3ds Max C++ API Reference
This is the complete list of members for IParamBlock2, including all inherited members.
AddAppDataChunk(const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, DWORD sbid, DWORD len, void *data) | Animatable | |
AddNewKey(TimeValue t, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
AddNoteTrack(NoteTrack *note) | Animatable | |
AdjustTangents(TrackHitRecord hit, ParamDimensionBase *dim, Rect &rcGraph, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, int dx, int dy, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
AdjustTangents(TrackHitRecord hit, ParamDimensionBase *dim, float angle, float length, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
aflag | Animatable | protected |
InterfaceServer::aligned_free(void *ptr) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::aligned_free(void *ptr) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::aligned_malloc(size_t size, size_t alignment) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::aligned_malloc(size_t size, size_t alignment) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::aligned_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t alignment) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::aligned_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t alignment) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
AllocCustAttribContainer() | Animatable | |
Animatable() | Animatable | |
AnimNumToParamNum(int animNum, int &tabIndex)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Append(ParamID id, int num, float *el, int allocExtra=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Append(ParamID id, int num, Point2 **el, int allocExtra=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Append(ParamID id, int num, Point3 **el, int allocExtra=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Append(ParamID id, int num, Point4 **el, int allocExtra=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Append(ParamID id, int num, Color **el, int allocExtra=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Append(ParamID id, int num, AColor **el, int allocExtra=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Append(ParamID id, int num, TimeValue *el, int allocExtra=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Append(ParamID id, int num, MCHAR **el, int allocExtra=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Append(ParamID id, int num, const MCHAR **el, int allocExtra=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Append(ParamID id, int num, Mtl **el, int allocExtra=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Append(ParamID id, int num, Texmap **el, int allocExtra=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Append(ParamID id, int num, PBBitmap **el, int allocExtra=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Append(ParamID id, int num, INode **el, int allocExtra=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Append(ParamID id, int num, ReferenceTarget **el, int allocExtra=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Append(ParamID id, int num, IParamBlock2 **el, int allocExtra=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Append(ParamID id, int num, Matrix3 **el, int allocExtra=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
AppendProperty(AnimProperty *prop) | Animatable | |
aprops | Animatable | protected |
Assign(ParamID id, IParamBlock2 *src, ParamID src_id)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
AssignController(Animatable *control, int subAnim) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
AutoDelete() | ReferenceTarget | virtual |
BaseClone(ReferenceTarget *from, ReferenceTarget *to, RemapDir &remap) | ReferenceTarget | virtual |
begin() | IParamBlock2 | inline |
BeginDependencyTest() | ReferenceTarget | inline |
BeginEditParams(IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags, Animatable *prev=NULL) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
BlockEval() | ReferenceMaker | inlineprotected |
BypassPropertyLevel() | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
BypassTrackBar() | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
BypassTreeView() | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
CallGet(ParamID id, int tabIndex=-1)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
CallGets()=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
CallSet(ParamID id, int tabIndex=-1)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
CallSets()=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
CanAssignController(int subAnim) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
CanCopyAnim() | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
CanCopySubTrack(int subNum, Interval iv, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
CanCopyTrack(Interval iv, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
CanDeleteSubAnim(int i) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
CanMakeUnique() | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
CanPasteSubTrack(int subNum, TrackClipObject *cobj, Interval iv, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
CanPasteTrack(TrackClipObject *cobj, Interval iv, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
CanTransferReference(int i) | ReferenceMaker | inlinevirtual |
ChildAnim(int i) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
ClassID() | Animatable | virtual |
ClassName(bool localized=true) const | Animatable | inline |
ClearAFlag(DWORD mask) | Animatable | inline |
ClearAFlagEx(DWORD mask) | Animatable | inline |
ClearAFlagExInAllAnimatables(DWORD mask) | Animatable | static |
ClearAFlagInAllAnimatables(DWORD mask) | Animatable | static |
ClearAllAppData() | Animatable | |
ClearFlagBit(int index) | Animatable | |
ClearFlagBitInAllAnimatables(int index) | Animatable | static |
ClearParamAliases()=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
ClearSubAnimMap()=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Clone(RemapDir &remap) | ReferenceTarget | virtual |
CloneSelectedKeys(BOOL offset=FALSE) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
CloseTreeEntry(int type, DWORD tv) | Animatable | |
CommitSetKeyBuffer(TimeValue t) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
CopyKeysFromTime(TimeValue src, TimeValue dst, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
CopySubTrack(int subNum, Interval iv, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
CopyTrack(Interval iv, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
Count(ParamID id)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
DefineParamAlias(const MCHAR *alias_name, ParamID id, int tabIndex=-1)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Delete(ParamID id, int start, int num)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
DeleteAllNoteTracks() | Animatable | |
DeleteAllRefs() | ReferenceMaker | |
DeleteAllRefsFromMe() | ReferenceMaker | |
DeleteAllRefsToMe() override | ReferenceTarget | virtual |
DeleteCustAttribContainer() | Animatable | |
DeleteKeyAtTime(TimeValue t) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
DeleteKeyByIndex(int index) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
DeleteKeys(DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
DeleteMe() | ReferenceMaker | |
DeleteNoteTrack(NoteTrack *note, BOOL delNote=TRUE) | Animatable | |
DeleteReference(int i) | ReferenceMaker | |
DeleteSubAnim(int i) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
DeleteThis() | Animatable | virtual |
DeleteTime(Interval iv, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
DoEnumDependents(DependentEnumProc *dep) | ReferenceTarget | |
DoEnumDependentsImpl(DependentEnumProc *dep) override | ReferenceTarget | protectedvirtual |
EditTimeRange(Interval range, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
EditTrack() | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
EditTrackParams(TimeValue t, ParamDimensionBase *dim, const MCHAR *pname, HWND hParent, IObjParam *ip, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
EnableNotifications(BOOL onOff)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
end() | IParamBlock2 | inline |
EndDependencyTest() | ReferenceTarget | inline |
EndEditParams(IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags, Animatable *next=NULL) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
EnumAnimTree(AnimEnum *animEnum, Animatable *client, int subNum) | Animatable | |
EnumAuxFiles(AssetEnumCallback &assetEnum, DWORD flags) override | ReferenceMaker | virtual |
EnumerateAllAnimatables(EnumAnimList &enumProcObject) | Animatable | static |
EnumRefHierarchy(RefEnumProc &proc, bool includeCustAttribs=true, bool includeIndirectRefs=true, bool includeNonPersistentRefs=true, bool preventDuplicatesViaFlag=true) | ReferenceMaker | |
Evaluating() | ReferenceMaker | inlineprotected |
FindParamAlias(const MCHAR *alias_name)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
FindParamAlias(ParamID id, int tabIndex=-1)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
FindProperty(DWORD id) | Animatable | |
FindRef(RefTargetHandle rtarg) | ReferenceMaker | |
FindRefParam(ReferenceTarget *ref, int &tabIndex)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
FlagDependents(TimeValue t, PartID which=PART_PUT_IN_FG) | ReferenceTarget | inline |
FlagKey(TrackHitRecord hit) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
FreeAllBitmaps() | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
FreeCaches() | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
GetAColor(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetAColor(const ParamID id, const TimeValue t, Interval &validity, const int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetAnimByHandle(AnimHandle handle) | Animatable | static |
GetAnimNum(ParamID id, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetAnimParamControlType(int anim)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetAppDataChunk(const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, DWORD sbid) | Animatable | |
GetAssetUser(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetAssetUser(const ParamID id, const TimeValue t, Interval &validity, const int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetBitmap(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetBitmap(const ParamID id, const TimeValue t, Interval &validity, const int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetClassName(MSTR &s, bool localized=true) const override | ReferenceTarget | virtual |
GetColor(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetColor(const ParamID id, const TimeValue t, Interval &validity, const int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetControllerByID(ParamID id, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetControllerByIndex(int i, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetControllerRefNum(int i, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetCustAttribContainer() | Animatable | |
GetDesc()=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetEParamDlg()=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetFCurveExtents(ParamDimensionBase *dim, float &min, float &max, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
GetFlagKeyIndex() | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
GetFloat(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetFloat(const ParamID id, const TimeValue t, Interval &validity, const int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetHandleByAnim(Animatable *anim) | Animatable | static |
GetINode(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetINode(const ParamID id, const TimeValue t, Interval &validity, const int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetInt(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetInt(const ParamID id, const TimeValue t, Interval &validity, const int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetInterface(ULONG id) override | ReferenceTarget | virtual |
GetInterface(Interface_ID id) override | ReferenceTarget | virtual |
GetKeyIndex(TimeValue t) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
GetKeySelState(BitArray &sel, Interval range, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
GetKeyTime(int index) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
GetKeyTimes(Tab< TimeValue > ×, Interval range, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
GetLocalName()=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetLocalName(ParamID id, int tabIndex=-1, bool localized=true)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetMacroRecorderName(bool used_as_rhs_value, MSTR &objectSpecifiedName) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
GetMap(MapID map_id=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetMatrix3(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetMatrix3(const ParamID id, const TimeValue t, Interval &validity, const int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetMParamDlg()=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetMtl(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetMtl(const ParamID id, const TimeValue t, Interval &validity, const int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetNextHandle() | Animatable | static |
GetNextKeyTime(TimeValue t, DWORD flags, TimeValue &nt) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
GetNoteTrack(int i) | Animatable | |
GetOwner()=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetParamAlias(int i)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetParamBlock(int i) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
GetParamBlock2(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetParamBlock2(const ParamID id, const TimeValue t, Interval &validity, const int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetParamBlockByID(short id) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
GetParamControlType(ParamID id)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetParamDef(ParamID id)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetParamDefByIndex(const unsigned int parameterIndex) const | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetParamDimension(int subAnim) override=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetParameterType(ParamID id)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetPB2Value(ParamID id, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetPoint2(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetPoint2(const ParamID id, const TimeValue t, Interval &validity, const int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetPoint3(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetPoint3(const ParamID id, const TimeValue t, Interval &validity, const int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetPoint4(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetPoint4(const ParamID id, const TimeValue t, Interval &validity, const int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetProperty(ULONG id) | Animatable | virtual |
GetReference(int i) | ReferenceMaker | virtual |
GetReferenceSaveManager() | ReferenceMaker | |
GetReferenceTarget(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetReferenceTarget(const ParamID id, const TimeValue t, Interval &validity, const int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetRefNum(int i, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetRolloutOpen(MapID map_id=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetRolloutScrollPos(MapID map_id=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetSelInTrackView(DWORD tv) | Animatable | |
GetSelKeyCoords(TimeValue &t, float &val, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
GetStr(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetStr(const ParamID id, const TimeValue t, Interval &validity, const int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetSubAnimCurveColor(int subNum) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
GetSubFCurveExtents(int subNum, ParamDimensionBase *dim, float &min, float &max, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
GetSystemNodes(INodeTab &nodes, SysNodeContext Context) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
GetTexmap(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetTexmap(const ParamID id, const TimeValue t, Interval &validity, const int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetTimeRange(DWORD flags) | Animatable | virtual |
GetTimeValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t=0, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetTimeValue(const ParamID id, const TimeValue t, Interval &validity, const int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetTrackVSpace(int lineHeight) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
GetTypedInterface() | InterfaceServer | inline |
GetValidity(TimeValue t, Interval &valid)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, float &v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, int &v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, Point2 &v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, Point3 &v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, Point4 &v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, Color &v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, AColor &v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, const MCHAR *&v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, Mtl *&v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, Texmap *&v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, PBBitmap *&v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, INode *&v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, ReferenceTarget *&v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, IParamBlock2 *&v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, Matrix3 &v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser &v, Interval &ivalid, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, ValueType &v, int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, ValueType &v, Interval &&, int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetValueByName(const MCHAR *const paramName, const TimeValue t, T &value, Interval &validity, const int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
GetVersion()=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
HasDependents() | ReferenceTarget | |
HasNoteTracks() | Animatable | |
HasRealDependents() | ReferenceTarget | |
HasSubElements(int type=0) | Animatable | |
HitTestFCurves(ParamDimensionBase *dim, TrackHitTab &hits, Rect &rcHit, Rect &rcGraph, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
HitTestSubFCurves(int subNum, ParamDimensionBase *dim, TrackHitTab &hits, Rect &rcHit, Rect &rcGraph, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
HitTestTrack(TrackHitTab &hits, Rect &rcHit, Rect &rcTrack, float zoom, int scroll, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
ID()=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
IDtoIndex(ParamID id)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
IndextoID(int i)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
InitMSParameters()=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, float *el)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, Point2 **el)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, Point3 **el)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, Point4 **el)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, Color **el)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, AColor **el)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, TimeValue *el)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, MCHAR **vel)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, const MCHAR **vel)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, Mtl **el)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, Texmap **el)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, PBBitmap **el)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, INode **v)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, ReferenceTarget **el)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, IParamBlock2 **el)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Insert(ParamID id, int at, int num, Matrix3 **el)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
InsertTime(TimeValue ins, TimeValue amount) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
InTrackViewSelSet(int which) | Animatable | |
InvisibleProperty() | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
IsAnimated() | Animatable | virtual |
IsCurveSelected() | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
IsDeleted(Animatable *anim) | Animatable | static |
IsKeyAtTime(TimeValue t, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
IsKeySelected(int i) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
IsNotificationEnabled()=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
IsParamBlockDesc2Used(ParamBlockDesc2 *desc) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
IsRealDependency(ReferenceTarget *rtarg) | ReferenceMaker | inlinevirtual |
IsRefMaker() override | ReferenceMaker | inlinevirtual |
IsRefTarget() override | ReferenceTarget | inlinevirtual |
IsSubClassOf(Class_ID classID) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
IsSubCurveSelected(int subNum) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
IsTreeEntryOpen(int type, DWORD tv) | Animatable | |
KeyFrameAtTimeByID(ParamID id, TimeValue t, int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inlinevirtual |
KeyFrameAtTimeByIndex(int i, TimeValue t, int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inlinevirtual |
kInvalidAnimHandle | Animatable | static |
LastNotifyParamID()=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
LastNotifyParamID(int &tabIndex)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Load(ILoad *iload) | ReferenceMaker | virtual |
Load(ILoad *iload, ChannelMask) | ReferenceMaker | inlinevirtual |
MapKeys(TimeMap *map, DWORD flags) | Animatable | virtual |
MaybeAutoDelete() | ReferenceTarget | |
MouseCycleCompleted(TimeValue t) | Animatable | virtual |
MouseCycleStarted(TimeValue t) | Animatable | virtual |
MoveKeys(ParamDimensionBase *dim, float delta, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
NodeName() | Animatable | virtual |
Noncopyable() | Noncopyable | inlineprotected |
NotifyDependents(const Interval &changeInt, PartID partID, RefMessage message, SClass_ID sclass=NOTIFY_ALL, BOOL propagate=TRUE, RefTargetHandle hTarg=nullptr, NotifyDependentsOption notifyDependentsOption=REFNOTIFY_ALLOW_OPTIMIZATIONS) override | ReferenceTarget | virtual |
NotifyForeground(TimeValue t) | ReferenceTarget | inlinevirtual |
NotifyTarget(int message, ReferenceMaker *hMaker) | ReferenceTarget | inlinevirtual |
NumChildren() | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
NumKeys() | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
NumNoteTracks() | Animatable | |
NumParamBlocks() | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
NumParams()=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
NumRefs() | ReferenceMaker | virtual |
NumSelKeys() | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
NumSubs() | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
OpenTreeEntry(int type, DWORD tv) | Animatable | |
InterfaceServer::operator delete(void *ptr) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator delete(void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator delete(void *ptr, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator delete(void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator delete(void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator delete(void *ptr, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator delete(void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator delete(void *ptr, void *placement_ptr) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator delete(void *ptr) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator delete(void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator delete(void *ptr, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator delete(void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator delete(void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator delete(void *ptr, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator delete(void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator delete(void *ptr, void *placement_ptr) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator delete[](void *ptr) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator delete[](void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator delete[](void *ptr, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator delete[](void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator delete[](void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator delete[](void *ptr, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator delete[](void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator delete[](void *ptr) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator delete[](void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator delete[](void *ptr, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator delete[](void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator delete[](void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator delete[](void *ptr, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator delete[](void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator new(size_t size) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator new(size_t size, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator new(size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator new(size_t size, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator new(size_t size, void *placement_ptr) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator new(size_t size) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator new(size_t size, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator new(size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator new(size_t size, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator new(size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator new(size_t size, void *placement_ptr) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator new[](size_t size) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator new[](size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator new[](size_t size, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator new[](size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator new[](size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator new[](size_t size, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
InterfaceServer::operator new[](size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator new[](size_t size) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator new[](size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator new[](size_t size, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator new[](size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator new[](size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator new[](size_t size, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
MaxSDK::Util::Noncopyable::operator new[](size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) | MaxHeapOperators | static |
PaintFCurves(ParamDimensionBase *dim, HDC hdc, Rect &rcGraph, Rect &rcPaint, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
PaintSubFCurves(int subNum, ParamDimensionBase *dim, HDC hdc, Rect &rcGraph, Rect &rcPaint, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
PaintSubTrack(int subNum, ParamDimensionBase *dim, HDC hdc, Rect &rcTrack, Rect &rcPaint, float zoom, int scroll, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
PaintTrack(ParamDimensionBase *dim, HDC hdc, Rect &rcTrack, Rect &rcPaint, float zoom, int scroll, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
ParamAliasCount()=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
PasteSubTrack(int subNum, TrackClipObject *cobj, Interval iv, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
PasteTrack(TrackClipObject *cobj, Interval iv, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
RefAdded(RefMakerHandle rm) | ReferenceTarget | inlinevirtual |
RefAddedUndoRedo(RefMakerHandle rm) | ReferenceTarget | inlinevirtual |
RefDeleted(ParamID id, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
ReferenceTarget::RefDeleted(ReferenceMaker *oldOwner) | ReferenceTarget | inlinevirtual |
RefDeletedUndoRedo(RefMakerHandle oldOwner) | ReferenceTarget | inlinevirtual |
ReferenceTarget() | ReferenceTarget | |
RegisterAppDataLoadCallback(const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, APPDATALOADPROC proc) | Animatable | static |
RegisterAppDataLoadCallback(DWORD sbid, APPDATALOADPROC proc) | Animatable | static |
ReleaseDesc()=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
ReleaseFlagBit(int index) | Animatable | static |
ReleaseInterface(ULONG id, void *i) | Animatable | virtual |
RemapRefOnLoad(int iref) | ReferenceMaker | inlinevirtual |
RemoveAppDataChunk(const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, DWORD sbid) | Animatable | |
RemoveControllerByIndex(int i, int tabIndex)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
RenderBegin(TimeValue t, ULONG flags=0) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
RenderEnd(TimeValue t) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
ReplaceReference(int which, RefTargetHandle newtarg, BOOL delOld=TRUE) | ReferenceMaker | |
RequestFlagBit() | Animatable | static |
RescaleParam(int paramNum, int tabIndex, float f)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
RescaleWorldUnits(float f) | ReferenceMaker | virtual |
Reset(ParamID id, int tabIndex=-1, BOOL updateUI=TRUE, BOOL callSetHandlers=TRUE)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
ResetAll(BOOL updateUI=TRUE, BOOL callSetHandlers=TRUE)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Resize(ParamID id, int num)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
ReverseTime(Interval iv, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
RevertSetKeyBuffer() | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
Save(ISave *isave) | ReferenceMaker | virtual |
Save(ISave *isave, ChannelMask) | ReferenceMaker | inlinevirtual |
SaveEnum(SaveEnumProc &sep, BOOL isNodeCall=0) | ReferenceMaker | virtual |
ScaleKeyValues(ParamDimensionBase *dim, float origin, float scale, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
ScaleTime(Interval iv, float s) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
SelectCurve(BOOL sel) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
SelectKeyByIndex(int i, BOOL sel) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
SelectKeys(TrackHitTab &sel, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
SelectSubAnim(int subNum) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
SelectSubCurve(int subNum, BOOL sel) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
SelectSubKeys(int subNum, TrackHitTab &sel, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
SetAFlag(DWORD mask) | Animatable | inline |
SetAFlagEx(DWORD mask) | Animatable | inline |
SetControllerByID(ParamID id, int tabIndex, Control *c, BOOL preserveFrame0Value=TRUE) | IParamBlock2 | inlinevirtual |
SetControllerByIndex(int i, int tabIndex, Control *c, BOOL preserveFrame0Value=TRUE)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetCount(ParamID id, int n)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetDesc(ParamBlockDesc2 *desc)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetFlagBit(int index, bool newValue=true) | Animatable | |
SetKeyBufferPresent() | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
SetMap(IParamMap2 *m, MapID map_id=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetProperty(ULONG id, void *data) | Animatable | virtual |
SetReference(int i, RefTargetHandle rtarg) | ReferenceMaker | protectedvirtual |
SetRolloutOpen(BOOL open, MapID map_id=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetRolloutScrollPos(int pos, MapID map_id=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetSelInTrackView(DWORD tv, BOOL sel) | Animatable | |
SetSelKeyCoords(TimeValue t, float val, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
SetSelKeyCoordsExpr(ParamDimension *dim, const MCHAR *timeExpr, const MCHAR *valExpr, DWORD flags) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
SetSubAnimNum(ParamID id, int subAnimNum, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetTrackViewSelSet(int which, BOOL inOut) | Animatable | |
SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, float v, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, int v, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, const Point2 &v, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, const Point3 &v, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, const Point4 &v, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, const Color &v, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, const AColor &v, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, const MCHAR *v, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, Mtl *v, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, Texmap *v, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, PBBitmap *v, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, INode *v, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, ReferenceTarget *v, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, IParamBlock2 *v, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, const Matrix3 &v, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetValue(ParamID id, TimeValue t, const MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser &v, int tabIndex=0)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SetValueByName(const MCHAR *const paramName, const T &value, const TimeValue t, const int tabIndex=0) | IParamBlock2 | inline |
ShouldPersistWeakRef(RefTargetHandle rtarg) | ReferenceMaker | inlinevirtual |
Shrink(ParamID id)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
Sort(ParamID id, CompareFnc cmp)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
SpecifySaveReferences(ReferenceSaveManager &referenceSaveManager) | ReferenceMaker | virtual |
StdNotifyRefChanged(const Interval &changeInt, RefTargetHandle hTarget, PartID partID, RefMessage message, BOOL propagate, NotifyDependentsOption notifyDependentsOption) | ReferenceMaker | protected |
SubAnim(int i) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
SubAnimCommitSetKeyBuffer(TimeValue t, int subNum) | Animatable | virtual |
SubAnimName(int i, bool localized) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
SubAnimRevertSetKeyBuffer(int subNum) | Animatable | virtual |
SubAnimSetKeyBufferPresent(int subNum) | Animatable | virtual |
SubNumToRefNum(int subNum) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
SuperClassID() override | ReferenceTarget | virtual |
SupportTimeOperations() | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
SvCanConcludeLink(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode, IGraphNode *gNodeChild) | Animatable | virtual |
SvCanDetach(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) | Animatable | virtual |
SvCanDetachRel(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeTarget, int id, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker) | Animatable | virtual |
SvCanInitiateLink(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) | Animatable | virtual |
SvCanRemoveThis(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) | Animatable | virtual |
SvCanSelect(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) | Animatable | virtual |
SvCanSetName(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) | Animatable | virtual |
SvDeleteRefIndex() | Animatable | |
SvDetach(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) | Animatable | virtual |
SvDetachRel(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeTarget, int id, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker) | Animatable | virtual |
SvEditProperties(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) | Animatable | virtual |
SvGetMultiSelectCallback(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) | Animatable | virtual |
SvGetName(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode, bool isBeingEdited) | Animatable | virtual |
SvGetRefIndex() | Animatable | |
SvGetRefTip(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker) | Animatable | virtual |
SvGetRelTip(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeTarget, int id, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker) | Animatable | virtual |
SvGetSwatchColor(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) | Animatable | virtual |
SvGetTip(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) | Animatable | virtual |
SvHandleDoubleClick(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) | Animatable | virtual |
SvHandleRelDoubleClick(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeTarget, int id, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker) | Animatable | virtual |
SvHighlightColor(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) | Animatable | virtual |
SvIsHighlighted(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) | Animatable | virtual |
SvIsInactive(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) | Animatable | virtual |
SvIsSelected(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) | Animatable | virtual |
SvLinkChild(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeThis, IGraphNode *gNodeChild) | Animatable | virtual |
SvLoadData(ILoad *iLoad) | Animatable | |
SvRemoveThis(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) | Animatable | virtual |
SvSaveData(ISave *isave, USHORT id) | Animatable | |
SvSetName(IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode, const MSTR &name) | Animatable | virtual |
SvSetRefIndex(DWORD i) | Animatable | |
SvStdTraverseAnimGraph(IGraphObjectManager *gom, Animatable *owner, int id, DWORD flags) | Animatable | |
SvTraverseAnimGraph(IGraphObjectManager *gom, Animatable *owner, int id, DWORD flags) | Animatable | virtual |
SwapControllers(int i1, int tabIndex1, int i2, int tabIndex2)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
TestAFlag(DWORD mask) const | Animatable | inline |
TestAFlagEx(DWORD mask) const | Animatable | inline |
TestFlagBit(int index) | Animatable | |
TestForLoop(const Interval &refInterval, RefMakerHandle hmaker) | ReferenceTarget | |
TrackParamsType() | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
TrackViewWinProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) | Animatable | inlinevirtual |
TransferReferences(RefTargetHandle oldTarget, BOOL delOld=FALSE) | ReferenceTarget | |
UnblockEval() | ReferenceMaker | inlineprotected |
UnRegisterAppDataLoadCallback(const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, APPDATALOADPROC proc) | Animatable | static |
UnRegisterAppDataLoadCallback(DWORD sbid, APPDATALOADPROC proc) | Animatable | static |
ZeroCount(ParamID id)=0 | IParamBlock2 | pure virtual |
~Animatable()=0 | Animatable | protectedpure virtual |
~InterfaceServer() | InterfaceServer | virtual |
~Noncopyable() | Noncopyable | inlineprotected |
~ReferenceMaker()=0 | ReferenceMaker | protectedpure virtual |
~ReferenceTarget()=0 | ReferenceTarget | protectedpure virtual |