#define | SCALAR_EXPR 1 |
| A single floating point value.
#define | VECTOR_EXPR 3 |
| ans[0] = x, ans[1] = y, ans[2] = z.
| A single floating point value.
| The x, y, z public data members of the Point3 are the values representing the vector.
#define | EXPR_NORMAL 0 |
| No problems, expression evaluated successfully.
#define | EXPR_INST_OVERFLOW -1 |
| Instruction stack overflow during parsing.
#define | EXPR_UNKNOWN_TOKEN -2 |
| Unknown function, const, or reg during parsing.
#define | EXPR_TOO_MANY_VARS -3 |
| Value stack overflow.
#define | EXPR_TOO_MANY_REGS -4 |
| Register array overflow, or reg number too big.
#define | EXPR_CANT_EVAL -5 |
| Function can't be evaluated with given arguments.
#define | EXPR_CANT_PARSE -6 |
| Expression can't be parsed syntactically.