelerationByBornIndex (int id)=0 |
| See GetParticleAccelerationByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleAccelerationByIndex (int index, Point3 accel)=0 |
| See GetParticleAccelerationByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleAccelerationByBornIndex (int id, Point3 accel)=0 |
| See GetParticleAccelerationByIndex().
virtual Point3 * | GetParticleAcceleration ()=0 |
| See GetParticleAccelerationByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleAcceleration (Point3 speed)=0 |
| See GetParticleAccelerationByIndex().
virtual Point3 * | GetParticleOrientationByIndex (int index)=0 |
| Defines orientation of the specified particle in the current state.
virtual Point3 * | GetParticleOrientationByBornIndex (int id)=0 |
| See GetParticleOrientationByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleOrientationByIndex (int index, Point3 orient)=0 |
| See GetParticleOrientationByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleOrientationByBornIndex (int id, Point3 orient)=0 |
| See GetParticleOrientationByIndex().
virtual Point3 * | GetParticleOrientation ()=0 |
| See GetParticleOrientationByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleOrientation (Point3 orient)=0 |
| See GetParticleOrientationByIndex().
virtual AngAxis * | GetParticleSpinByIndex (int index)=0 |
| Defines angular speed of the specified particle in the current state.
virtual AngAxis * | GetParticleSpinByBornIndex (int id)=0 |
| See GetParticleSpinByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleSpinByIndex (int index, AngAxis spin)=0 |
| See GetParticleSpinByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleSpinByBornIndex (int id, AngAxis spin)=0 |
| See GetParticleSpinByIndex().
virtual AngAxis * | GetParticleSpin ()=0 |
| See GetParticleSpinByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleSpin (AngAxis spin)=0 |
| See GetParticleSpinByIndex().
virtual float | GetParticleScaleByIndex (int index)=0 |
| Defines scale factor of the specified particle in the current state.
virtual float | GetParticleScaleByBornIndex (int id)=0 |
| See GetParticleScaleByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleScaleByIndex (int index, float scale)=0 |
| See GetParticleScaleByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleScaleByBornIndex (int id, float scale)=0 |
| See GetParticleScaleByIndex().
virtual float | GetParticleScale ()=0 |
| See GetParticleScaleByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleScale (float scale)=0 |
| See GetParticleScaleByIndex().
virtual Point3 * | GetParticleScaleXYZByIndex (int index)=0 |
| See GetParticleScaleByIndex().
virtual Point3 * | GetParticleScaleXYZByBornIndex (int id)=0 |
| See GetParticleScaleByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleScaleXYZByIndex (int index, Point3 scale)=0 |
| See GetParticleScaleByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleScaleXYZByBornIndex (int id, Point3 scale)=0 |
| See GetParticleScaleByIndex().
virtual Point3 * | GetParticleScaleXYZ ()=0 |
| See GetParticleScaleByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleScaleXYZ (Point3 scale)=0 |
| See GetParticleScaleByIndex().
virtual Matrix3 * | GetParticleTMByIndex (int index)=0 |
| Defines transformation matrix of the specified particle in the current state.
virtual Matrix3 * | GetParticleTMByBornIndex (int id)=0 |
| See GetParticleTMByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleTMByIndex (int index, Matrix3 tm)=0 |
| See GetParticleTMByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleTMByBornIndex (int id, Matrix3 tm)=0 |
| See GetParticleTMByIndex().
virtual Matrix3 * | GetParticleTM ()=0 |
| See GetParticleTMByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleTM (Matrix3 tm)=0 |
| See GetParticleTMByIndex().
virtual bool | GetParticleSelectedByIndex (int index)=0 |
| Defines selection status of the specified particle in the current state.
virtual bool | GetParticleSelectedByBornIndex (int id)=0 |
| See GetParticleSelectedByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleSelectedByIndex (int index, bool selected)=0 |
| See GetParticleSelectedByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleSelectedByBornIndex (int id, bool selected)=0 |
| See GetParticleSelectedByIndex().
virtual bool | GetParticleSelected ()=0 |
| See GetParticleSelectedByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleSelected (bool selected)=0 |
| See GetParticleSelectedByIndex().
virtual Mesh * | GetParticleShapeByIndex (int index)=0 |
| Defines shape of the specified particle in the current state.
virtual Mesh * | GetParticleShapeByBornIndex (int id)=0 |
| See GetParticleShapeByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleShapeByIndex (int index, Mesh *shape)=0 |
| See GetParticleShapeByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleShapeByBornIndex (int id, Mesh *shape)=0 |
| See GetParticleShapeByIndex().
virtual Mesh * | GetParticleShape ()=0 |
| See GetParticleShapeByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleShape (Mesh *shape)=0 |
| See GetParticleShapeByIndex().
virtual void | SetGlobalParticleShape (Mesh *shape)=0 |
| Set the same shape for all particles.
virtual void | SetParticleMtlIndexByIndex (int index, int mtlIndex)=0 |
| Defines material index of the specified particle in the current state.
virtual void | SetParticleMtlIndexByBornIndex (int id, int mtlIndex)=0 |
| See SetParticleMtlIndexByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleMtlIndex (int mtlIndex)=0 |
| See SetParticleMtlIndexByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleMappingByIndex (int index, int mapChannel, UVVert mapValue)=0 |
| Defines mapping of the specified particle in the current state.
virtual void | SetParticleMappingByBornIndex (int id, int mapChannel, UVVert mapValue)=0 |
| See SetParticleMappingByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleMapping (int mapChannel, UVVert mapValue)=0 |
| See SetParticleMappingByIndex().
virtual int | GetParticleIntByIndex (int index)=0 |
| Defines integer value of the specified particle.
virtual int | GetParticleIntByBornIndex (int id)=0 |
| See GetParticleIntByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleIntByIndex (int index, int value)=0 |
| See GetParticleIntByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleIntByBornIndex (int id, int value)=0 |
| See GetParticleIntByIndex().
virtual int | GetParticleInt ()=0 |
| See GetParticleIntByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleInt (int value)=0 |
| See GetParticleIntByIndex().
virtual float | GetParticleFloatByIndex (int index)=0 |
| Defines float value of the specified particle.
virtual float | GetParticleFloatByBornIndex (int id)=0 |
| See GetParticleFloatByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleFloatByIndex (int index, float value)=0 |
| See GetParticleFloatByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleFloatByBornIndex (int id, float value)=0 |
| See GetParticleFloatByIndex().
virtual float | GetParticleFloat ()=0 |
| See GetParticleFloatByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleFloat (float value)=0 |
| See GetParticleFloatByIndex().
virtual Point3 * | GetParticleVectorByIndex (int index)=0 |
| Defines vector value of the specified particle.
virtual Point3 * | GetParticleVectorByBornIndex (int id)=0 |
| See GetParticleVectorByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleVectorByIndex (int index, Point3 value)=0 |
| See GetParticleVectorByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleVectorByBornIndex (int id, Point3 value)=0 |
| See GetParticleVectorByIndex().
virtual Point3 * | GetParticleVector ()=0 |
| See GetParticleVectorByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleVector (Point3 value)=0 |
| See GetParticleVectorByIndex().
virtual Matrix3 * | GetParticleMatrixByIndex (int index)=0 |
| Defines matrix value of the specified particle.
virtual Matrix3 * | GetParticleMatrixByBornIndex (int id)=0 |
| See GetParticleMatrixByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleMatrixByIndex (int index, Matrix3 value)=0 |
| See GetParticleMatrixByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleMatrixByBornIndex (int id, Matrix3 value)=0 |
| See GetParticleMatrixByIndex().
virtual Matrix3 * | GetParticleMatrix ()=0 |
| See GetParticleMatrixByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleMatrix (Matrix3 value)=0 |
| See GetParticleMatrixByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleTestStatusByIndex (int index, bool testStatus)=0 |
| Defines test status (true or false) for particles while testing.
virtual void | SetParticleTestStatusByBornIndex (int id, bool testStatus)=0 |
| See SetParticleTestStatusByIndex()
virtual bool | GetParticleTestStatus ()=0 |
| See SetParticleTestStatusByIndex()
virtual void | SetParticleTestStatus (bool testStatus)=0 |
| See SetParticleTestStatusByIndex().
virtual void | SetGlobalTestStatus (bool testStatus)=0 |
| Set the same test status for all particles.
virtual void | SetParticleTestTimeByIndex (int index, TimeValue testTime)=0 |
| Defines the time when a particle satisfies the test.
virtual void | SetParticleTestTimeByIndex (int index, TimeValue testTime, float testTimeDelta)=0 |
| See SetParticleTestTimeByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleTestTimeByBornIndex (int id, TimeValue testTime)=0 |
| See SetParticleTestTimeByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleTestTimeByBornIndex (int id, TimeValue testTime, float testTimeDelta)=0 |
| See SetParticleTestTimeByIndex().
virtual TimeValue | GetParticleTestTime ()=0 |
| See SetParticleTestTimeByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleTestTime (TimeValue testTime)=0 |
| See SetParticleTestTimeByIndex().
virtual void | SetParticleTestTime (TimeValue testTime, float testTimeDelta)=0 |
| See SetParticleTestTimeByIndex().
virtual void | SetGlobalTestTime (TimeValue testTime)=0 |
| set the same test status for all particles
virtual void | SetGlobalTestTime (TimeValue testTime, float testTimeDelta)=0 |
| set the same test status for all particles
FPInterfaceDesc * | GetDesc () |
| FPMixinInterface () |
virtual LifetimeType | LifetimeControl () |
virtual CoreExport bool | RegisterNotifyCallback (InterfaceNotifyCallback *incb) |
virtual void | UnRegisterNotifyCallback (InterfaceNotifyCallback *incb) |
CoreExport | ~FPMixinInterface () |
virtual BaseInterface * | GetInterface (Interface_ID id) |
virtual FPInterfaceDesc * | GetDescByID (Interface_ID id) |
virtual Interface_ID | GetID () |
virtual BaseInterface * | GetInterface (Interface_ID id) |
virtual FPInterfaceDesc * | GetDesc ()=0 |
virtual CoreExport FPStatus | Invoke (FunctionID fid, TimeValue t=0, FPParams *params=NULL) |
virtual FPStatus | Invoke (FunctionID fid, FPParams *params) |
virtual CoreExport FPStatus | Invoke (FunctionID fid, TimeValue t, FPValue &result, FPParams *params=NULL) |
virtual FPStatus | Invoke (FunctionID fid, FPValue &result, FPParams *params=NULL) |
virtual CoreExport FunctionID | FindFn (const MCHAR *name) |
virtual CoreExport BOOL | IsEnabled (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport BOOL | IsChecked (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport BOOL | IsVisible (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport FunctionID | GetIsEnabled (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport FunctionID | GetIsChecked (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport FunctionID | GetIsVisible (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual ActionTable * | GetActionTable () |
virtual void | EnableActions (BOOL onOff) |
virtual UtilExport | ~BaseInterface () |
| Destructor.
UtilExport BaseInterface * | GetInterface (Interface_ID id) override |
virtual UtilExport Interface_ID | GetID () |
virtual LifetimeType | LifetimeControl () |
virtual bool | RegisterNotifyCallback (InterfaceNotifyCallback *incb) |
virtual void | UnRegisterNotifyCallback (InterfaceNotifyCallback *incb) |
virtual BaseInterface * | AcquireInterface () |
virtual void | ReleaseInterface () |
virtual void | DeleteInterface () |
virtual BaseInterface * | CloneInterface (void *remapDir=nullptr) |
virtual UtilExport | ~InterfaceServer () |
| Destructor.
virtual UtilExport BaseInterface * | GetInterface (Interface_ID id) |
template<class InterfaceType > |
InterfaceType * | GetTypedInterface () |