#define | N_ID_CHANNELS 16 |
| Number of IDs in stdMat.
#define | OPACITY_PARAM 0 |
#define | DEFAULT_SOFTEN 0.1f |
#define | SELFILLUM_CLR_ON (1<<16) |
#define | HAS_BUMPS 0x01L |
| Indicates that the bump mapping is present.
#define | HAS_REFLECT 0x02L |
| Indicates that there is any kind of reflection (raytraced, etc).
#define | HAS_REFRACT 0x04L |
| Indicates that there is any kind of refraction.
#define | HAS_OPACITY 0x08L |
| Indicates that opacity mapping is used.
#define | HAS_REFLECT_MAP 0x10L |
| Indicates that there is a reflection map only.
#define | HAS_REFRACT_MAP 0x20L |
| Indicates that there is a refraction map only.
#define | HAS_MATTE_MTL 0x40L |
| Indicates that the channel is not supported (is not used).
#define | CLR_CHANNEL 0x02L |
| A color channel.
#define | MONO_CHANNEL 0x04L |
| A monochrome channel.
#define | BUMP_CHANNEL 0x08L |
| The bump mapping channel.
#define | REFL_CHANNEL 0x10L |
| The reflection channel.
#define | REFR_CHANNEL 0x20L |
| The refraction channel.
#define | DISP_CHANNEL 0x40L |
| The displacement channel.
#define | SLEV_CHANNEL 0x80L |
#define | ELIMINATE_CHANNEL 0x8000L |
| Indicates that the channel is not supported.
| This is used internally to indicate that the channels to be skipped.
| Class Id upper half for loading the Pre 3.0 shaders.
| For Blinn Shader.
#define | ANISOSHADER_CLASS_ID 0x2857f460 |
| For Anisotropic Shader.
#define | NEWSHADERS_CLASS_ID 0x2857f420 |
| For Oren/Nayar/Blinn Shader.
#define | STRAUSS_SHADER_CLASS_ID 0x2857f450 |
| For Strauss Shader.
#define | SHADERBASE_CHUNK 0x39bf |
#define | SHADERNAME_CHUNK 0x0100 |
#define | STD_PARAM_NONE (0) |
| Indicates that none of the flags in the Standard_Parameters is used.
#define | STD_PARAM_ALL (0xffffffffL) |
| Indicates that all of the flags in the Standard_Parameters are used.
#define | STD_PARAM_METAL (1) |
| Only used by the Metal shader.
#define | STD_PARAM_LOCKDS (1<<1) |
| Indicates support for the Diffuse/Specular lock.
#define | STD_PARAM_LOCKAD (1<<2) |
| Indicates support for the Ambient/Diffuse lock.
#define | STD_PARAM_LOCKADTEX (1<<3) |
| Indicates support for the Ambient/Diffuse texture lock.
#define | STD_PARAM_SELFILLUM (1<<4) |
| Indicates support for the Self Illumination parameter.
#define | STD_PARAM_SELFILLUM_CLR (1<<5) |
| Indicates support for the Self Illumination color parameter.
#define | STD_PARAM_AMBIENT_CLR (1<<6) |
| Indicates support for the Ambient color parameter.
#define | STD_PARAM_DIFFUSE_CLR (1<<7) |
| Indicates support for the Diffuse color parameter.
#define | STD_PARAM_SPECULAR_CLR (1<<8) |
| Indicates support for the Specular color parameter.
#define | STD_PARAM_FILTER_CLR (1<<9) |
| Indicates support for the Filter color parameter.
#define | STD_PARAM_GLOSSINESS (1<<10) |
| Indicates support for the Glossiness parameter.
#define | STD_PARAM_SOFTEN_LEV (1<<11) |
| Indicates support for the Soften Level parameter.
#define | STD_PARAM_SPECULAR_LEV (1<<12) |
| Indicates support for the Specular Level parameter.
#define | STD_PARAM_DIFFUSE_LEV (1<<13) |
| Indicates support for the Diffuse Level parameter.
#define | STD_PARAM_DIFFUSE_RHO (1<<14) |
| Indicates support for the Roughness parameter.
#define | STD_PARAM_ANISO (1<<15) |
| Indicates support for the Specular Highlight Anisotropy parameter.
#define | STD_PARAM_ORIENTATION (1<<16) |
| Indicates support for the Specular Highlight Orientation parameter.
#define | STD_PARAM_REFL_LEV (1<<17) |
| This is reserved for future use.
#define | STD_PARAM_SELFILLUM_CLR_ON (1<<18) |
| Indicates support for the Self Illumination Color On/Off checkbox.
#define | STD_BASIC2_DLG (1<<20) |
| This bit is only set by the three pre-R3 shaders (Phong, Blinn, and Metal).
#define | STD_EXTRA_DLG (1<<21) |
| Indicates support for the Extended Parameters rollout.
#define | STD_EXTRA_REFLECTION (1<<22) |
| Indicates support for Reflection Dimming parameters (Apply, Dim Level, Refl Level).
#define | STD_EXTRA_REFRACTION (1<<23) |
| Indicates support for Index of Refraction parameter.
#define | STD_EXTRA_OPACITY (1<<24) |
| Indicates support for Opacity parameters (Amount, In/Out, Type).
#define | STD_EXTRA |
#define | STD_BASIC (0x00021ffeL | STD_BASIC2_DLG) |
#define | STD_BASIC_METAL (0x00021fffL | STD_BASIC2_DLG) |
#define | STD_ANISO (0x0002cffe) |
#define | STD_MULTILAYER (0x0002fffe) |
#define | STD_ONB (0x00023ffe) |
#define | STD_WARD (0x00000bce) |