3ds Max C++ API Reference
#include <Animatable.h>
Classes | |
class | EnumAnimList |
A callback class for enumerating animatables. More... | |
class | FlagBitHelper |
A callback class for acquiring/releasing a FlagBit. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual void | FreeCaches () |
virtual int | NumChildren () |
virtual Animatable * | ChildAnim (int i) |
virtual CoreExport MSTR | NodeName () |
virtual void | EditTrack () |
virtual CoreExport BOOL | SubAnimSetKeyBufferPresent (int subNum) |
returns true if the sub-anim has a "Set Key" buffer present | |
virtual BOOL | SetKeyBufferPresent () |
returns true if there is a "Set Key" buffer present | |
virtual CoreExport void | SubAnimCommitSetKeyBuffer (TimeValue t, int subNum) |
Commit any "Set Key" buffers on the given sub-anim. | |
virtual void | CommitSetKeyBuffer (TimeValue t) |
Commit any "Set Key" buffers. | |
virtual CoreExport void | SubAnimRevertSetKeyBuffer (int subNum) |
Revert any "Set Key" buffers on the given sub-anim. | |
virtual void | RevertSetKeyBuffer () |
Revert any "Set Key" buffers. | |
virtual LRESULT CALLBACK | TrackViewWinProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
This function is obsolete. | |
virtual BOOL | IsRefMaker () |
Tells whether it is a ReferenceMaker. | |
virtual bool | IsParamBlockDesc2Used (ParamBlockDesc2 *desc) |
Returns true if the passed description is being used. | |
virtual bool | GetMacroRecorderName (bool used_as_rhs_value, MSTR &objectSpecifiedName) |
This method is called to access the object specified name to use for the Maxscript macrorecorder. | |
Construction, destruction of instances | |
CoreExport | Animatable () |
Constructor. | |
virtual CoreExport void | DeleteThis () |
Deletes an instance of this class. | |
Class identification | |
virtual void | GetClassName (MSTR &s, bool localized) const |
Retrieves the name of the plugin class. | |
MSTR | ClassName (bool localized=true) const |
Returns the name of the plugin class. | |
virtual CoreExport SClass_ID | SuperClassID ()=0 |
Retrieves a constant representing the type of the plugin. | |
virtual CoreExport Class_ID | ClassID () |
Retrieves a constant that uniquely identifies the plugin class. | |
Parameter Editing Methods | |
virtual void | BeginEditParams (IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags, Animatable *prev=NULL) |
virtual void | EndEditParams (IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags, Animatable *next=NULL) |
AppData, Interfaces, and Properties | |
The following methods deal with AppData. This is application specific data that may be attached to any Animatable in the scene. With these APIs any 3ds Max object (controller, object, node, modifier, material, etc.) can have custom data attached by other objects. These chunks are saved in the .MAX file and can be accessed through the object they are attached to. | |
virtual CoreExport void * | GetInterface (ULONG id) |
virtual CoreExport void | ReleaseInterface (ULONG id, void *i) |
virtual CoreExport BaseInterface * | GetInterface (Interface_ID id) |
virtual CoreExport int | SetProperty (ULONG id, void *data) |
virtual CoreExport void * | GetProperty (ULONG id) |
CoreExport void | AppendProperty (AnimProperty *prop) |
A function to directly add arbitrary properties to this object developers should ensure that the properties ID does not conflict with any Max-specific IDs. | |
CoreExport AnimProperty * | FindProperty (DWORD id) |
Find any property. | |
CoreExport void | AddAppDataChunk (const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, DWORD sbid, DWORD len, void *data) |
Adds application/plugin specific (custom) data to an Animatable. | |
CoreExport AppDataChunk * | GetAppDataChunk (const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, DWORD sbid) |
Retrieves the application/plugin specific (custom) data stored with an Animatable. | |
CoreExport BOOL | RemoveAppDataChunk (const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, DWORD sbid) |
Deletes the application/plugin specific (custom) data stored with an Animatable. | |
CoreExport void | ClearAllAppData () |
Deletes all application/plugin specific (custom) data stored with an Animatable. | |
Methods for Sub-Anims | |
virtual int | NumSubs () |
virtual Animatable * | SubAnim (int i) |
virtual CoreExport MSTR | SubAnimName (int i, bool localized) |
virtual BOOL | CanDeleteSubAnim (int i) |
virtual void | DeleteSubAnim (int i) |
virtual DWORD | GetSubAnimCurveColor (int subNum) |
virtual int | SubNumToRefNum (int subNum) |
virtual BOOL | CanCopyAnim () |
CoreExport int | HasSubElements (int type=0) |
virtual int | GetSubFCurveExtents (int subNum, ParamDimensionBase *dim, float &min, float &max, DWORD flags) |
The values max and min should be initialized before calling this function. | |
virtual ParamDimension * | GetParamDimension (int i) |
virtual BOOL | SelectSubAnim (int subNum) |
Methods dealing with Keys and Track View | |
virtual BOOL | BypassTreeView () |
virtual BOOL | BypassTrackBar () |
virtual BOOL | BypassPropertyLevel () |
virtual BOOL | InvisibleProperty () |
virtual int | NumKeys () |
virtual TimeValue | GetKeyTime (int index) |
virtual int | GetKeyIndex (TimeValue t) |
virtual BOOL | GetNextKeyTime (TimeValue t, DWORD flags, TimeValue &nt) |
virtual void | CopyKeysFromTime (TimeValue src, TimeValue dst, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | DeleteKeyAtTime (TimeValue t) |
virtual BOOL | IsKeyAtTime (TimeValue t, DWORD flags) |
virtual int | GetKeyTimes (Tab< TimeValue > ×, Interval range, DWORD flags) |
virtual int | GetKeySelState (BitArray &sel, Interval range, DWORD flags) |
CoreExport void | OpenTreeEntry (int type, DWORD tv) |
CoreExport void | CloseTreeEntry (int type, DWORD tv) |
CoreExport int | IsTreeEntryOpen (int type, DWORD tv) |
CoreExport BOOL | GetSelInTrackView (DWORD tv) |
CoreExport void | SetSelInTrackView (DWORD tv, BOOL sel) |
CoreExport BOOL | InTrackViewSelSet (int which) |
CoreExport void | SetTrackViewSelSet (int which, BOOL inOut) |
Controller Assignment | |
virtual BOOL | AssignController (Animatable *control, int subAnim) |
virtual BOOL | CanAssignController (int subAnim) |
Return true if we can reassign the subanim specified. | |
Make Unique Control | |
virtual BOOL | CanMakeUnique () |
Enumeration of Anims and Auxiliary Files | |
CoreExport int | EnumAnimTree (AnimEnum *animEnum, Animatable *client, int subNum) |
virtual CoreExport void | EnumAuxFiles (AssetEnumCallback &assetEnum, DWORD flags=FILE_ENUM_ALL) |
Methods called when rendering is started and finished | |
virtual int | RenderBegin (TimeValue t, ULONG flags=0) |
virtual int | RenderEnd (TimeValue t) |
Operations to a selected block of time | |
virtual CoreExport Interval | GetTimeRange (DWORD flags) |
virtual void | EditTimeRange (Interval range, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | DeleteTime (Interval iv, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | ReverseTime (Interval iv, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | ScaleTime (Interval iv, float s) |
virtual void | InsertTime (TimeValue ins, TimeValue amount) |
virtual BOOL | SupportTimeOperations () |
virtual CoreExport void | MapKeys (TimeMap *map, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | DeleteKeys (DWORD flags) |
virtual void | DeleteKeyByIndex (int index) |
virtual void | SelectKeys (TrackHitTab &sel, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | SelectSubKeys (int subNum, TrackHitTab &sel, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | SelectSubCurve (int subNum, BOOL sel) |
virtual void | SelectKeyByIndex (int i, BOOL sel) |
virtual BOOL | IsKeySelected (int i) |
virtual void | FlagKey (TrackHitRecord hit) |
virtual int | GetFlagKeyIndex () |
virtual int | NumSelKeys () |
virtual void | CloneSelectedKeys (BOOL offset=FALSE) |
virtual void | AddNewKey (TimeValue t, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | MoveKeys (ParamDimensionBase *dim, float delta, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | ScaleKeyValues (ParamDimensionBase *dim, float origin, float scale, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | SelectCurve (BOOL sel) |
virtual BOOL | IsCurveSelected () |
Returns TRUE if the function curve is selected; otherwise returns FALSE. | |
virtual BOOL | IsSubCurveSelected (int subNum) |
Returns the selected state of the sub-curve whose index is passed. | |
virtual int | GetSelKeyCoords (TimeValue &t, float &val, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | SetSelKeyCoords (TimeValue t, float val, DWORD flags) |
virtual int | SetSelKeyCoordsExpr (ParamDimension *dim, const MCHAR *timeExpr, const MCHAR *valExpr, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | AdjustTangents (TrackHitRecord hit, ParamDimensionBase *dim, Rect &rcGraph, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, int dx, int dy, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | AdjustTangents (TrackHitRecord hit, ParamDimensionBase *dim, float angle, float length, DWORD flags) |
Animation Properties | |
virtual CoreExport BOOL | IsAnimated () |
Clipboard Methods | |
virtual BOOL | CanCopyTrack (Interval iv, DWORD flags) |
virtual BOOL | CanPasteTrack (TrackClipObject *cobj, Interval iv, DWORD flags) |
virtual TrackClipObject * | CopyTrack (Interval iv, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | PasteTrack (TrackClipObject *cobj, Interval iv, DWORD flags) |
virtual BOOL | CanCopySubTrack (int subNum, Interval iv, DWORD flags) |
virtual BOOL | CanPasteSubTrack (int subNum, TrackClipObject *cobj, Interval iv, DWORD flags) |
virtual TrackClipObject * | CopySubTrack (int subNum, Interval iv, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | PasteSubTrack (int subNum, TrackClipObject *cobj, Interval iv, DWORD flags) |
Drawing and hit testing tracks | |
virtual int | GetTrackVSpace (int lineHeight) |
virtual int | HitTestTrack (TrackHitTab &hits, Rect &rcHit, Rect &rcTrack, float zoom, int scroll, DWORD flags) |
virtual int | PaintTrack (ParamDimensionBase *dim, HDC hdc, Rect &rcTrack, Rect &rcPaint, float zoom, int scroll, DWORD flags) |
virtual int | PaintSubTrack (int subNum, ParamDimensionBase *dim, HDC hdc, Rect &rcTrack, Rect &rcPaint, float zoom, int scroll, DWORD flags) |
Drawing and hit testing function curves | |
virtual int | PaintFCurves (ParamDimensionBase *dim, HDC hdc, Rect &rcGraph, Rect &rcPaint, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, DWORD flags) |
virtual int | HitTestFCurves (ParamDimensionBase *dim, TrackHitTab &hits, Rect &rcHit, Rect &rcGraph, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, DWORD flags) |
virtual int | PaintSubFCurves (int subNum, ParamDimensionBase *dim, HDC hdc, Rect &rcGraph, Rect &rcPaint, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, DWORD flags) |
virtual int | HitTestSubFCurves (int subNum, ParamDimensionBase *dim, TrackHitTab &hits, Rect &rcHit, Rect &rcGraph, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, DWORD flags) |
virtual void | EditTrackParams (TimeValue t, ParamDimensionBase *dim, const MCHAR *pname, HWND hParent, IObjParam *ip, DWORD flags) |
virtual int | TrackParamsType () |
virtual int | GetFCurveExtents (ParamDimensionBase *dim, float &min, float &max, DWORD flags) |
This method is called to calculate the largest and smallest values of the anim. | |
Methods dealing with Note Tracks | |
CoreExport void | AddNoteTrack (NoteTrack *note) |
CoreExport void | DeleteNoteTrack (NoteTrack *note, BOOL delNote=TRUE) |
CoreExport BOOL | HasNoteTracks () |
CoreExport int | NumNoteTracks () |
CoreExport NoteTrack * | GetNoteTrack (int i) |
CoreExport DWORD | DeleteAllNoteTracks () |
Bitmap Related Methods | |
virtual void | FreeAllBitmaps () |
System Plug-In Related Methods | |
virtual void | GetSystemNodes (INodeTab &nodes, SysNodeContext Context) |
Sub-Class Indication | |
virtual BOOL | IsSubClassOf (Class_ID classID) |
returns true if the animatable has sub-classed off the given class | |
Interactive Adjustment | |
virtual CoreExport void | MouseCycleCompleted (TimeValue t) |
virtual CoreExport void | MouseCycleStarted (TimeValue t) |
Parameter Block2 Methods | |
virtual int | NumParamBlocks () |
virtual IParamBlock2 * | GetParamBlock (int i) |
virtual IParamBlock2 * | GetParamBlockByID (short id) |
Schematic View Methods | |
CoreExport bool | SvSaveData (ISave *isave, USHORT id) |
CoreExport bool | SvLoadData (ILoad *iLoad) |
CoreExport DWORD | SvGetRefIndex () |
CoreExport void | SvSetRefIndex (DWORD i) |
CoreExport bool | SvDeleteRefIndex () |
virtual CoreExport SvGraphNodeReference | SvTraverseAnimGraph (IGraphObjectManager *gom, Animatable *owner, int id, DWORD flags) |
CoreExport SvGraphNodeReference | SvStdTraverseAnimGraph (IGraphObjectManager *gom, Animatable *owner, int id, DWORD flags) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvCanInitiateLink (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvCanConcludeLink (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode, IGraphNode *gNodeChild) |
virtual CoreExport MSTR | SvGetName (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode, bool isBeingEdited) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvCanSetName (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvSetName (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode, const MSTR &name) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvCanRemoveThis (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvRemoveThis (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
Called when the user deletes this object in the schematic view... | |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvIsSelected (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
Returns true if the object is selected in its schematic view. | |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvIsHighlighted (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport COLORREF | SvHighlightColor (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport COLORREF | SvGetSwatchColor (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvIsInactive (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvLinkChild (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeThis, IGraphNode *gNodeChild) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvHandleDoubleClick (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport MultiSelectCallback * | SvGetMultiSelectCallback (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvCanSelect (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvEditProperties (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport MSTR | SvGetTip (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport MSTR | SvGetRefTip (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvCanDetach (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvDetach (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode) |
virtual CoreExport MSTR | SvGetRelTip (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeTarget, int id, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker) |
Returns a string to be displayed in the tip window in the schematic view for a relationship from "gNodeMaker" to "gNodeTarget"... | |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvCanDetachRel (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeTarget, int id, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker) |
Returns true if this object can respond to the SvDetachRel(...) method... | |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvDetachRel (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeTarget, int id, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker) |
Detach this relationship. | |
virtual CoreExport bool | SvHandleRelDoubleClick (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeTarget, int id, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker) |
Called when this relationship is double-clicked in the schematic view... | |
Custom Attributes | |
CoreExport ICustAttribContainer * | GetCustAttribContainer () |
This method returns a pointer to the custom attributes container interface class. | |
CoreExport void | AllocCustAttribContainer () |
This method allocates space for a custom attributes container. | |
CoreExport void | DeleteCustAttribContainer () |
This method deletes space used by a custom attributes container. | |
![]() | |
virtual UtilExport | ~InterfaceServer () |
Destructor. | |
virtual UtilExport BaseInterface * | GetInterface (Interface_ID id) |
template<class InterfaceType > | |
InterfaceType * | GetTypedInterface () |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static CoreExport BOOL | IsDeleted (Animatable *anim) |
Debug method to determine whether an object has been deleted. | |
static CoreExport AnimHandle | GetHandleByAnim (Animatable *anim) |
Get the unique handle for an Animatable object. | |
static CoreExport Animatable * | GetAnimByHandle (AnimHandle handle) |
Get an Animatable object from its unique handle. | |
static CoreExport AnimHandle | GetNextHandle () |
Get the unique handle for the next Animatable object to be created. | |
static CoreExport void | EnumerateAllAnimatables (EnumAnimList &enumProcObject) |
Enumerator to enumerate across all animatables. | |
static CoreExport bool | RegisterAppDataLoadCallback (const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, APPDATALOADPROC proc) |
Registers a callback proc that is called when an AppDataChunk is read from a scene file. | |
static CoreExport bool | UnRegisterAppDataLoadCallback (const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, APPDATALOADPROC proc) |
Unregisters a callback proc that is called when an AppDataChunk is read from a scene file. | |
static CoreExport bool | RegisterAppDataLoadCallback (DWORD sbid, APPDATALOADPROC proc) |
Registers a callback proc that is called when an AppDataChunk is read from a scene file. | |
static CoreExport bool | UnRegisterAppDataLoadCallback (DWORD sbid, APPDATALOADPROC proc) |
Unregisters a callback proc that is called when an AppDataChunk is read from a scene file. | |
![]() | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size) |
Standard new operator used to allocate objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e) |
Standard new operator used to allocate objects if there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, const char *filename, int line) |
New operator used to allocate objects that takes the filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) |
New operator used to allocate objects that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) |
New operator used to allocate objects that takes the filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, unsigned long flags) |
New operator used to allocate objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) |
New operator used to allocate objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size) |
New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e) |
New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size, const char *filename, int line) |
New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) |
New operator used to allocate arrays of objects. | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) |
New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size, unsigned long flags) |
New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) |
New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr) |
Standard delete operator used to deallocate an object If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e) |
Standard delete operator used to deallocate an object If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, const char *filename, int line) |
Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) |
Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) |
Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, unsigned long flags) |
Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) |
Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr) |
Standard delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e) |
Standard delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr, const char *filename, int line) |
Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line) |
Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line) |
Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr, unsigned long flags) |
Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags) |
Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. | |
static UtilExport void * | operator new (size_t size, void *placement_ptr) |
Placement new operator. | |
static UtilExport void | operator delete (void *ptr, void *placement_ptr) |
Placement delete operator. | |
static UtilExport void * | aligned_malloc (size_t size, size_t alignment) |
Allocates memory on a specified alignment boundary. | |
static UtilExport void * | aligned_realloc (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t alignment) |
Reallocates memory on a specified alignment boundary. | |
static UtilExport void | aligned_free (void *ptr) |
Frees a block of memory that was allocated with aligned_malloc/aligned_realloc. | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static const AnimHandle | kInvalidAnimHandle = 0 |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual CoreExport | ~Animatable ()=0 |
Destructor. | |
![]() | |
Noncopyable () | |
~Noncopyable () | |
Protected Attributes | |
DWORD | aflag |
AnimPropertyList | aprops |
Friends | |
class | ISaveImp |
class | ILoadImp |
Flag Access | |
Sets one or more bits in the Animatable flags | |
void | SetAFlag (DWORD mask) |
void | ClearAFlag (DWORD mask) |
Clears one or more bits in the Animatable flags. | |
bool | TestAFlag (DWORD mask) const |
Tests one or more bits in the Animatable flags. | |
void | SetAFlagEx (DWORD mask) |
Sets one or more bits in the Animatable extended flags. | |
void | ClearAFlagEx (DWORD mask) |
Clears one or more bits in the Animatable extended flags. | |
bool | TestAFlagEx (DWORD mask) const |
Tests one or more bits in the Animatable extended flags. | |
CoreExport bool | TestFlagBit (int index) |
Tests the specified flag bit. | |
CoreExport void | SetFlagBit (int index, bool newValue=true) |
Sets the specified flag bit. | |
CoreExport void | ClearFlagBit (int index) |
Clears the specified flag bit. | |
static CoreExport void | ClearAFlagInAllAnimatables (DWORD mask) |
Clears one or more bits in the Animatable flags in all Animatables. | |
static CoreExport void | ClearAFlagExInAllAnimatables (DWORD mask) |
Clears one or more bits in the Animatable extended flags in all Animatables. | |
static CoreExport int | RequestFlagBit () |
Requests an unique flag bit index. | |
static CoreExport void | ReleaseFlagBit (int index) |
Releases the flag bit index. | |
static CoreExport void | ClearFlagBitInAllAnimatables (int index) |
Clears the specified flag bit in all Animatables. | |
protectedpure virtual |
Instances of class Animatable and classes directly derived from it should be deleted by calling Animatable::DeleteThis() on them, rather then calling the delete operator.
CoreExport Animatable | ( | ) |
virtual |
Deletes an instance of this class.
3ds Max calls this method when it needs to delete a plugin object (an instance of a class derived from Animatable). Similarly, plugins that need to delete instances of an Animatable or a class directly derived from it via an Animatable pointer, should call this method instead of calling directly operator delete. Following these rules will ensure that the same memory manager is used to allocate and deallocate the object. The default implementation of this method deletes the object. Plugin instances that never need to be deleted from the heap can overwrite this method to do nothing.
Reimplemented in EaseCurveList, MultCurveList, DummyObject, SphereGizmoObject, CylGizmoObject, BoxGizmoObject, CollisionPlane, CollisionSphere, CollisionMesh, RefTargMonitorRefMaker, LinearShape, Manipulator, DADBitmapCarrier, DefNoteTrack, PFSimpleAction, PatchObject, PolyObject, RefMgr< T >, SimpleOSMToWSMMod, SimpleOSMToWSMMod2, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SingleWeakRefMaker, SplineShape, TriObject, MtlLib, MtlBaseLib, MAXWrapper, MSCustAttrib, MSPluginObject< GenCamera >, MSPluginObject< GeomObject >, MSPluginObject< HelperObject >, MSPluginObject< GenLight >, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< GenCamera, MSPluginCamera >, MSObjectXtnd< GeomObject, MSPluginGeomObject >, MSObjectXtnd< HelperObject, MSPluginHelper >, MSObjectXtnd< GenLight, MSPluginLight >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSPluginSimpleObject, MSSimpleObjectXtnd, MSPluginSimpleSpline, MSPluginSimpleManipulator, MSPluginModifier, MSModifierXtnd, MSPluginSimpleMod, MSSimpleModXtnd, MSPluginTexmap, MSTexmapXtnd, MSPluginMtl, MSMtlXtnd, MSPluginSpecialFX< Atmospheric >, MSPluginSpecialFX< Effect8 >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Atmospheric, MSPluginAtmos >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Effect, MSPluginEffect >, MSPluginTrackViewUtility, SingleRefMaker, UnifiedRenderer, ICustAttribContainer, GizmoClass, IStdDualVS, and MCDeviceBinding.
Retrieves the name of the plugin class.
This name is used in 3ds Max's UI and in MAXScript. For Material plug-ins this method is used to put up the material "type" name in the Material Editor.
s | Reference to a string filled in with the name of the plugin class. |
localized | If true, then the class name returned should be localized in the language 3ds Max is currently using. Otherwise it should be the class name in English. If a plugin does not provide localized string resources, it can disregard this parameter and always return the class name in English. |
Reimplemented in MSPluginObject< GenCamera >, MSPluginObject< GeomObject >, MSPluginObject< HelperObject >, MSPluginObject< GenLight >, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< GenCamera, MSPluginCamera >, MSObjectXtnd< GeomObject, MSPluginGeomObject >, MSObjectXtnd< HelperObject, MSPluginHelper >, MSObjectXtnd< GenLight, MSPluginLight >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSPluginSimpleObject, MSSimpleObjectXtnd, MSPluginSimpleManipulator, MSSimpleManipulatorXtnd, MSPluginModifier, MSModifierXtnd, MSPluginSimpleMod, MSSimpleModXtnd, MSPluginTexmap, MSTexmapXtnd, MSPluginMtl, MSMtlXtnd, MSPluginSpecialFX< Atmospheric >, MSPluginSpecialFX< Effect8 >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Atmospheric, MSPluginAtmos >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Effect, MSPluginEffect >, MSPluginTrackViewUtility, EaseCurveList, MultCurveList, DummyObject, SphereGizmoObject, CylGizmoObject, BoxGizmoObject, CollisionPlane, CollisionSphere, CollisionMesh, INodeTransformed, RefTargMonitorRefMaker, LinearShape, SimpleManipulator, DADBitmapCarrier, Mtl, MtlLib, MtlBaseLib, Texmap, MAXWrapper, MSCustAttrib, MSPluginSimpleSpline, AnimatableRolloutControl::ControllerHolder, MCDeviceBinding, DefNoteTrack, PFSimpleAction, PatchObject, SingleRefMakerPatchNode, SingleRefMakerPatchMtl, PolyObject, ReferenceMaker, ReferenceTarget, SingleRefMaker, RefMgrAddDeleteRestore< T >, SimplePolyObject, SimpleOSMToWSMMod, SimpleOSMToWSMMod2, SimpleObjectBase, SimpleWSMObject, SimpleParticle, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SingleWeakRefMaker, SplineShape, SingleRefMakerSplineNode, SingleRefMakerSplineMtl, TriObject, and UnifiedRenderer.
inline |
Returns the name of the plugin class.
localized | If true, then the class name returned should be localized in the language 3ds Max is currently using. Otherwise it should be the class name in English. If a plugin does not provide localized string resources, it can disregard this parameter and always return the class name in English. |
pure virtual |
Retrieves a constant representing the type of the plugin.
Implemented in EaseCurveList, MultCurveList, BaseBehavior, CustAttrib, CollisionPlane, CollisionSphere, CollisionMesh, IIndirectRefTargContainer, IDataChannelEngine, IStdDualVS, DADBitmapCarrier, Mtl, Texmap, TextureOutput, UVGen, XYZGen, MCDeviceBinding, NoteTrack, CameraObject, LightObject, RadiosityEffect, IRenderElement, MaxBakeElement, Renderer, Sampler, Atmospheric, Effect, FilterKernel, BaseShader, ShadowType, SimpleOSMToWSMMod, SimpleOSMToWSMMod2, SingleWeakRefMaker, SoundObj, IXRefAtmospheric, IXRefObject, IKDriverControl, IKDrivenControl, ILayer, ILayerManager, MtlLib, MtlBaseLib, MAXWrapper, MSCustAttrib, MSPluginShape, MSShapeXtnd, MSPluginModifier, MSModifierXtnd, MSPluginSimpleMod, MSSimpleModXtnd, IMultiPassCameraEffect, HelperObject, GeomObject, ShapeObject, WSMObject, Modifier, OSModifier, WSModifier, ReferenceMaker, ReferenceTarget, SingleRefMaker, ToneOperator, UnifiedRenderer, and UnifiedRenderer.
virtual |
Retrieves a constant that uniquely identifies the plugin class.
This method must return the unique ID for the plugin class. If two ClassIDs conflict, the system will only load the first conflicting one it finds. A program (gencid.exe) is provided to generate unique class id values.
Reimplemented in EaseCurveList, MultCurveList, DummyObject, SphereGizmoObject, CylGizmoObject, BoxGizmoObject, CollisionPlane, CollisionSphere, CollisionMesh, IIndirectRefTargContainer, RefTargMonitorRefMaker, IStdDualVS, LinearShape, DADBitmapCarrier, MtlBase, DefNoteTrack, PFSimpleAction, PatchObject, PolyObject, RefMgrAddDeleteRestore< T >, RefMgr< T >, SimpleOSMToWSMMod, SimpleOSMToWSMMod2, SplineShape, TriObject, IXRefAtmospheric, IXRefObject, IKDriverControl, IKDrivenControl, MtlLib, MtlBaseLib, MAXWrapper, MSCustAttrib, MSPluginObject< GenCamera >, MSPluginObject< GeomObject >, MSPluginObject< HelperObject >, MSPluginObject< GenLight >, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< GenCamera, MSPluginCamera >, MSObjectXtnd< GeomObject, MSPluginGeomObject >, MSObjectXtnd< HelperObject, MSPluginHelper >, MSObjectXtnd< GenLight, MSPluginLight >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSPluginSimpleObject, MSSimpleObjectXtnd, MSPluginSimpleSpline, MSPluginSimpleManipulator, MSSimpleManipulatorXtnd, MSPluginModifier, MSModifierXtnd, MSPluginSimpleMod, MSSimpleModXtnd, MSPluginTexmap, MSTexmapXtnd, MSPluginMtl, MSMtlXtnd, MSPluginSpecialFX< Atmospheric >, MSPluginSpecialFX< Effect8 >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Atmospheric, MSPluginAtmos >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Effect, MSPluginEffect >, MSPluginTrackViewUtility, AnimatableRolloutControl::ControllerHolder, UnifiedRenderer, SimpleShape, and SimpleSpline.
static |
Debug method to determine whether an object has been deleted.
This method checks whether an object is alive in memory, or is deleted and is a dangling pointer. The check is not perfectly accurate. A result of TRUE is guaranteed to be accurate - the object is deleted - however a result of FALSE may be inaccurate. This method should be used together with other tools to aid in debugging and bulletproofing.
anim | The Animatable object |
static |
Get the unique handle for an Animatable object.
Every Animatable is given a handle value when allocated. The values are unique within a scene, but are not saved with the scene, and no guarantees are provided about handle values from one load to another. Handles are intended for use as sort/hash keys, when load and save are not required. They are safer than pointers, since the Animatable may be deleted, in which case the handle value is never reused for another Animatable within the current session, and searching for the Animatable via GetAnimByHandle() simply yields NULL.
anim | The Animatable object |
static |
Get an Animatable object from its unique handle.
Every Animatable is given a handle value when allocated. The values are unique within a scene, but are not saved with the scene, and no guarantees are provided about handle values from one load to another. Handles are intended for use as sort/hash keys, when load and save are not required. They are safer than pointers, since the Animatable may be deleted, in which case the handle value is never reused for another Animatable within the current session, and searching for the Animatable via GetAnimByHandle() simply yields NULL.
handle | The unique handle value for the Animatable |
static |
Get the unique handle for the next Animatable object to be created.
Every Animatable is given a handle value when allocated. This method returns the handle value that will be used for the next animatable created. This method is primarily intended for testing purposes, in particular for detecting if calling ClassDesc::Create() is creating an Animatable-derived object.
inline |
mask | The bits to turn on in the Animatable flags |
inline |
Clears one or more bits in the Animatable flags.
mask | The bits to turn off in the Animatable flags |
inline |
Tests one or more bits in the Animatable flags.
mask | The bits to test in the Animatable flags |
static |
Clears one or more bits in the Animatable flags in all Animatables.
mask | The bits to turn off in the Animatable flags |
inline |
Sets one or more bits in the Animatable extended flags.
mask | The bits to turn on in the Animatable extended flags |
inline |
Clears one or more bits in the Animatable extended flags.
mask | The bits to turn off in the Animatable extended flags |
inline |
Tests one or more bits in the Animatable extended flags.
mask | The bits to test in the Animatable extended flags |
static |
Clears one or more bits in the Animatable extended flags in all Animatables.
mask | The bits to turn off in the Animatable extended flags |
static |
Requests an unique flag bit index.
The flag bit index is used with the Animatable::TestFlagBit(), Animatable::SetFlagBit(), Animatable::ClearFlagBit(), and Animatable::ClearFlagBitInAllAnimatables() methods. The flag bit index must be released using the Animatable::ReleaseFlagBit() method. The intended usage of the flag bit index is in enumerations where you want to visit each Animatable only once, and the usage of the flag bit is of a temporary, short term usage. The flag bits are not saved with the Animatable, nor copied via the assign operator. The flag bits referred to for these methods are not associated with the aflag or aflag_ex data members. After calling this method call ClearFlagBitInAllAnimatables to clear the flag in all Animatables before starting to use the flag bit.
static |
Releases the flag bit index.
index | The flag bit index to release |
CoreExport bool TestFlagBit | ( | int | index | ) |
Tests the specified flag bit.
index | The flag bit index to test |
CoreExport void SetFlagBit | ( | int | index, |
bool | newValue = true |
) |
Sets the specified flag bit.
index | The flag bit index to set |
newValue | The value to set the flag bit index to |
CoreExport void ClearFlagBit | ( | int | index | ) |
Clears the specified flag bit.
index | The flag bit index to clear |
static |
Clears the specified flag bit in all Animatables.
index | The flag bit index to clear |
static |
Enumerator to enumerate across all animatables.
Implemented by the System. The Animatables are enumerated in order of creation. Use Animatable::EnumAnimTree when the enumerating the Animatables based on their hierarchy is required. EnumerateAllAnimatables is designed to be safe with recursive calls to EnumerateAllAnimatables, and is designed to be safe when Animatables are added/deleted during an enumeration.
enumProcObject | - The callback object called for each animatable. |
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in LinearShape, PFSimpleAction, PatchObject, PolyObject, SimpleObjectBase, SimpleWSMObject, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, TriObject, MSCustAttrib, MSPluginObject< GenCamera >, MSPluginObject< GeomObject >, MSPluginObject< HelperObject >, MSPluginObject< GenLight >, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< GenCamera, MSPluginCamera >, MSObjectXtnd< GeomObject, MSPluginGeomObject >, MSObjectXtnd< HelperObject, MSPluginHelper >, MSObjectXtnd< GenLight, MSPluginLight >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSSimpleObjectXtnd, MSSimpleManipulatorXtnd, MSPluginModifier, MSModifierXtnd, MSPluginSimpleMod, MSSimpleModXtnd, MSPluginTexmap, MSTexmapXtnd, MSPluginMtl, MSMtlXtnd, MSPluginSpecialFX< Atmospheric >, MSPluginSpecialFX< Effect8 >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Atmospheric, MSPluginAtmos >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Effect, MSPluginEffect >, MSPluginTrackViewUtility, and SimplePolyObject.
inlinevirtual |
ip | Interface pointer. The developer can use it to call methods such as AddRollupPage(). Note that this pointer is only valid between BeginEditParams() and EndEditParams(). It should not be used outside this interval. |
flags | Describe which branch of the command panel or dialog the item is being edited in. The following are possible values: BEGIN_EDIT_CREATE Indicates an item is being edited in the create branch. BEGIN_EDIT_MOTION Indicates a controller is being edited in the motion branch. BEGIN_EDIT_HIERARCHY Indicates a controller is being edited in the Pivot subtask of the hierarchy branch. BEGIN_EDIT_IK Indicates a controller is being edited in the IK subtask of the hierarchy branch. BEGIN_EDIT_LINKINFO Indicates a controller is being edited in the Link Info subtask of the hierarchy branch. |
prev | Pointer to an Animatable object. This parameter may be used in the motion and hierarchy branches of the command panel. This pointer allows a plug-in to look at the ClassID of the previous item that was being edited, and if it is the same as this item, to not replace the entire UI in the command panel, but simply update the values displayed in the UI fields. This prevents the UI from 'flickering' when the current item begins its edit. For example, if you are in the motion branch and are looking at an item's PRS controller values, and then select another item that is displayed with a PRS controller, the UI will not change - only the values displayed in the fields will change. If however you selected a target camera that has a lookat controller (not a PRS controller) the UI will change because a different set of parameters need to be displayed. Note that for items that are edited in the modifier branch this field can be ignored. |
Reimplemented in GizmoObject, SphereGizmoObject, CylGizmoObject, BoxGizmoObject, IProjectionModType, GizmoClass, SimpleManipulator, SimpleObjectBase, SimpleWSMObject, SimpleOSMToWSMObject, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSCustAttrib, MSPluginSimpleSpline, SimplePolyObject, IDataChannelEngine, PFSimpleAction, IMultiPassCameraEffect, PatchObject, SimpleWSMMod, SimpleParticle, ShapeObject, SimpleModBase, MSPluginObject< GenCamera >, MSPluginObject< GeomObject >, MSPluginObject< HelperObject >, MSPluginObject< GenLight >, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< GenCamera, MSPluginCamera >, MSObjectXtnd< GeomObject, MSPluginGeomObject >, MSObjectXtnd< HelperObject, MSPluginHelper >, MSObjectXtnd< GenLight, MSPluginLight >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSPluginSimpleObject, MSSimpleObjectXtnd, MSPluginSimpleManipulator, MSSimpleManipulatorXtnd, MSPluginModifier, MSModifierXtnd, MSPluginSimpleMod, and MSSimpleModXtnd.
inlinevirtual |
ip | An interface pointer. The developer may use the interface pointer to call methods such as DeleteRollupPage(). |
flags | The following flag may be set: END_EDIT_REMOVEUI If TRUE, the item's user interface should be removed. |
next | Animatable pointer. Can be used in the motion and hierarchy branches of the command panel. It allows a plug-in to look at the ClassID of the next item that was being edited, and if it is the same as this item, to not replace the entire UI in the command panel. Note that for items that are edited in the modifier branch this field can be ignored. |
Reimplemented in GizmoObject, SphereGizmoObject, CylGizmoObject, BoxGizmoObject, IProjectionModType, GizmoClass, SimpleManipulator, SimpleObjectBase, SimpleWSMObject, SimpleOSMToWSMObject, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MSCustAttrib, MSPluginSimpleSpline, SimplePolyObject, IDataChannelEngine, PFSimpleAction, IMultiPassCameraEffect, PatchObject, SimpleWSMMod, SimpleParticle, ShapeObject, SimpleModBase, MSPluginObject< GenCamera >, MSPluginObject< GeomObject >, MSPluginObject< HelperObject >, MSPluginObject< GenLight >, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< GenCamera, MSPluginCamera >, MSObjectXtnd< GeomObject, MSPluginGeomObject >, MSObjectXtnd< HelperObject, MSPluginHelper >, MSObjectXtnd< GenLight, MSPluginLight >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSPluginSimpleObject, MSSimpleObjectXtnd, MSPluginSimpleManipulator, MSSimpleManipulatorXtnd, MSPluginModifier, MSModifierXtnd, MSPluginSimpleMod, and MSSimpleModXtnd.
virtual |
id | The id of the interface. |
Reimplemented in EaseCurveList, MultCurveList, Control, LockableStdControl, LockableControl, MtlBase, IDerivedObject, PatchObject, MaxRenderElement, MaxBakeElement, MaxBakeElement, MaxBakeElement8, MaxBakeElement8, MaxBakeElement8, MaxBakeElement10, MaxBakeElement10, MaxBakeElement10, Effect8, Shader, SimpleObjectBase, SimpleParticle, SplineShape, TriObject, EaseCurveList, MultCurveList, Control, IADTCategory, IADTStyle, INode, MAXWrapper, MSCustAttrib, MSPluginObject< GenCamera >, MSPluginObject< GeomObject >, MSPluginObject< HelperObject >, MSPluginObject< GenLight >, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< GenCamera, MSPluginCamera >, MSObjectXtnd< GeomObject, MSPluginGeomObject >, MSObjectXtnd< HelperObject, MSPluginHelper >, MSObjectXtnd< GenLight, MSPluginLight >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSPluginSimpleObject, MSSimpleObjectXtnd, MSSimpleObjectXtnd, MSPluginSimpleSpline, MSPluginSimpleManipulator, MSSimpleManipulatorXtnd, MSSimpleManipulatorXtnd, MSPluginModifier, MSModifierXtnd, MSModifierXtnd, MSPluginSimpleMod, MSSimpleModXtnd, MSSimpleModXtnd, MSPluginTexmap, MSTexmapXtnd, MSTexmapXtnd, MSPluginMtl, MSMtlXtnd, MSMtlXtnd, MSPluginSpecialFX< Atmospheric >, MSPluginSpecialFX< Effect8 >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Atmospheric, MSPluginAtmos >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Effect, MSPluginEffect >, MSPluginTrackViewUtility, MSPluginTrackViewUtility, IDerivedObject, BaseObject, Object, LightObject, ShapeObject, WSMObject, ReferenceMaker, ReferenceTarget, SimplePolyObject, SplineShape, UnifiedRenderer, IRenderElement, MaxRenderElement, MaxBakeElement, MaxBakeElement8, and MaxBakeElement10.
virtual |
Reimplemented in MaxRenderElement, MaxBakeElement, TriObject, and IRenderElement.
virtual |
id | The unique ID of the interface to get. See Class Interface_ID. |
Reimplemented from InterfaceServer.
Reimplemented in IIndirectRefTargContainer, INode, IRefTargContainer, SimpleManipulator, MtlBase, MSPluginSimpleManipulator, MSSimpleManipulatorXtnd, PFSimpleAction, PFSimpleOperator, PFSimpleTest, Effect8, Shader, IXRefAtmospheric, IXRefCtrl, IXRefMaterial, IXRefObject8, EaseCurveList, MultCurveList, Control, IADTCategory, IADTStyle, INode, MAXWrapper, MAXWrapper, MSCustAttrib, MSPluginObject< GenCamera >, MSPluginObject< GeomObject >, MSPluginObject< HelperObject >, MSPluginObject< GenLight >, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< GenCamera, MSPluginCamera >, MSObjectXtnd< GeomObject, MSPluginGeomObject >, MSObjectXtnd< HelperObject, MSPluginHelper >, MSObjectXtnd< GenLight, MSPluginLight >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSMtlXtnd, MSPluginSpecialFX< Atmospheric >, MSPluginSpecialFX< Effect8 >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Atmospheric, MSPluginAtmos >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Effect, MSPluginEffect >, MSPluginTrackViewUtility, IDerivedObject, BaseObject, Object, LightObject, ReferenceMaker, ReferenceTarget, UnifiedRenderer, SimpleObjectBase, TriObject, ShapeObject, SimplePolyObject, and SplineShape.
virtual |
id | The id for the property. |
data | A pointer to the data to store. |
Reimplemented in MtlBase, ShapeObject, and MSMtlXtnd.
virtual |
id | The id of the property to retrieve. |
Reimplemented in MtlBase, ShapeObject, and MSMtlXtnd.
CoreExport void AppendProperty | ( | AnimProperty * | prop | ) |
A function to directly add arbitrary properties to this object developers should ensure that the properties ID does not conflict with any Max-specific IDs.
prop | The new property to add |
CoreExport AnimProperty * FindProperty | ( | DWORD | id | ) |
Find any property.
This allows developers to add arbitrary properties to Animatables.
id | the id of the property to find |
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in EaseCurveList, MultCurveList, Control, GizmoObject, GizmoClass, SimpleManipulator, PFSimpleAction, PatchObject, SimpleWSMMod, SimpleWSMObject, SimpleOSMToWSMObject, SimpleParticle, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MtlLib, MtlBaseLib, MSCustAttrib, MSPluginObject< GenCamera >, MSPluginObject< GeomObject >, MSPluginObject< HelperObject >, MSPluginObject< GenLight >, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< GenCamera, MSPluginCamera >, MSObjectXtnd< GeomObject, MSPluginGeomObject >, MSObjectXtnd< HelperObject, MSPluginHelper >, MSObjectXtnd< GenLight, MSPluginLight >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSPluginSimpleObject, MSSimpleObjectXtnd, MSPluginSimpleSpline, MSPluginSimpleManipulator, MSSimpleManipulatorXtnd, MSPluginModifier, MSModifierXtnd, MSPluginSimpleMod, MSSimpleModXtnd, MSPluginTexmap, MSTexmapXtnd, MSPluginMtl, MSMtlXtnd, MSPluginSpecialFX< Atmospheric >, MSPluginSpecialFX< Effect8 >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Atmospheric, MSPluginAtmos >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Effect, MSPluginEffect >, MSPluginTrackViewUtility, ShapeObject, UnifiedRenderer, SimplePolyObject, SimpleModBase, SimpleMod, SimpleMod2, SimpleObject, and SimpleObject2.
inlinevirtual |
i | This is the index of the sub-anim to return. |
Reimplemented in EaseCurveList, MultCurveList, Control, GizmoObject, GizmoClass, SimpleManipulator, PFSimpleAction, PatchObject, SimpleWSMMod, SimpleWSMMod2, SimpleWSMObject, SimpleOSMToWSMObject, SimpleParticle, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, SplineShape, MtlLib, MtlBaseLib, MSCustAttrib, MSPluginObject< GenCamera >, MSPluginObject< GeomObject >, MSPluginObject< HelperObject >, MSPluginObject< GenLight >, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< GenCamera, MSPluginCamera >, MSObjectXtnd< GeomObject, MSPluginGeomObject >, MSObjectXtnd< HelperObject, MSPluginHelper >, MSObjectXtnd< GenLight, MSPluginLight >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSPluginSimpleObject, MSSimpleObjectXtnd, MSPluginSimpleSpline, MSPluginSimpleManipulator, MSSimpleManipulatorXtnd, MSPluginModifier, MSModifierXtnd, MSPluginSimpleMod, MSSimpleModXtnd, MSPluginTexmap, MSTexmapXtnd, MSPluginMtl, MSMtlXtnd, MSPluginSpecialFX< Atmospheric >, MSPluginSpecialFX< Effect8 >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Atmospheric, MSPluginAtmos >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Effect, MSPluginEffect >, MSPluginTrackViewUtility, ShapeObject, UnifiedRenderer, SimplePolyObject, SimpleModBase, SimpleObject, SimpleObject2, SimpleMod, and SimpleMod2.
inlinevirtual |
i | The index of the parameter name to return |
localized | If true, then the sub-anim name returned should be localized in the language 3ds Max is currently using. Otherwise it should be the sub-anim name in English. If a plugin does not provide localized string resources, it can disregard this parameter and always return the sub-anim name in English. |
Reimplemented in EaseCurveList, MultCurveList, Control, GizmoObject, GizmoClass, SimpleManipulator, MtlLib, MtlBaseLib, MSCustAttrib, MSPluginObject< GenCamera >, MSPluginObject< GeomObject >, MSPluginObject< HelperObject >, MSPluginObject< GenLight >, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< GenCamera, MSPluginCamera >, MSObjectXtnd< GeomObject, MSPluginGeomObject >, MSObjectXtnd< HelperObject, MSPluginHelper >, MSObjectXtnd< GenLight, MSPluginLight >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSPluginSimpleObject, MSSimpleObjectXtnd, MSPluginSimpleSpline, MSPluginSimpleManipulator, MSSimpleManipulatorXtnd, MSPluginModifier, MSModifierXtnd, MSPluginSimpleMod, MSSimpleModXtnd, MSPluginTexmap, MSTexmapXtnd, MSPluginMtl, MSMtlXtnd, MSPluginSpecialFX< Atmospheric >, MSPluginSpecialFX< Effect8 >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Atmospheric, MSPluginAtmos >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Effect, MSPluginEffect >, MSPluginTrackViewUtility, ShapeObject, PFSimpleAction, PatchObject, UnifiedRenderer, SimplePolyObject, SimpleModBase, SimpleMod, SimpleMod2, SimpleWSMMod, SimpleObject, SimpleObject2, SimpleWSMObject, SimpleOSMToWSMObject, SimpleParticle, SimpleShape, SimpleSpline, and SplineShape.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in EaseCurveList, MultCurveList, and LinearShape.
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in BaseShader, and ShadowType.
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
control | The controller to assign. |
subAnim | The index of the sub-anim to assign the controller to. |
Reimplemented in EaseCurveList, MultCurveList, PatchObject, SplineShape, and SimpleModBase.
inlinevirtual |
Return true if we can reassign the subanim specified.
Implement this function to return false if we wish to prevent any subanim from being replaced. If this method returns false for any id, that subanim will not be able to be re-assigned via the UI or MaxScript controls. Note that this will not prevent re-assigning in C++ in any way (via the ReplaceReference or AssignController functions).
subAnim | - The ID of the SubAnim to check. |
inlinevirtual |
i | The zero based index of the sub-anim. |
Reimplemented in PFSimpleAction.
i | The zero based index of the sub-anim. |
inlinevirtual |
subNum | The index of the sub-anim. |
subNum | The anim index to return the corresponding reference index of. |
Reimplemented in EaseCurveList, MultCurveList, GizmoClass, PFSimpleAction, PatchObject, SplineShape, SimpleModBase, SimpleMod, and SimpleMod2.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in PFSimpleAction, and MSCustAttrib.
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
virtual |
CoreExport int EnumAnimTree | ( | AnimEnum * | animEnum, |
Animatable * | client, | ||
int | subNum | ||
) |
animEnum | The callback object, called once for each sub anim from 0 to subNum-1. See Class AnimEnum. |
client | The client anim. This is the Animatalbe whose sub-anims are enumerated. |
subNum | The sub-anim index of the client at which to begin the enumeration. Pass 0 to do them all. |
CoreExport int HasSubElements | ( | int | type = 0 | ) |
type | One of the following values: 0: Test for node children. 1: Test for sub-anims. |
t | The time that the render is beginning. |
flags | The following flag value can be checked: RENDERBEGIN_IN_MEDIT Indicates that the render is occurring in the Material Editor. |
t | The time of the last rendered frame. |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
index | Specifies the key whose time should be returned. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
t | Specifies the time at which to retrieve the key index. |
t | The current time (frame slider position). |
flags | One or more of the following values: NEXTKEY_LEFT Search to the left. NEXTKEY_RIGHT Search to the right. NEXTKEY_POS Next position key. NEXTKEY_ROT Next rotation key. NEXTKEY_SCALE Next scale key. |
nt | The time of the previous or next key is returned here. |
src | The source time. |
dst | The destination time. |
flags | These filter flags are passed to a transform (Matrix3) controller. The TM can decide what to do with them. They have obvious meaning for the PRS controller. One or more of the following values: COPYKEY_POS Copy the position key. COPYKEY_ROT Copy the rotation key. COPYKEY_SCALE Copy the scale key. |
t | Specifies the time to delete the key. |
inlinevirtual |
t | Specifies the time to check for a key. |
flags | One or more of the following values: KEYAT_POSITION KEYAT_ROTATION KEYAT_SCALE |
times | The table of time values to build. See Class Tab. |
range | The range of time over which to retrieve the key times. See Class Interval. |
flags | One of the following values: KEYAT_POSITION Return for Position keys only. KEYAT_ROTATION Return for Rotation keys only. KEYAT_SCALE Return for Scale keys only. |
sel | The bit array to update, one bit for each key within the interval range. If the key is selected, the corresponding bit should be 1, otherwise it should be 0. See Class BitArray. |
range | The range of time over which to retrieve the key selected state. See Class Interval. |
flags | One or more of the following values: KEYAT_POSITION Return for Position keys only. KEYAT_ROTATION Return for Rotation keys only. KEYAT_SCALE Return for Scale keys only. |
CoreExport void OpenTreeEntry | ( | int | type, |
DWORD | tv | ||
) |
type | This value may be either 0 or 1. If 0, the child tree is opened. If 1, the sub-anim tree is opened. |
tv | This parameter specifies which Track View(s) are altered, one bit for each Track View. The open/closed state is independent for each Track View. The low-order 16 bits represent the 16 track views. |
CoreExport void CloseTreeEntry | ( | int | type, |
DWORD | tv | ||
) |
CoreExport int IsTreeEntryOpen | ( | int | type, |
DWORD | tv | ||
) |
CoreExport BOOL GetSelInTrackView | ( | DWORD | tv | ) |
CoreExport void SetSelInTrackView | ( | DWORD | tv, |
BOOL | sel | ||
) |
CoreExport BOOL InTrackViewSelSet | ( | int | which | ) |
which | Indicates the Track View selection set to check – this should be >=0 and <MAX_TRACKVIEW_SELSETS |
CoreExport void SetTrackViewSelSet | ( | int | which, |
BOOL | inOut | ||
) |
which | Indicates the Track View selection set to modify – this should be >=0 and <MAX_TRACKVIEW_SELSETS |
inOut | TRUE for in; FALSE for out. |
virtual |
flags | One or more of the following values: TIMERANGE_SELONLY The bounding interval of selected keys only. TIMERANGE_ALL Whatever the channel's time range is - usually the bounding interval of all keys. TIMERANGE_CHILDNODES The node's time range should include its child nodes. TIMERANGE_CHILDANIMS A animatable's child anim ranges should be included. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
range | The new range for the anim. |
flags | EDITRANGE_LINKTOKEYS If this flag is set, the controller should re-establish the link between the start and end keys and its range. This is passed if the user presses the link to keys button in Track View. Thus, if one of the ends of the interval is at a key, link it to the key so that if the key moves, the interval moves. |
iv | The interval of time to delete. |
flags | One or more of the following values: TIME_INCLEFT Include the left endpoint. TIME_INCRIGHT Include the right endpoint. TIME_NOSLIDE Delete any keys in the interval but don't actually remove the block of time. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
iv | The interval of time over which to reverse the data. |
flags | One or more of the following values: TIME_INCLEFT Include the left endpoint. TIME_INCRIGHT Include the right endpoint. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
iv | The interval of time to scale. The origin of the scale is at iv.Start(). |
s | The scale factor for the time. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
ins | The time to begin the insertion. |
amount | The amount of time to insert. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
virtual |
map | Point to instance of Class TimeMap. |
flags | The flags indicate the keys to operate on. One or more of the following values: TRACK_DOSEL Selected keys only. TRACK_DOALL All the keys, ignore their selection state. TRACK_SLIDEUNSEL Slide unselected keys to the right. Keys are slid by the amount the last key was transformed. TRACK_RIGHTTOLEFT Enumerate right to left. If TRACK_SLIDEUNSEL is set, keys will slide to the left. TRACK_DOSUBANIMS Sub-Animatables keys as well. TRACK_DOCHILDNODES Child Nodes keys as well TRACK_MAPRANGE The range, if not locked to first and last key, should be mapped as well. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
inlinevirtual |
flags | One or more of the following values: TRACK_DOSEL Delete selected keys only. TRACK_DOALL Delete all keys (ignore selection state). TRACK_SLIDEUNSEL Slide unselected keys to the right. TRACK_RIGHTTOLEFT Enumerate right to left. If TRACK_SLIDEUNSEL is set, keys will slide to the left. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
index | The index of the key to delete. |
inlinevirtual |
sel | The table of track hit records. See Class TrackHitRecord and Class Tab. Note the following: typedef Tab<TrackHitRecord> TrackHitTab; |
flags | Either SELKEYS_SELECT, SELKEYS_DESELECT, or a combination of SELKEYS_CLEARKEYS and SELKEYS_CLEARCURVE will be specified. One or more of the following values: SELKEYS_SELECT The keys should be selected. SELKEYS_DESELECT The keys should be deselected. SELKEYS_CLEARKEYS All keys should be deselected. SELKEYS_CLEARCURVE All keys on the function curve should be deselected. SELKEYS_FCURVE Indicates that we are operating on the keys of a function curve, and not of a track. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
inlinevirtual |
subNum | The index of the sub-anim to select or deselect |
sel | The table of track hit records. See Class TrackHitRecord and Class Tab. Note the following: typedef Tab<TrackHitRecord> TrackHitTab; |
flags | Either SELKEYS_SELECT, SELKEYS_DESELECT, or a combination of SELKEYS_CLEARKEYS and SELKEYS_CLEARCURVE will be specified. One or more of the following values: SELKEYS_SELECT The keys should be selected. SELKEYS_DESELECT The keys should be deselected. SELKEYS_CLEARKEYS All keys should be deselected. SELKEYS_CLEARCURVE All keys on the function curve should be deselected. SELKEYS_FCURVE Indicates that we are operating on the keys of a function curve, and not of a track. |
subNum | The index of the sub-anim to select or deselect |
sel | TRUE to select the curve; FALSE to deselect it. |
i | The key to select or deselect. |
sel | TRUE to select the key; FALSE to deselect it. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
inlinevirtual |
i | The index of the key to test. |
inlinevirtual |
hit | The hit record that the controller gave the Track View in the first place to identify the hit. Thus this is enough information to identify the key. See Class TrackHitRecord. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
inlinevirtual |
offset | If TRUE, set the new key time to be centered between the original key and the next key. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
t | The time to add the key. |
flags | One or more of the following values: ADDKEY_SELECT Select the new key and deselect any other selected keys. ADDKEY_INTERP If TRUE then initialize the new key to the interpolated value at that time. If FALSE, initialize the key to the value of the previous key. ADDKEY_FLAGGED Flag the newly created key as if FlagKey() was called for it. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
inlinevirtual |
dim | Used to scale the parameter's values into and out of units used in the user interface. For example, if the parameter was an angle, it would be shown in degrees, but stored in radians. Methods of this class allow the value to be converted back and forth. This is needed because the delta passed is in user interface units. Thus the selected key values need to be converted before the delta is applied. See Class ParamDimensBase. |
delta | The amount to move the keys (move the values - not the times). This is in the units of the user interface. For example, if an angle has a value in the function curve editor of 100 degrees, 100 would be passed as the delta. |
flags | Not currently used. |
inlinevirtual |
dim | Used to scale the parameter's values into and out of units used in the user interface. For example, if the parameter was an angle, it would be shown in degrees, but stored in radians. Methods of this class allow the value to be converted back and forth. See Class ParamDimensBase. |
origin | The origin about which the keys are scaled. |
scale | The scale factor to apply to the key values. |
flags | Not currently used. |
inlinevirtual |
sel | TRUE if the curve should be selected; FALSE if it should be deselected. |
inlinevirtual |
Returns TRUE if the function curve is selected; otherwise returns FALSE.
inlinevirtual |
Returns the selected state of the sub-curve whose index is passed.
subNum | The index of the sub-anim |
t | The time of the selected keys is returned here (if appropriate). |
val | The value of the selected keys is returned here (if appropriate). |
flags | One of the following values: KEYCOORDS_TIMEONLY Only the time t needs to be updated. KEYCOORDS_VALUEONLY Only the value val needs to be updated. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
t | The time to set for the selected keys (if the flags indicate this is needed). |
val | The value to set for the selected keys (if the flags indicate this is needed). |
flags | One of the following values: KEYCOORDS_TIMEONLY Only the time needs to be updated. KEYCOORDS_VALUEONLY Only the value needs to be updated. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
inlinevirtual |
dim | This is used to convert the parameter value once you get it. |
timeExpr | A string containing the time expression. |
valExpr | A string containing the value expression. |
flags | One of the following values: KEYCOORDS_TIMEONLY Only the time t needs to be updated. KEYCOORDS_VALUEONLY Only the value val needs to be updated. |
inlinevirtual |
hit | This identifies the handle that was selected. |
dim | The parameter dimension. See Class ParamDimensionBase. |
rcGraph | This is the rectangle of the graph viewport. |
tzoom | This is the time zoom factor. |
tscroll | This is the time scroll factor. |
vzoom | This is the value zoom factor. |
vscroll | This is the value scroll factor. |
dx | The mouse movement in screen coordinates in the x direction. |
dy | The mouse movement in screen coordinates in the y direction. |
flags | One of the following values: ADJTAN_LOCK - Indicates the tangents are locked. ADJTAN_BREAK - Indicates the tangents have been broken. |
inlinevirtual |
The plug-in may have any types of handles it wishes, and it is responsible for processing whatever needs to be done when the user adjusts them.
hit | This identifies the handle that was selected. |
dim | The parameter dimension. See Class ParamDimensionBase. |
angle | The change in angle the user is requesting (in radians). |
length | The change in length the user is requesting. |
flags | One of the following values: ADJTAN_LOCK - Indicates the tangents are locked. ADJTAN_BREAK - Indicates the tangents have been broken. |
virtual |
returns true if the sub-anim has a "Set Key" buffer present
subNum | - The index of the SubAnim to test. |
inlinevirtual |
returns true if there is a "Set Key" buffer present
This method should be implemented for a keyframeable controller to support the "Set Key" animation mode. When in the "Set Key" mode, if the user modifies a keyframe controller the controller should create a temporary buffer to hold the new value until the user either commits or cancels the change.
virtual |
Commit any "Set Key" buffers on the given sub-anim.
subNum | - The index of the SubAnim to commit. |
t | - The time of the SubAnim to commit. |
Commit any "Set Key" buffers.
This function will be called whenever the user clicks the the large "Set Keys" button. If this animatable is keyable, it should commit any temporary "Set Key" buffers to its permanent keyframe storage. For an example implementation of this method, look at samples/controllers/boolctrl.cpp
virtual |
Revert any "Set Key" buffers on the given sub-anim.
subNum | - The index of the SubAnim to revert. |
inlinevirtual |
Revert any "Set Key" buffers.
If this animatable currently has a "Set Key" buffer, revert the value and remove the buffer. For an example implementation of this method, look at samples/controllers/boolctrl.cpp
virtual |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack, and PFSimpleAction.
inlinevirtual |
iv | The interval of time that would be copied. |
flags | One or more of the following values: TIME_INCLEFT Include the left endpoint. TIME_INCRIGHT Include the right endpoint. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
inlinevirtual |
cobj | The clipboard object that would be pasted. The item should look at the SuperClassID and Class_ID of the creator of the clip object to determine if it is a suitable object to paste. See Class TrackClipObject. |
iv | The interval of time that would be pasted. |
flags | One or more of the following values: TIME_INCLEFT Include the left endpoint. TIME_INCRIGHT Include the right endpoint. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
inlinevirtual |
iv | The interval of time over which to copy the track data. |
flags | One or more of the following values: TIME_INCLEFT Include the left endpoint. TIME_INCRIGHT Include the right endpoint. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
inlinevirtual |
cobj | The data to paste. |
iv | The interval of time to paste. |
flags | One or more of the following values: TIME_INCLEFT Include the left endpoint. TIME_INCRIGHT Include the right endpoint. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
subNum | Specifies the sub-anim to check. |
iv | The interval of time over which to copy the track data. |
flags | One or more of the following values: TIME_INCLEFT Include the left endpoint. TIME_INCRIGHT Include the right endpoint. |
inlinevirtual |
subNum | Specifies the sub-anim to check. |
cobj | The data to paste. |
iv | The interval of time to paste. |
flags | One or more of the following values: TIME_INCLEFT Include the left endpoint. TIME_INCRIGHT Include the right endpoint. |
inlinevirtual |
subNum | The number of the sub-anim to copy. |
iv | The interval of time over which to copy the track data. |
flags | One or more of the following values: TIME_INCLEFT Include the left endpoint. TIME_INCRIGHT Include the right endpoint. |
inlinevirtual |
subNum | The number of the sub-anim to paste. |
cobj | The data to paste. |
iv | The interval of time to paste. |
flags | One or more of the following values: TIME_INCLEFT Include the left endpoint. TIME_INCRIGHT Include the right endpoint. |
lineHeight | The height of a single line in pixels. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
inlinevirtual |
hits | The table of TrackHitRecords to update. Each key that lies within the hit rectangle (is hit) should be added to this table. It is up to the plug-in to define a scheme that allows it to identify its hits using the data members of Class TrackHitRecord. Also see Class Tab for methods to add to the table. |
rcHit | This is the region that was selected for hit testing. This may be a small rectangle about the mouse pick point, or a larger rectangle if the user selected by window. |
rcTrack | This is the entire rectangular region of the track. |
zoom | The is the time zoom factor. |
scroll | This is the time scroll factor. |
flags | One or more of the following value: HITTRACK_SELONLY Selected only. HITTRACK_UNSELONLY Unselected only. HITTRACK_ABORTONHIT Abort hit testing on first hit. HITCURVE_TESTTANGENTS Hit test curve tangents. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
inlinevirtual |
dim | The dimension for the parameter of this track. |
hdc | The handle of the device context. |
rcTrack | The entire rectangle of the inside of the track. |
rcPaint | This is the rectangular region that needs to be repainted - the invalid region. |
zoom | The time zoom factor. |
scroll | The time scroll factor. |
flags | One or more of the following values which are filters for controllers with more than one curve: DISPLAY_XCURVE DISPLAY_YCURVE |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
inlinevirtual |
subNum | Specifies the sub-anim to paint. |
dim | The dimension for the parameter of this track. |
hdc | The handle of the device context. |
rcTrack | The entire rectangle of the inside of the track. |
rcPaint | This is the rectangular region that needs to be repainted - the invalid region. |
zoom | The time zoom factor. |
scroll | The time scroll factor. |
flags | One or more of the following values which are filters for controllers with more than one curve: DISPLAY_XCURVE DISPLAY_YCURVE DISPLAY_ZCURVE |
inlinevirtual |
dim | The parameter dimension. See Class ParamDimensionBase. |
hdc | The handle of the device context. |
rcGraph | The entire rectangle of the inside of the graph region. |
rcPaint | This is the rectangular region that needs to be repainted - the invalid region. |
tzoom | The time zoom factor. |
tscroll | The time scroll factor. |
vzoom | The value zoom factor. |
vscroll | The value scroll factor. |
flags | One or more of the following values which are filters for controllers with more than one curve: PAINTCURVE_SHOWTANGENTS Show the curve tangent handles. PAINTCURVE_FROZEN Show the curve in a frozen state. DISPLAY_XCURVE DISPLAY_YCURVE DISPLAY_ZCURVE PAINTCURVE_GENCOLOR Draw the curve in its standard color. The following options are passed to float controllers indicating a sugested color for drawing: PAINTCURVE_XCOLOR Draw the curve in red. PAINTCURVE_YCOLOR Draw the curve in green. PAINTCURVE_ZCOLOR Draw the curve in blue. |
Reimplemented in Control.
inlinevirtual |
dim | The parameter dimension. See Class ParamDimensionBase. |
hits | The table of TrackHitRecords to update. Each key that lies within the hit rectangle (is hit) should be added to this table. It is up to the plug-in to define a scheme that allows it to identify its hits using the data members of Class TrackHitRecord. Also see Class Tab for methods to add to the table. |
rcHit | This is the region that was selected for hit testing. This may be a small rectangle about the mouse pick point, or a larger rectangle if the user selected by window. |
rcGraph | This is the entire rectangle of the graph region. |
tzoom | This is the time zoom factor. |
tscroll | This is the time scroll factor. |
vzoom | This is the time zoom factor. |
vscroll | This is the time scroll factor. |
flags | One or more of the following values: HITTRACK_SELONLY Selected only. HITTRACK_UNSELONLY Unselected only. HITTRACK_ABORTONHIT Abort hit testing on first hit. HITCURVE_TESTTANGENTS Hit Test curve tangent handles. The following are filters for controllers with more than one curve. DISPLAY_XCURVE DISPLAY_YCURVE DISPLAY_ZCURVE |
inlinevirtual |
subNum | The sub-anim number to paint. |
dim | The parameter dimension. See Class ParamDimensionBase. |
hdc | The handle of the device context. |
rcGraph | The entire rectangle of the inside of the graph region. |
rcPaint | This is the rectangular region that needs to be repainted - the invalid region. |
tzoom | The time zoom factor. |
tscroll | The time scroll factor. |
vzoom | The value zoom factor. |
vscroll | The value scroll factor. |
flags | One or more of the following values: PAINTCURVE_SHOWTANGENTS Show the curve tangent handles. PAINTCURVE_FROZEN Show the curve in a frozen state. The following values are filters for controllers with more than one curve. DISPLAY_XCURVE DISPLAY_YCURVE DISPLAY_ZCURVE PAINTCURVE_GENCOLOR Draw the curve in its standard color. The following options are passed to float controllers indicating a sugested color for drawing: PAINTCURVE_XCOLOR Draw the curve in red. PAINTCURVE_YCOLOR Draw the curve in green. PAINTCURVE_ZCOLOR Draw the curve in blue. |
inlinevirtual |
subNum | The sub-anim number to hit test. |
dim | The parameter dimension. See Class ParamDimensionBase. |
hits | The table of TrackHitRecord instances to update. Each key that lies within the hit rectangle (is hit) should be added to this table. It is up to the plug-in to define a scheme that allows it to identify its hits using the data members of Class TrackHitRecord. Also see Class Tab for methods to add to the table. |
rcHit | This is the region that was selected for hit testing. This may be a small rectangle about the mouse pick point, or a larger rectangle if the user selected by window. |
rcGraph | This is the entire rectangle of the graph region. |
tzoom | This is the time zoom factor. |
tscroll | This is the time scroll factor. |
vzoom | This is the time zoom factor. |
vscroll | This is the time scroll factor. |
flags | One or more of the following values: HITTRACK_SELONLY Selected only. HITTRACK_UNSELONLY Unselected only. HITTRACK_ABORTONHIT Abort hit testing on first hit. HITCURVE_TESTTANGENTS Hit Test curve tangent handles. The follow are filters for controllers with more than one curve. (RGB controllers interpret X as red, Y as green and Z as blue.) DISPLAY_XCURVE DISPLAY_YCURVE DISPLAY_ZCURVE |
inlinevirtual |
t | This time represents the horizontal position of where the user right clicked to bring up the modal edit track parameters dialog. See the flags below for when this parameter is valid. |
dim | The parameter dimension. See Class ParamDimensionBase. |
pname | The name of the parameter as given by the client. |
hParent | This is the parent window that should be used to create any dialogs. |
ip | An interface pointer available for calling functions in 3ds Max. |
flags | One or more of the following values: EDITTRACK_FCURVE The user is in the function curve editor. EDITTRACK_TRACK The user is in one of the track views. EDITTRACK_SCENE The user is editing a path in the scene. EDITTRACK_BUTTON The user invoked by choosing the properties button. In this case the time parameter is NOT valid. EDITTRACK_MOUSE The user invoked by right clicking with the mouse. In this case the time parameter is valid. |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in DefNoteTrack.
inlinevirtual |
This method is called to calculate the largest and smallest values of the anim.
The values max and min should be initialized before calling this function. A plugin implementing this function should not reset the values passed - in this way if max is passed with a larger value than the curve extents calculated for the current anim, the value of max will be unchanged.
dim | - The dimension of the anim. | |
[out] | min | - The smallest value. These are in the units given by the dimension. For example, if it was an angle parameter that was displayed in degrees, the units returned through min should be in degrees as well. A class should implement this method to not reset this value |
[out] | max | - The largest value. These are in the units given by the dimension. For example, if it was an angle parameter that was displayed in degrees, the units returned through max should be in degrees as well. |
flags | - One or more of the following values which are filters for controllers with more than one curve: DISPLAY_XCURVE DISPLAY_YCURVE DISPLAY_ZCURVE |
Reimplemented in Control.
inlinevirtual |
The values max and min should be initialized before calling this function.
A plugin implementing this function should not reset the values passed - in this way if max is passed with a larger value than the curve extents calculated for the current anim, the value of max will be unchanged.
subNum | - The index of the SubAnim to query for curve extents | |
dim | - The dimension of the anim. | |
[out] | min | - The smallest value. These are in the units given by the dimension. For example, if it was an angle parameter that was displayed in degrees, the units returned through min should be in degrees as well. A class should implement this method to not reset this value |
[out] | max | - The largest value. These are in the units given by the dimension. For example, if it was an angle parameter that was displayed in degrees, the units returned through max should be in degrees as well. |
flags | - One or more of the following values which are filters for controllers with more than one curve: DISPLAY_XCURVE DISPLAY_YCURVE DISPLAY_ZCURVE |
inlinevirtual |
i | Specifies the sub-anim (parameter) to return the dimension of. |
Reimplemented in EaseCurveList, MultCurveList, PFSimpleAction, and IParamBlock2.
inlinevirtual |
This function is obsolete.
Reimplemented in DummyObject, SimpleShape, and SimpleSpline.
inlinevirtual |
subNum | The index of the sub-anim that was clicked on. |
Reimplemented in PFSimpleAction, PatchObject, and SplineShape.
CoreExport void AddNoteTrack | ( | NoteTrack * | note | ) |
note | The note track to add. The Note Tracks provided by 3ds Max are derived from Class DefNoteTrack (which is derived from NoteTrack). See that class for the methods and data members used to access Note Tracks. |
CoreExport void DeleteNoteTrack | ( | NoteTrack * | note, |
BOOL | delNote = TRUE |
) |
note | The note track to delete. The Note Tracks provided by 3ds Max are derived from Class DefNoteTrack (which is derived from NoteTrack). See that class for the methods and data members used to access Note Tracks. |
delNote | If delNote is FALSE the note track will be removed from the anim but not deleted. |
CoreExport BOOL HasNoteTracks | ( | ) |
CoreExport int NumNoteTracks | ( | ) |
CoreExport NoteTrack * GetNoteTrack | ( | int | i | ) |
i | Specifies the note track to retrieve. |
CoreExport DWORD DeleteAllNoteTracks | ( | ) |
virtual |
assetEnum | The callback object that may be used to record the asset. See Class AssetEnumCallback. |
flags | See Auxiliary File Enumeration Flags |
Reimplemented in ReferenceMaker, MSPluginTexmap, MSTexmapXtnd, MSPluginMtl, MSMtlXtnd, and MtlBase.
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
nodes | The table of nodes that are part of the system. |
Context | This parameter is available in release 4.0 and later only. This parameter can be used to specify the context under which the "system nodes" are used. These are; kSNCClone, kSNCDelete, kSNCFileMerge, and kSNCFileSave. |
inlinevirtual |
returns true if the animatable has sub-classed off the given class
If an object is a sub-class of a particular class, it will have a different ClassID() because it is a different class. This method allows an object to indicate that it is a sub-class of a particular class and therefore can be treated as one. For example, a class could be derived from TriObject. This derived class would have a different ClassID() then the TriObject's class ID however it still can be treated (cast) as a TriObject because it is derived from TriObject. Note the default implelementation: a class is considered to also be a subclass of itself.
classID | The Class_ID of the item that this class is a sub-class of. |
Reimplemented in PatchObject.
inlinevirtual |
Tells whether it is a ReferenceMaker.
This function differentiates things sub classed from Animatable from subclasses of ReferenceMaker. The implementation of this method (in Animatable) returns FALSE and its implementation in ReferenceMaker returns TRUE.
Reimplemented in ReferenceMaker.
CoreExport void AddAppDataChunk | ( | const Class_ID & | cid, |
SClass_ID | sid, | ||
DWORD | sbid, | ||
DWORD | len, | ||
void * | data | ||
) |
Adds application/plugin specific (custom) data to an Animatable.
This method is used to add an AppDataChunk to this Animatable. The chunk is identified using the Class_ID, and SuperClassID of the owner, and an ID for sub-chunks.
cid | - The Class_ID of the owner of the chunk. |
sid | - The SuperClassID of the owner of the chunk. |
sbid | - An extra ID that lets the owner identify its sub-chunks. |
len | - The length of the data in bytes. |
data | - Pointer to the actual data. The data should be allocated on the heap by client code using MAX_malloc(). This will allow the system to free it safely (using MAX_free()). MAX_malloc() and MAX_free() are memory management routines implemented by the system. |
CoreExport AppDataChunk * GetAppDataChunk | ( | const Class_ID & | cid, |
SClass_ID | sid, | ||
DWORD | sbid | ||
) |
Retrieves the application/plugin specific (custom) data stored with an Animatable.
This method is used to retrieve a pointer to an AppDataChunk. The chunk is identified using the Class_ID, SuperClassID and sub-chunk ID of the owner.
cid | - The Class_ID of the owner of the chunk. |
sid | - The SuperClassID of the owner of the chunk. |
sbid | - An extra ID that lets the owner identify its sub-chunks. |
CoreExport BOOL RemoveAppDataChunk | ( | const Class_ID & | cid, |
SClass_ID | sid, | ||
DWORD | sbid | ||
) |
Deletes the application/plugin specific (custom) data stored with an Animatable.
This method is used to delete an AppDataChunk. The chunk is identified using the Class_ID, SuperClassID and sub-chunk ID of the owner.
cid | - The Class_ID of the owner of the chunk. |
sid | - The SuperClassID of the owner of the chunk. |
sbid | - An extra ID that lets the owner identify its sub-chunks. |
CoreExport void ClearAllAppData | ( | ) |
Deletes all application/plugin specific (custom) data stored with an Animatable.
Calling this method will remove all the AppData associated with this Animatable.
static |
Registers a callback proc that is called when an AppDataChunk is read from a scene file.
When an AppDataChunk with the specified SuperClassID and Class_ID is read from the scene file, the specified callback proc is called. This is to permit versioning of the AppDataChunk.
Duplicate callbacks (calls to this method with identical parameters) will not be registered. The values passed through the procs argument list are the Animatable holding the AppData, the Class_ID and SClass_ID of the owner of the AppDataChunk, the ILoad*, and a Tab containing the sub-chunk ids.
cid | - The Class_ID of the owner of the chunk. |
sid | - The SuperClassID of the owner of the chunk. |
proc | - The callback proc to be called. |
static |
Unregisters a callback proc that is called when an AppDataChunk is read from a scene file.
Unregisters the specified callback proc is called. Callback procs do not need to be unregistered prior to 3ds Max shutdown.
cid | - The Class_ID of the owner of the chunk. |
sid | - The SuperClassID of the owner of the chunk. |
proc | - The callback proc to be called. |
static |
Registers a callback proc that is called when an AppDataChunk is read from a scene file.
When an AppDataChunk with the specified sub-chunk id is read from the scene file, the specified callback proc is called. This is to permit versioning of the AppDataChunk.
Duplicate callbacks (calls to this method with identical parameters) will not be registered. The values passed through the procs argument list are the Animatable holding the AppData, the Class_ID and SClass_ID of the owner of the AppDataChunk, the ILoad*, and a Tab containing the sub-chunk ids.
sbid | - The extra ID that lets the owner identify its sub-chunks. |
proc | - The callback proc to be called. |
static |
Unregisters a callback proc that is called when an AppDataChunk is read from a scene file.
Unregisters the specified callback proc is called. Callback procs do not need to be unregistered prior to 3ds Max shutdown.
sbid | - The extra ID that lets the owner identify its sub-chunks. |
proc | - The callback proc to be called. |
virtual |
t | The time the mouse was released. |
virtual |
t | The time the mouse was first pressed. |
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in DynamModObject, CollisionPlane, CollisionSphere, CollisionMesh, GizmoClass, PFSimpleAction, MSCustAttrib, MSPluginObject< GenCamera >, MSPluginObject< GeomObject >, MSPluginObject< HelperObject >, MSPluginObject< GenLight >, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< GenCamera, MSPluginCamera >, MSObjectXtnd< GeomObject, MSPluginGeomObject >, MSObjectXtnd< HelperObject, MSPluginHelper >, MSObjectXtnd< GenLight, MSPluginLight >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSPluginSimpleObject, MSSimpleObjectXtnd, MSPluginSimpleSpline, MSPluginSimpleManipulator, MSSimpleManipulatorXtnd, MSPluginModifier, MSModifierXtnd, MSPluginSimpleMod, MSSimpleModXtnd, MSPluginTexmap, MSTexmapXtnd, MSPluginMtl, MSMtlXtnd, MSPluginSpecialFX< Atmospheric >, MSPluginSpecialFX< Effect8 >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Atmospheric, MSPluginAtmos >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Effect, MSPluginEffect >, MSPluginTrackViewUtility, SimplePolyObject, SimpleMod2, SimpleObject2, and UnifiedRenderer.
inlinevirtual |
i | The zero based index of the ParamBlock2 to return. |
Reimplemented in DynamModObject, CollisionPlane, CollisionSphere, CollisionMesh, GizmoClass, PFSimpleAction, MSCustAttrib, MSPluginObject< GenCamera >, MSPluginObject< GeomObject >, MSPluginObject< HelperObject >, MSPluginObject< GenLight >, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< GenCamera, MSPluginCamera >, MSObjectXtnd< GeomObject, MSPluginGeomObject >, MSObjectXtnd< HelperObject, MSPluginHelper >, MSObjectXtnd< GenLight, MSPluginLight >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSPluginSimpleObject, MSSimpleObjectXtnd, MSPluginSimpleSpline, MSPluginSimpleManipulator, MSSimpleManipulatorXtnd, MSPluginModifier, MSModifierXtnd, MSPluginSimpleMod, MSSimpleModXtnd, MSPluginTexmap, MSTexmapXtnd, MSPluginMtl, MSMtlXtnd, MSPluginSpecialFX< Atmospheric >, MSPluginSpecialFX< Effect8 >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Atmospheric, MSPluginAtmos >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Effect, MSPluginEffect >, MSPluginTrackViewUtility, BaseObject, SimplePolyObject, SimpleMod2, SimpleObject2, and UnifiedRenderer.
inlinevirtual |
id | The BlockID of the ParamBlock2 instance. |
Reimplemented in DynamModObject, CollisionPlane, CollisionSphere, CollisionMesh, GizmoClass, MSCustAttrib, MSPluginObject< GenCamera >, MSPluginObject< GeomObject >, MSPluginObject< HelperObject >, MSPluginObject< GenLight >, MSPluginObject< ShapeObject >, MSObjectXtnd< GenCamera, MSPluginCamera >, MSObjectXtnd< GeomObject, MSPluginGeomObject >, MSObjectXtnd< HelperObject, MSPluginHelper >, MSObjectXtnd< GenLight, MSPluginLight >, MSObjectXtnd< ShapeObject, MSPluginShape >, MSPluginSimpleObject, MSSimpleObjectXtnd, MSPluginSimpleSpline, MSPluginSimpleManipulator, MSSimpleManipulatorXtnd, MSPluginModifier, MSModifierXtnd, MSPluginSimpleMod, MSSimpleModXtnd, MSPluginTexmap, MSTexmapXtnd, MSPluginMtl, MSMtlXtnd, MSPluginSpecialFX< Atmospheric >, MSPluginSpecialFX< Effect8 >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Atmospheric, MSPluginAtmos >, MSSpecialFXXtnd< Effect, MSPluginEffect >, MSPluginTrackViewUtility, SimpleMod2, SimpleObject2, UnifiedRenderer, PFSimpleAction, and SimplePolyObject.
CoreExport bool SvSaveData | ( | ISave * | isave, |
USHORT | id | ||
) |
isave | An interface for saving data. See Class ISave. |
id | The Chunk id (choosen by the developer). |
CoreExport bool SvLoadData | ( | ILoad * | iLoad | ) |
iLoad | An interface for loading data. See Class ILoad. |
CoreExport DWORD SvGetRefIndex | ( | ) |
CoreExport void SvSetRefIndex | ( | DWORD | i | ) |
CoreExport bool SvDeleteRefIndex | ( | ) |
virtual |
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
owner | The owning animatable. |
id | This is usually the sub-anim number (but can actually be any value the developer chooses). |
flags | See Flags for AddAnimatable() and SvTravereseAnimGraph(). |
Reimplemented in Control, CustAttrib, MtlBase, Texmap, TextureOutput, UVGen, XYZGen, Object, SpecialFX, SimpleWSMMod, and Modifier.
CoreExport SvGraphNodeReference SvStdTraverseAnimGraph | ( | IGraphObjectManager * | gom, |
Animatable * | owner, | ||
int | id, | ||
DWORD | flags | ||
) |
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
owner | The owning animatable. |
id | This is usually the sub-anim number (but can actually be any value the developer chooses). |
flags | See Flags for AddAnimatable() and SvTravereseAnimGraph(). |
virtual |
virtual |
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNode | Points to this node in the schematic view. |
gNodeChild | Points to the child node in the schematic view. |
virtual |
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNode | Points to this node in the schematic view. |
isBeingEdited | TRUE if the item is being edited; FALSE if not. |
Reimplemented in Control, MtlBase, TextureOutput, UVGen, XYZGen, Object, and Modifier.
virtual |
virtual |
gom< | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNode | Points to this node in the schematic view. |
name | The new name to set. |
virtual |
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNode | Points to this node in the schematic view. |
Reimplemented in Modifier.
virtual |
Called when the user deletes this object in the schematic view...
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNode | Points to this node in the schematic view. |
Reimplemented in Modifier.
virtual |
virtual |
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNode | Points to this node in the schematic view. |
virtual |
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNode | Points to this node in the schematic view. |
virtual |
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNode | Points to this node in the schematic view. |
virtual |
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNode | Points to this node in the schematic view. |
virtual |
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNodeThis | Points to this node in the schematic view. |
gNodeChild | Points to the child node in the schematic view. |
virtual |
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNode | Points to the node in the schematic view. |
virtual |
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNode | Points to the node in the schematic view. |
virtual |
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNode | Points to the node in the schematic view. |
virtual |
Reimplemented in Control.
virtual |
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNode | Points to the node in the schematic view. |
virtual |
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNode | Points to the node in the schematic view. |
gNodeMaker | Points to the Maker node in the schematic view. |
virtual |
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNode | Points to the node in the schematic view. |
virtual |
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNode | Points to the node in the schematic view. |
virtual |
Returns a string to be displayed in the tip window in the schematic view for a relationship from "gNodeMaker" to "gNodeTarget"...
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNodeTarget | the IGraphNode that represents the target of the relationship. |
id | The value passed as the IGraphObjectManager::AddRelationship ID parameter. Usually the subanim number. |
gNodeMaker | The IGraphNode that represents the maker of the relationship (the animatable being called) |
virtual |
Returns true if this object can respond to the SvDetachRel(...) method...
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNodeTarget | the IGraphNode that represents the target of the relationship. |
id | The value passed as the IGraphObjectManager::AddRelationship ID parameter. Usually the subanim number. |
gNodeMaker | The IGraphNode that represents the maker of the relationship (the animatable being called) |
virtual |
Detach this relationship.
gNodeMaker is called to detach gNodeTarget
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNodeTarget | the IGraphNode that represents the target of the relationship. |
id | The value passed as the IGraphObjectManager::AddRelationship ID parameter. Usually the subanim number. |
gNodeMaker | The IGraphNode that represents the maker of the relationship (the animatable being called) |
virtual |
Called when this relationship is double-clicked in the schematic view...
gom | Points to the schematic view window manager. |
gNodeTarget | the IGraphNode that represents the target of the relationship. |
id | The value passed as the IGraphObjectManager::AddRelationship ID parameter. Usually the subanim number. |
gNodeMaker | The IGraphNode that represents the maker of the relationship (the animatable being called) |
CoreExport ICustAttribContainer * GetCustAttribContainer | ( | ) |
This method returns a pointer to the custom attributes container interface class.
See Class ICustAttribContainer for more information.
CoreExport void AllocCustAttribContainer | ( | ) |
This method allocates space for a custom attributes container.
CoreExport void DeleteCustAttribContainer | ( | ) |
This method deletes space used by a custom attributes container.
inlinevirtual |
Returns true if the passed description is being used.
When plugins use a dynamic Paramblock2 system, and build a ParamBlockDesc2 on demand, the list maintained by the ClassDesc may not reflect the active configuration in the plugin. This method lets the system filter the list maintained by asking the plugin (such as the DxMaterial) whether the current ParamBlockDesc2 is currently used by the plugin. Anybody querying the ClassDesc for the ParamBlockDesc2 needs to make sure that the descriptor is currently being used by the plugin.
This mostly goes for maxscript.
desc | The description to test |
inlinevirtual |
This method is called to access the object specified name to use for the Maxscript macrorecorder.
The Maxscript macrorecorder will determine the name of the object to use when emitting code. In some cases it cannot determine a name for the object, for example when setting a value on a ParamBlock when the ParamBlock owner is a utility plugin singleton. This method allows the object to specify the name to be used.
If this method returns true and objectSpecifiedName is empty, no code will be emitted. This is useful in the case where you don't changes to an object's parameters to be macro recorded.
used_as_rhs_value | [in] The object is being assigned to a property, return constructor expression (i.e., "box()"). |
objectSpecifiedName | [out] The object name for Maxscript macrorecorder to use. |
friend |
friend |
static |
protected |
protected |