
Click to manage the materials in the library. Users can create new materials, delete unwanted ones, and duplicate a material as a basis for defining a new one.

Sample plot of plasticity for Inconel 625

When creating a new material, first specify the name, and then the various physical properties in the chosen system of units. To change the system of units shown here, go to the Simulation menu > Settings > General tab, and open the Units drop-down menu.

The Show Plot button is available for temperature-dependent properties, to plot values displayed in the table.

Creating New Materials

There are three ways to do this: duplicate an existing material, import a material property file, or click the New Material button and manually enter the name and properties.

To duplicate a material and modify properties

  1. Select a material with properties similar to what you want in a new material, and click Duplicate Selected. The material name is appended with ' - copy' to differentiate it from the original.
  2. Optionally, change the default name by double-clicking it and entering a new name.
  3. Modify the material properties as required. Note that properties having a table of values include Add Row and Delete Row buttons to facilitate modifications.
Some minimum requirements exist for material properties, depending on how the material is used:
  • For build plates, minimum requirements are Thermal Conductivity, Density, Specific Heat, Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, Elastic Modulus, and Plasticity properties.
  • For processing parameter (PRM) or directed energy deposition (DED) simulations, minimum requirements include those for build plates plus Thermal Emissivity, Latent Heat of Fusion, and Melting Temperature.
As material properties are entered for custom materials, the system evaluates whether they are within a physically realistic range, and replaces any erroneous values with acceptable ones. Stress Relaxation Temperature should be included for materials such as Ti-6Al-4V, which exhibits a significant sub–melting temperature reduction of stresses. If available, using as-built properties will produce more accurate simulation results.

Import New Material

Use this button to import a material property file in a .TXT or .CSV format. The material name must be unique in the material library, and should be in the file name, such as the example "Silver.csv". Any non-default material can be renamed by double-clicking the name in the material list. As the file is imported, it is checked for completeness and format, and the user is notified of any missing properties. For more information on formatting a material property file, see Material Property Definition in Local Simulation Help.

Best Practices