virtual bool | IsEnableUseLocalProxySettingsForXRefObj () const =0 |
| get the status of EnableUseLocalProxySettings ForXRefObj
virtual void | SetEnableUseLocalProxySettingsForXRefObj (bool bEnableUseLocalProxySettings)=0 |
| set the status of EnableUseLocalProxySettings
virtual int | GetTracksStatus () const =0 |
| gets the status of object's track.
virtual void | SetTracksStatus (int status)=0 |
| sets the status of object's track.
virtual void | SetDuplicateMatchingLayers (bool in_duplicate)=0 |
| Sets whether to duplicate matching Layers without an identical parent hierarchy.
virtual bool | GetDuplicateMatchingLayers () const =0 |
| Returns the option of whether to duplicate matching Layers without an identical parent hierarchy.
| PROP_FNS (kfpGetEnableUseLocalProxySettingsForXRefObj, IsEnableUseLocalProxySettingsForXRefObj, kfpSetEnableUseLocalProxySettingsForXRefObj, SetEnableUseLocalProxySettingsForXRefObj, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kfpGetDuplicateMatchingLayers, GetDuplicateMatchingLayers, kfpSetDuplicateMatchingLayers, SetDuplicateMatchingLayers, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kfpGetTracksStatus, GetTracksStatus, kfpSetTracksStatus, SetTracksStatus, TYPE_ENUM) |
| RO_PROP_FN (kfpRecordCount, RecordCount, TYPE_DWORD) |
| PROP_FNS (kfpGetDupObjNameAction, GetDupObjNameAction, kfpSetDupObjNameAction, SetDupObjNameAction, TYPE_ENUM) |
| PROP_FNS (kfpGetDupMtlNameAction, GetDupMtlNameAction, kfpSetDupMtlNameAction, SetDupMtlNameAction, TYPE_ENUM) |
| FN_1 (kfpGetRecord, TYPE_INTERFACE, GetRecord, TYPE_INDEX) |
| FN_1 (kfpFindRecord, TYPE_INTERFACE, FindRecord, TYPE_DWORD) |
| FN_1 (kfpRemoveRecordFromScene, TYPE_bool, FPRemoveRecordFromScene, TYPE_INTERFACE) |
| FN_1 (kfpMergeRecordIntoScene, TYPE_bool, FPMergeRecordIntoScene, TYPE_INTERFACE) |
| FN_2 (kfpSetRecordSrcFile, TYPE_bool, FPSetRecordSrcFile, TYPE_INTERFACE, TYPE_FILENAME) |
| FN_0 (kfpUpdateAllRecords, TYPE_bool, UpdateAllRecords) |
| FN_2 (kfpSetXRefItemSrcName, TYPE_bool, SetXRefItemSrcName, TYPE_REFTARG_BR, TYPE_STRING) |
| FN_2 (kfpSetProxyItemSrcName, TYPE_bool, SetProxyItemSrcName, TYPE_REFTARG_BR, TYPE_STRING) |
| FN_2 (kfpSetXRefItemSrcFile, TYPE_bool, FPSetXRefItemSrcFile, TYPE_REFTARG_BR, TYPE_FILENAME) |
| FN_2 (kfpSetProxyItemSrcFile, TYPE_bool, FPSetProxyItemSrcFile, TYPE_REFTARG_BR, TYPE_FILENAME) |
| FN_1 (kfpRemoveXRefsFromScene, TYPE_bool, RemoveXRefItemsFromScene, TYPE_REFTARG_TAB_BR) |
| FN_1 (kfpMergeXRefsIntoScene, TYPE_bool, MergeXRefItemsIntoScene, TYPE_REFTARG_TAB_BR) |
| FN_3 (kfpAddXRefItemsToXRefRecord, TYPE_bool, FPAddXRefItemsToXRefRecord, TYPE_INTERFACE, TYPE_bool, TYPE_STRING_TAB) |
| FN_2 (kfpCanCombineRecords, TYPE_bool, FPCanCombineRecords, TYPE_INTERFACE, TYPE_INTERFACE) |
| FN_1 (kfpCombineRecords, TYPE_INTERFACE, FPCombineRecords, TYPE_INTERFACE_TAB_BR) |
| VFN_1 (kfpApplyXRefMaterialsToXRefObjects, ApplyXRefMaterialsToXRefObjects, TYPE_REFTARG_TAB_BR) |
| FN_1 (kfpIsNodeXRefed, TYPE_INTERFACE, FPIsNodeXRefed, TYPE_INODE) |
| VFN_1 (kfpApplyXRefControllersToXRefObjects, ApplyXRefControllersToXRefObjects, TYPE_REFTARG_TAB_BR) |
| FN_1 (kfpResetXRefControllersPRSOffset, TYPE_bool, ResetXRefControllersPRSOffset, TYPE_REFTARG_TAB_BR) |
| FN_1 (kfpCanResetXRefControllersPRSOffset, TYPE_bool, CanResetXRefControllersPRSOffset, TYPE_REFTARG_BR) |
| PROP_FNS (kfpGetMergeTransforms, GetMergeTransforms, kfpSetMergeTransforms, SetMergeTransforms, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kfpGetMergeMaterials, GetMergeMaterials, kfpSetMergeMaterials, SetMergeMaterials, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kfpGetMergeManipulators, GetMergeManipulators, kfpSetMergeManipulators, SetMergeManipulators, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kfpGetMergeModifiers, GetMergeModifiers, kfpSetMergeModifiers, SetMergeModifiers, TYPE_ENUM) |
| PROP_FNS (kfpGetIncludeAll, GetIncludeAll, kfpSetIncludeAll, SetIncludeAll, TYPE_bool) |
| PROP_FNS (kfpGetAutoUpdate, GetAutoUpdate, kfpSetAutoUpdate, SetAutoUpdate, TYPE_bool) |
virtual unsigned int | RecordCount () const =0 |
virtual IObjXRefRecord * | GetRecord (unsigned int i) const =0 |
| Retrieves the i-th xref record.
virtual IObjXRefRecord * | FindRecord (XRefRecordHandle xrefRecHandle) const =0 |
| Retrieves an xref record based on its unique handle.
virtual bool | CanCombineRecords (const IObjXRefRecord &firstRecord, const IObjXRefRecord &secondRecord) const =0 |
| Determines whether two xref records can be combined.
virtual IObjXRefRecord * | CombineRecords (Tab< IObjXRefRecord * > &xrefRecords)=0 |
| Combines several xref records into one single record.
virtual bool | RemoveRecordFromScene (const IObjXRefRecord &xrefRecord)=0 |
| Removes an xref record from the scene.
virtual bool | MergeRecordIntoScene (const IObjXRefRecord &xrefRecord)=0 |
| Merges an xref record into the scene.
virtual bool | SetRecordSrcFile (IObjXRefRecord &xrefRecord, const MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser &srcFileName)=0 |
| Sets a new file path and name for the specified xref record.
virtual bool | UpdateAllRecords ()=0 |
| Updates all xref records.
virtual IObjXRefRecord * | AddXRefItemsFromFile (const MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser &srcFileName, bool promptObjNames, const Tab< const TCHAR * > *objNames, unsigned int xrefOptions, const Tab< INT64 > *nodeHandles=nullptr)=0 |
| This method allows for xrefing scene entities from the specified source file.
virtual bool | AddXRefItemsToXRefRecord (IObjXRefRecord &xrefRecord, bool promptObjNames, const Tab< const MCHAR * > *objNames)=0 |
| Adds new xref items to an existent xref record from the record's source file.
virtual bool | RemoveXRefItemsFromScene (const Tab< ReferenceTarget * > &xrefItems)=0 |
| Removes the specified xref items from the scene.
virtual bool | MergeXRefItemsIntoScene (const Tab< ReferenceTarget * > &xrefItems)=0 |
| Merges the specified xref items into the scene.
virtual void | ApplyXRefMaterialsToXRefObjects (const Tab< ReferenceTarget * > &objectXRefItems)=0 |
| Applies or re-applies an xref material to a list of xref objects and reset its overide material.
virtual void | ApplyXRefControllersToXRefObjects (const Tab< ReferenceTarget * > &objectXRefItems)=0 |
| Applies or re-applies an xref controller to a list of xref objects.
virtual bool | CanResetXRefControllersPRSOffset (ReferenceTarget &inXRefItem) const =0 |
| Determines whether an Item can have its Offset matrix being reset.
virtual bool | ResetXRefControllersPRSOffset (const Tab< ReferenceTarget * > &inXRefItems)=0 |
| Set XRef controllers' offset matrix back to identity, and if any, set the corresponding source controller's transformation matrix accordingly.
virtual bool | SetXRefItemSrcName (ReferenceTarget &xrefItem, const MCHAR *srcItemName)=0 |
| Sets a new scene entity for the specified xref item.
virtual bool | SetProxyItemSrcName (ReferenceTarget &xrefProxy, const MCHAR *proxyName)=0 |
| Sets a new scene entity for the specified xref proxy.
virtual bool | SetXRefItemSrcFile (ReferenceTarget &xrefItem, const MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser &srcAsset)=0 |
| Sets a new file for the specified xref item.
virtual bool | SetProxyItemSrcFile (ReferenceTarget &xrefProxy, const MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser &proxyAsset)=0 |
| Sets a new file for the specified xref proxy.
virtual unsigned int | GetDupObjNameAction () const =0 |
virtual void | SetDupObjNameAction (unsigned int action)=0 |
| Sets the action to be taken during xrefing when a source object has a name that is already used by a main scene object.
virtual unsigned int | GetDupMtlNameAction () const =0 |
| Gets the action taken during xrefing when a source material has a name that is already used by a main scene material.
virtual void | SetDupMtlNameAction (unsigned int action)=0 |
| Gets the action taken during xrefing when a source material has a name that is already used by a main scene material.
virtual IXRefObject8 * | IsNodeXRefed (INode &node) const =0 |
| Determines if a node is xrefed.
virtual void | SetMergeTransforms (bool in_merge)=0 |
| Merged controllers (as opposed to xref'd controllers) will be accessible and modifiable in the main scene.
virtual bool | GetMergeTransforms () const =0 |
| Returns the current setting of whether the transform controllers of nodes are merged when xrefing objects.
virtual void | SetMergeMaterials (bool in_merge)=0 |
| Sets the option of merging the materials of nodes when xrefing objects.
virtual bool | GetMergeMaterials () const =0 |
| Returns the option of merging the material of nodes when xrefing objects.
virtual void | SetMergeManipulators (bool in_merge)=0 |
| Sets the option of merging the manipulators of nodes when xrefing objects.
virtual bool | GetMergeManipulators () const =0 |
| Returns the option of merging manipulators when xrefing objects.
virtual void | SetMergeModifiers (int in_merge)=0 |
| Sets the option of merging the modifiers of nodes when xrefing objects.
virtual int | GetMergeModifiers () const =0 |
| Sets the handling of modifiers of nodes when xrefing objects.
virtual void | SetIncludeAll (bool in_include)=0 |
| Sets whether all nodes of a file will be added to a new xref record.
virtual bool | GetIncludeAll () const =0 |
| Returns the option of whether all nodes of a file will be added to a new xref record.
virtual void | SetAutoUpdate (bool in_autoUpdate)=0 |
| Sets whether the content of the xref record will update on source file update.
virtual bool | GetAutoUpdate () const =0 |
| Returns the option of whether the content of the xref record will update on source file update.
CoreExport | FPInterfaceDesc () |
CoreExport | FPInterfaceDesc (Interface_ID id, const MCHAR *int_name, StringResID descr, ClassDesc *cd, ULONG flag,...) |
CoreExport | ~FPInterfaceDesc () |
virtual void | Init () |
LifetimeType | LifetimeControl () |
virtual BaseInterface * | GetInterface (Interface_ID id) |
CoreExport void | LoadDescriptor (Interface_ID id, const MCHAR *int_name, StringResID descr, ClassDesc *pCD, ULONG flag,...) |
CoreExport void | AppendFunction (int id,...) |
| Add a new function to this interface descriptor.
CoreExport void | AppendProperty (int id,...) |
| Add a new property to this interface descriptor.
CoreExport void | AppendEnum (int id,...) |
| Add a new enum to this interface descriptor.
CoreExport void | SetClassDesc (ClassDesc *i_cd) |
CoreExport va_list | check_fn (va_list ap, int id) |
CoreExport va_list | scan_fn (va_list ap, int id, int index) |
CoreExport va_list | check_prop (va_list ap, int id) |
CoreExport va_list | scan_prop (va_list ap, int id, int index) |
CoreExport va_list | check_enum (va_list ap, EnumID id) |
CoreExport va_list | scan_enum (va_list ap, EnumID id, int index) |
FPInterfaceDesc * | GetDesc () |
Interface_ID | GetID () |
CoreExport FPFunctionDef * | GetFnDef (FunctionID fid) |
ActionTable * | GetActionTable () |
CoreExport void | EnableActions (BOOL onOff) |
virtual CoreExport HINSTANCE | HInstance () |
virtual CoreExport const MCHAR * | GetRsrcString (StringResID id) |
virtual BaseInterface * | GetInterface (Interface_ID id) |
virtual FPInterfaceDesc * | GetDesc ()=0 |
virtual CoreExport FPStatus | Invoke (FunctionID fid, TimeValue t=0, FPParams *params=NULL) |
virtual FPStatus | Invoke (FunctionID fid, FPParams *params) |
virtual CoreExport FPStatus | Invoke (FunctionID fid, TimeValue t, FPValue &result, FPParams *params=NULL) |
virtual FPStatus | Invoke (FunctionID fid, FPValue &result, FPParams *params=NULL) |
virtual CoreExport FunctionID | FindFn (const MCHAR *name) |
virtual CoreExport BOOL | IsEnabled (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport BOOL | IsChecked (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport BOOL | IsVisible (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport FunctionID | GetIsEnabled (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport FunctionID | GetIsChecked (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual CoreExport FunctionID | GetIsVisible (FunctionID actionID) |
virtual ActionTable * | GetActionTable () |
virtual void | EnableActions (BOOL onOff) |
virtual UtilExport | ~BaseInterface () |
| Destructor.
UtilExport BaseInterface * | GetInterface (Interface_ID id) override |
virtual UtilExport Interface_ID | GetID () |
virtual LifetimeType | LifetimeControl () |
virtual bool | RegisterNotifyCallback (InterfaceNotifyCallback *incb) |
virtual void | UnRegisterNotifyCallback (InterfaceNotifyCallback *incb) |
virtual BaseInterface * | AcquireInterface () |
virtual void | ReleaseInterface () |
virtual void | DeleteInterface () |
virtual BaseInterface * | CloneInterface (void *remapDir=nullptr) |
virtual UtilExport | ~InterfaceServer () |
| Destructor.
virtual UtilExport BaseInterface * | GetInterface (Interface_ID id) |
template<class InterfaceType > |
InterfaceType * | GetTypedInterface () |