Material Template

This template can be used as an alternative to the dialog available by clicking Material Library on the Home tab. The purpose in either case is to add new materials to the Material Library for use in creating new Process Parameter (PRM) files. For more information on the use of this file, see the Process Parameters topic.


# This file can be used as a template to define your own

# material properties for PRM file generation.


# Browse for this file after choosing "material -> custom"

# or "powder properties -> custom".




# thermal conductivity, temperature

# Units:  [W/(mm-degC)], [degC]

 6.6e-3,  20                   

 7.3e-3,  93                   

 9.1e-3, 205                   

10.6e-3, 315                   

12.6e-3, 425                   

14.6e-3, 540                   

17.5e-3, 650                   



# mass density

# Units:  [kg/(mm^3)]




# Elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio, temperature

# Units:  [N/(mm^2)], [dimensionless], [degC]

0.105e6,   0.34,     0.

0.628e5,   0.34,     800.



# emissivity, temperature

# Units:  [dimensionless], [degC]

0.54, 25



# Reference temperature

# Units:  [degC]


# thermal expansion coefficient, temperature

# Units:  [m/(m-degC)], [degC]

0.086e-4, 20

0.097e-4, 500



# Latent heat of fusion, solidus temp, liquidus temp

# Units:  [J/kg], [degC], [degC]

365e3, 1500, 1770


# Note: using too narrow of a sol/liq range can cause

# convergence problems.




# Melting temperature

# Units:  [degC]




# n = (number of columns - 1) / 2


# ys 1, eqp 1, ys 2, eqp 2, ..., ys n, eqp n, temperature


# where ys is yield strength and eqp is equivalent plastic

# strain


# Units:  [MPa], [m/m], ..., [degC]

4.83E+02, 0., 9.65E+02, 0.48, 0.

4.69E+02, 0., 9.37E+02, 0.47, 100.

4.28E+02, 0., 8.96E+02, 0.46, 200.

4.14E+02, 0., 8.96E+02, 0.45, 300.

4.14E+02, 0., 9.03E+02, 0.45, 400.

4.14E+02, 0., 9.10E+02, 0.5,  500.

4.10E+02, 0., 8.97E+02, 0.52, 600.

4.21E+02, 0., 5.93E+02, 0.36, 700.

4.10E+02, 0., 4.14E+02, 0.48, 800.

2.76E+02, 0., 2.76E+02, 0.01, 871.

1.38E+02, 0., 1.38E+02, 0.01, 932.

0.83E+02, 0., 0.83E+02, 0.01, 1093.



# Specific heat, temperature

# Units:  [J/(kg-degC)], [degC]

410, 21

427, 93

456, 204

481, 316

511, 427

536, 538

565, 649

590, 760

620, 871

645, 982

670, 1093



## Uncomment this card for materials such as Ti-6Al-4V,

## which undergo significant stress relaxation.



## Stress relaxation temperature

## Units:  [degC]

