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icolorman.h File Reference
#include "iFnPub.h"


class  IColorManager


#define CustDlgExport   __declspec(dllimport)
#define COLOR_MGR_INTERFACE   Interface_ID(0x1bf46c90, 0x18bf6199)
#define ColorMan()   (GetColorManager())
#define GetCustSysColor(which)   (ColorMan()->CustSysColor(which))
#define GetCustSysColorBrush(which)   (ColorMan()->CustSysColorBrush(which))


using ColorId = DWORD


CustDlgExport void SaveColors ()
CoreExport void DeleteColorManager (IColorManager *pColorMan)
CoreExport IColorManagerGetColorManager ()


const ColorId kBackground = 0
const ColorId kText = 1
 Used for static and button text.
const ColorId kActiveCommand = 4
 Used for active command mode buttons.
const ColorId kHilight = 5
const ColorId kShadow = 6
const ColorId kWindow = 7
const ColorId kActiveCaption = 8
const ColorId kToolTipBackground = 9
const ColorId kToolTipViewportBackground = 9
 Tooltip background color for the Viewport.
const ColorId kToolTipText = 10
const ColorId kToolTipViewportText = 10
 Tooltip text color for the Viewport.
const ColorId kHilightText = 11
const ColorId kWindowText = 12
const ColorId kItemHilight = 13
const ColorId kSubObjectColor = 14
 Blue sub-object color.
const ColorId k3dDarkShadow = 15
const ColorId k3dLight = 16
const ColorId kAppWorkspace = 17
const ColorId kTrackbarBg = 18
const ColorId kTrackbarBgSel = 19
const ColorId kTrackbarText = 20
const ColorId kTrackbarTicks = 21
const ColorId kTrackbarKeys = 22
const ColorId kTrackbarSelKeys = 23
const ColorId kTrackbarCursor = 24
const ColorId kPressedButton = 25
const ColorId kTimeSliderBg = 26
const ColorId kViewportBorder = 27
const ColorId kActiveViewportBorder = 28
const ColorId kRollupTitleFace = 29
const ColorId kRollupTitleText = 30
const ColorId kRollupTitleHilight = 31
const ColorId kRollupTitleShadow = 32
const ColorId kSelectionRubberBand = 33
const ColorId kStackViewSelection = 34
 yellow sub-object color
const ColorId kImageViewerBackground = 35
 defaults to grey
const ColorId kIRenderProgressHoriz = 36
 interactive rendering - horizontal progress bar
const ColorId kIRenderProgressVert = 37
 interactive rendering - vertical progress bar
const ColorId kPressedHierarchyButton = 38
const ColorId kTrackViewBackground = 39
const ColorId kTrackViewInactiveBackground = 40
const ColorId kManipulatorsActive = 41
const ColorId kManipulatorsSelected = 42
const ColorId kManipulatorsInactive = 43
const ColorId kFunctionCurveX = 44
const ColorId kFunctionCurveY = 45
const ColorId kFunctionCurveZ = 46
const ColorId kFunctionCurveW = 47
const ColorId kFunctionCurveFloat = 48
const ColorId kFunctionCurveSelected = 49
const ColorId kTrackViewTrackText = 50
const ColorId kTrackViewSelInstantTime = 51
const ColorId kTrackViewKeyCursor = 52
const ColorId kTrackViewSelectedBackground = 53
const ColorId kTrackViewDisabledTrack1 = 54
const ColorId kTrackViewDisabledTrack2 = 55
const ColorId kTrackViewEnabledTrack1 = 56
const ColorId kTrackViewEnabledTrack2 = 57
const ColorId kTrackViewTimeCursor = 58
const ColorId kTrackViewGrid = 59
const ColorId kTrackViewUnSelectedKeys = 60
const ColorId kTrackViewSelectedKeys = 61
const ColorId kTrackViewKeyOutline = 62
const ColorId kTrackViewKeyOutlineOnTop = 63
const ColorId kViewportShowDependencies = 64
const ColorId kTrackViewSoundTrackRight = 65
const ColorId kTrackViewSoundTrackLeft = 66
const ColorId kAssemblyOutline = 67
const ColorId kTrackViewKeyPosition = 68
const ColorId kTrackViewKeyRotation = 69
const ColorId kTrackViewKeyScale = 70
const ColorId kTrackViewKeyTransform = 71
const ColorId kTrackViewKeyObject = 72
const ColorId kTrackViewKeyMaterial = 73
const ColorId kTrackViewTangentHandle = 74
const ColorId kTrackViewAutoTangentHandle = 75
const ColorId kTrackViewKeyMixed = 76
const ColorId kTrackViewKeyFake = 77
const ColorId kTrackbarKeyPosition = 79
const ColorId kTrackbarKeyRotation = 80
const ColorId kTrackbarKeyScale = 81
const ColorId kTrackbarKeyTransform = 82
const ColorId kTrackbarKeyObject = 83
const ColorId kTrackbarKeyMaterial = 84
const ColorId kTrackbarKeyMixed = 85
const ColorId kTrackViewScaleOriginLine = 86
const ColorId kTrackViewKeyFCurveSelected = 87
const ColorId kTrackViewKeyFCurveUnSelected = 88
const ColorId kOutOfRangeLow = 89
const ColorId kOutOfRangeHigh = 90
const ColorId kTrackViewRangeIgnored = 91
const ColorId kTrackViewRangeIgnoredSel = 92
const ColorId kAdaptiveDegActive = 93
const ColorId kTrackViewControllerWindowToggle = 94
 track view region selection tool - color of the controller window toggle
const ColorId kTrackViewRegionSelectBorder = 95
 track view region selection tool - color of the border
const ColorId kTrackViewRegionSelectGrip = 96
 track view region selection tool - color of the selectable grip area
const ColorId kTrackViewRegionSelectRegion = 97
 track view region selection tool - color of the region surrounding the selected keys
const ColorId kTrackViewRegionSelectOuterRegion = 98
 track view region selection tool - color of the outer region
const ColorId kTrackViewRetimerMarker = 99
 track view retimer tool – colour of unselected marker/arrow
const ColorId kTrackViewRetimerHandle = 100
 track view retimer tool – colour of unselected handle/span
const ColorId kTrackViewRetimerOver = 101
 track view retimer tool – colour of marker/handle on mouse over
const ColorId kTrackViewRetimerSelected = 102
 track view retimer tool – colour of selected marker/handle
const ColorId kTrackViewRetimerSelectedOver = 103
 track view retimer tool – colour of selected marker/handle on mouse over
const ColorId kTrackViewRetimerDelete = 104
 track view retimer tool – colour of the X in the delete button
const ColorId kViewportBackgroundTopColor = 105
 Gradient Viewport Background – top color of the viewport.
const ColorId kViewportBackgroundBottomColor = 106
const ColorId kTrackbarCachedLineColor = 107
const ColorId kTrackbarCacheLineColor = 108
const ColorId kPreviewHighlight = 109
 Color of preview highlights.
const ColorId kSelectionHighlight = 110
 Color of selection highlights.
const ColorId kBackgroundOdd = 111
 The background – the odd layer.
const ColorId kBackgroundEven = 112
 The alternative background – the even layer.
const ColorId kButton = 113
 The button background.
const ColorId kButtonText = 114
 The button text.
const ColorId kPressedButtonText = 115
 The button when it is pressed.
const ColorId kFocusBorder = 116
 The focus border.
const ColorId kUIBorders = 117
 The UI border.
const ColorId kAnimationKeyBrackets = 118
 The viewport frame color when the animation key is set.
const ColorId kTrajTangentHandlesAutoColor = 119
 Color of automatic tangent handles in viewport trajectory mode.
const ColorId kTrajTangentHandlesAdjustableColor = 120
 Color of user-adjustable tangent handles in viewport trajectory mode.
const ColorId kTrajInTangentHandleEndColor = 121
 Color of In tangent handle end in viewport trajectory mode.
const ColorId kTrajOutTangentHandleEndColor = 122
 Color of Out tangent handle end in viewport trajectory mode.
const ColorId kTrajVelocityGradientStartColor = 123
 Color of the start gradient for velocity in viewport trajectory mode.
const ColorId kTrajVelocityGradientEndColor = 124
 Color of the end gradient for velocity in viewport trajectory mode.
const ColorId kTrajGradientStartColor = 125
 Color of the start gradient in viewport trajectory mode.
const ColorId kTrajGradientEndColor = 126
 Color of the end gradient in viewport trajectory mode.
const ColorId kToolTipUiBackground = 127
 Tooltip background color for the common Max UI.
const ColorId kToolTipUiText = 128
 Tooltip text color for the common Max UI.
const ColorId kItemViewBackground = 129
 Background color for ItemView component.
const ColorId kItemViewAlternateBackground = 130
 Alternate background color for ItemView component.
const ColorId kRenderMessageTextBackground = 131
 Background color for the text area of the render message dialog.
const ColorId kRenderMessageTextColorDefault = 132
 Text color used in the text area of the render message dialog.
const ColorId kRenderMessageTextColorSystem = 133
 Text color used for system messages in the text area of the render message dialog.
const ColorId kRenderMessageTextColorWarning = 134
 Text color used for warning messages in the text area in the render message dialog.
const ColorId kRenderMessageTextColorError = 135
 Text color used for error messages in the text area in the render message dialog.
const ColorId kSearchTextHighlightColor = 136
 Search text highlight color used in search windows like 'Global Search'.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ CustDlgExport

#define CustDlgExport   __declspec(dllimport)


#define COLOR_MGR_INTERFACE   Interface_ID(0x1bf46c90, 0x18bf6199)

◆ ColorMan

#define ColorMan ( )    (GetColorManager())

◆ GetCustSysColor

#define GetCustSysColor (   which)    (ColorMan()->CustSysColor(which))

◆ GetCustSysColorBrush

#define GetCustSysColorBrush (   which)    (ColorMan()->CustSysColorBrush(which))

Typedef Documentation

◆ ColorId

using ColorId = DWORD

Function Documentation

◆ SaveColors()

CustDlgExport void SaveColors ( )

◆ DeleteColorManager()

CoreExport void DeleteColorManager ( IColorManager pColorMan)

◆ GetColorManager()

CoreExport IColorManager * GetColorManager ( )
This global function is available in release 4.0 and later only.

Returns a pointer to the color manager with which you can call the methods of this class.

Note the following #define which may be used to simplify coding a bit:

\#define ColorMan() (GetColorManager())
CoreExport IColorManager * GetColorManager()
#define ColorMan()
Definition: icolorman.h:599