3ds Max C++ API Reference
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texutil.h File Reference
#include "coreexp.h"
#include <Geom/point2.h>
#include <Geom/point3.h>
#include "geom/acolor.h"
#include "3dsmaxconfig.h"


#define MAX_OCTAVES   50
#define NOISE(p)   ((1.0f+noise3DS(p))*.5f)
#define MAX_CELL_LEVELS   20


CoreExport float bias (float a, float b)
CoreExport float gain (float a, float b)
CoreExport float boxstep (float a, float b, float x)
CoreExport float smoothstep (float a, float b, float x)
CoreExport float mod (float x, float m)
CoreExport int mod (int x, int m)
CoreExport float sramp (float x, float a, float b, float d)
CoreExport float threshold (float x, float a, float b)
CoreExport void setdebug (int i)
CoreExport float noise1 (float arg)
CoreExport float noise2 (Point2 p)
CoreExport float noise3 (Point3 p)
CoreExport float noise4 (Point3 p, float time)
CoreExport float noise3DS (Point3 p)
CoreExport float turbulence (Point3 &p, float freq)
CoreExport int Perm (int v)
CoreExport float fBm1 (float point, float H, float lacunarity, float octaves)
CoreExport float fBm1 (Point2 point, float H, float lacunarity, float octaves)
CoreExport float fBm1 (Point3 point, float H, float lacunarity, float octaves)
CoreExport float spline (float x, int nknots, float *knot)
CoreExport Color color_spline (float x, int nknots, Color *knot)
int FLOOR (float x)
float frac (float x)
float fastfmax (float x, float y)
float fastfmin (float x, float y)
AColor AComp (AColor cbot, AColor ctop)
CoreExport void CellFunction (Point3 v, int n, float *dist, int *celIDs=NULL, Point3 *grads=NULL, float gradSmooth=0.0f)
CoreExport void FractalCellFunction (Point3 v, float iterations, float lacunarity, int n, float *dist, int *celIDs=NULL, Point3 *grads=NULL, float gradSmooth=0.0f)
CoreExport float RandFromCellID (int id)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define MAX_OCTAVES   50


#define NOISE (   p)    ((1.0f+noise3DS(p))*.5f)


#define MAX_CELL_LEVELS   20

Function Documentation

◆ bias()

CoreExport float bias ( float  a,
float  b 
This function performs a mapping across the unit interval [0, 1] where the result is within the unit interval. If b is within the interval 0 to 1, the result of bias() is within the interval 0 to 1. This function is defined such that bias(a, 0.5)=a. The function is defined as follows:

float bias(float a, float b) {
return (float)pow(a, log(b) / log(0.5f));
CoreExport float bias(float a, float b)

◆ gain()

CoreExport float gain ( float  a,
float  b 
This function performs a mapping across the unit interval [0, 1] where the result is within the unit interval. If b is within the interval 0 to 1, the result of gain() is within the interval 0 to 1. This function is defined such that gain(a, 0.5)=a. Above and below 0.5, this function consists of two scaled down bias() curves forming an S-shaped curve. The function is defined as follows:

float gain(float a, float b)
float p = (float)log(1.0f - b) / (float)log(0.5f);
if (a < .001f)
return 0.f;
else if (a > .999f)
return 1.0f;
if (a < 0.5f)
return (float)pow(2 * a, p) / 2;
return 1.0f - (float)pow(2.0 * (1. - a), (double)p) / 2;
CoreExport float gain(float a, float b)

◆ boxstep()

CoreExport float boxstep ( float  a,
float  b,
float  x 
This function is a smoother version of step() using a linear ramp. The boxstep() function is defined as follows:

float boxstep(float a, float b, float x) {
return clamp((x-a)/(b-a),0.0f, 1.0f);
controller mat max min numsubs x z controller keys x z controller keys x
Definition: generics.inl:212
CoreExport float boxstep(float a, float b, float x)

For comparison, note that step() returns values of 0 when x is less than a and 1 when x is greater than or equal to a. This function is not a part of the SDK, but step() is defined as follows:

float step(float a, float x) {
return (float)(x >= a);

aThe limit for the x value where the function will return 0.
bThe limit for the x value where the function will return 1.
xA floating point value.
0 if "x" is less than "a", a linear interpolation between 0 and 1 if "x" is greater than or equal to "a" and less than or equal to "b", and 1 if "x" is greater than "b".

◆ smoothstep()

CoreExport float smoothstep ( float  a,
float  b,
float  x 
This function is similar to step(), but instead of a sharp transition from 0 to 1 at a specified threshold, it makes a gradual transition from 0 to 1 beginning at threshold a and ending at threshold b. To do this, this function uses a cubic function whose slope is 0 at "a" and "b", and whose value is 0 at "a" and 1 at "b". This function provides a still smoother version of step() using a cubic spline. The smoothstep() function is used (instead of step()) in many procedural textures because sharp transitions often result in artifacts.
aThe limit for the x value where the function will return 0.
bThe limit for the x value where the function will return 1.
xA floating point value.

◆ mod() [1/2]

CoreExport float mod ( float  x,
float  m 
This function returns the mathematical modulo operation and handles negatives correctly. The standard math functions fmod() and fmodf() as well as the operator % return negative results if the first operand is negative. This function always returns a positive remainder.

◆ mod() [2/2]

CoreExport int mod ( int  x,
int  m 
This function returns the mathematical modulo operation and handles negatives correctly. The standard math functions fmod() and fmodf() as well as the operator % return negative results if the first operand is negative. This function always returns a positive remainder.

◆ sramp()

CoreExport float sramp ( float  x,
float  a,
float  b,
float  d 
This function makes a type of straight-segment S curve. The parameters are x, a, b, and d. The algorithm is as follows:

for a+d < x < b-d sramp(x) = x

for a-d < x < a+d sramp() makes a smooth transition (parabolic) from sramp' = 0 to sramp' = 1

for b-d < x < b+d sramp() makes a smooth transition (parabolic) from sramp' = 1 to sramp' = 0

◆ threshold()

CoreExport float threshold ( float  x,
float  a,
float  b 
Returns 0 if "x" is less than "a", 1 if "x" is greater than "b", otherwise it returns "x".

◆ setdebug()

CoreExport void setdebug ( int  i)

◆ noise1()

CoreExport float noise1 ( float  arg)
An approximation of white noise blurred to dampen frequencies beyond some value.

◆ noise2()

CoreExport float noise2 ( Point2  p)
An approximation of white noise blurred to dampen frequencies beyond some value in two dimensions.

◆ noise3()

CoreExport float noise3 ( Point3  p)
A noise function in three dimensions implemented by a pseudo-random tricubic spline. This function is an approximation of white noise blurred to dampen frequencies beyond some value.

◆ noise4()

CoreExport float noise4 ( Point3  p,
float  time 
This function is an approximation of white noise blurred to dampen frequencies beyond some value in three dimensions, and time.

◆ noise3DS()

CoreExport float noise3DS ( Point3  p)
A noise function in three dimensions implemented by a pseudo-random tricubic spline. This is the same as noise3() scaled up by factor of 1.65 and clamped to -1,+1. The macro NOISE can be used to map the value returned from the noise3DS() function into interval [0,1].

◆ turbulence()

CoreExport float turbulence ( Point3 &  p,
float  freq 
This turbulence function is a simple fractal generating loop built on top of the noise function. It is used to make marble, clouds, explosions, and so on. It returns a value in the range [0, 1].

◆ Perm()

CoreExport int Perm ( int  v)
Takes the low 9 bits of an input value and returns a number in that range (0-512).

◆ fBm1() [1/3]

CoreExport float fBm1 ( float  point,
float  H,
float  lacunarity,
float  octaves 
A fractional Brownian motion fractal (or fBm for short) that returns a floating point value. This version of the fBm is said to be "homogeneous" (the same everywhere) and "isotropic" (the same in all directions). There are versions of this function that accept an input floating point, Point2, and Point3 value.

◆ fBm1() [2/3]

CoreExport float fBm1 ( Point2  point,
float  H,
float  lacunarity,
float  octaves 

◆ fBm1() [3/3]

CoreExport float fBm1 ( Point3  point,
float  H,
float  lacunarity,
float  octaves 

◆ spline()

CoreExport float spline ( float  x,
int  nknots,
float *  knot 
A one-dimensional Catmull-Rom interpolating spline through a set of knot values. The spline() function used to map a number into another number. The parameter of the spline is a floating point value. If x is 0, the result is the second knot value. If x is 1, the result is the final knot value. For values between 0 and 1, the value interpolates smoothly between the values of the knots from the second knot to the second to last knot. The first and last knot values determine the derivatives of the spline at the endpoint.

◆ color_spline()

CoreExport Color color_spline ( float  x,
int  nknots,
Color *  knot 
A variant of the spline() function for mapping colors.


int FLOOR ( float  x)
A fast version of the standard C function floor(). It returns a floating-point value representing the largest integer that is less than or equal to x.
119{ return ((int)(x) - ((int)(x)>(x)? 1:0)); }

◆ frac()

float frac ( float  x)
Returns the fraction (non-integer) part of the value passed. This is defined as x - (float)FLOOR(x).
121{ return x - (float)FLOOR(x); }
int FLOOR(float x)
Definition: texutil.h:119

◆ fastfmax()

float fastfmax ( float  x,
float  y 
Returns the larger of two values (returns the second value in the case of equality).
123{ return x>y?x:y; }

◆ fastfmin()

float fastfmin ( float  x,
float  y 
Returns x if it is less than y. Otherwise, y.
125{ return x<y?x:y; }

◆ AComp()

AColor AComp ( AColor  cbot,
AColor  ctop 
Performs an alpha-composite of one color (ctop) on top of another (cbot), assuming pre-multiplied alpha.
132 {
133 float ia = 1.0f - ctop.a;
134 return (ctop + ia*cbot);
135 }

◆ CellFunction()

CoreExport void CellFunction ( Point3  v,
int  n,
float *  dist,
int celIDs = NULL,
Point3 *  grads = NULL,
float  gradSmooth = 0.0f 
This is the noise function used by the 3ds Max Cellular texture. The idea is that there is a set of cells randomly distributed through space. This function returns the distances to the closest cells. Developers using this function can refer to: A Cellular Basis Function by Steven Worley, and published in the SIGGRAPH 1996 Conference Procedings.

◆ FractalCellFunction()

CoreExport void FractalCellFunction ( Point3  v,
float  iterations,
float  lacunarity,
int  n,
float *  dist,
int celIDs = NULL,
Point3 *  grads = NULL,
float  gradSmooth = 0.0f 
A fractal version of CellFunction(). It has additional parameters for iterations and lacunariy.

◆ RandFromCellID()

CoreExport float RandFromCellID ( int  id)
Returns a random number in the range 0.0 to 1.0 based on a cell identifier.