LSR File Format reference

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The laser vector file, which is imported into the DED workspace, describes the power, speed, size, and location of the heat source used to build the component being modeled. This file, along with material selection, provides all required settings, and obviates the need for a processing parameter file used in powderbed fusion simulations.

The format of an LSR file is as follows:

3D LSR structure

# power, laser vector x, y, z, normalization optional, start point x, y, z, end point x, y, z, radius, velocity, start time
# separated by single spaces or commas

450 0 0 -1 19.05 11.7 0.2 57.15 11.7 0.2 1 10 0

450 0 0 -1 57.15 13.7 0.2 19.05 13.7 0.2 1 10 3.9

450 0 0 -1 19.05 11.7 0.4 57.15 11.7 0.4 1 10 7.8

450 0 0 -1 57.15 13.7 0.4 19.05 13.7 0.4 1 10 11.7

450 0 0 -1 19.05 11.7 0.6 57.15 11.7 0.6 1 10 15.6

450 0 0 -1 57.15 13.7 0.6 19.05 13.7 0.6 1 10 19.5

450 0 0 -1 19.05 11.7 0.8 57.15 11.7 0.8 1 10 23.4

450 0 0 -1 57.15 13.7 0.8 19.05 13.7 0.8 1 10 27.3

450 0 0 -1 19.05 11.7 1 57.15 11.7 1 1 10 31.2

450 0 0 -1 57.15 13.7 1 19.05 13.7 1 1 10 35.1

Deposition paths from the file example above, visualized on a custom substrate specified by resizing the buildplate


Multi-axis LSR structure

# Power (W), laser orientation X, Y, Z, Vector start X, Y, Z (mm)| Vector end X, Y, Z (mm) | Laser radius (mm), Travel speed (mm/s), Vector Start time (s), Layer group number
# separated by single spaces or commas
1000, -0.45,-0.45,-0.45,  0, 20, 0, 9.8,  20, 19.5, 0.5, 25,  0, 1
1000, -0.45,-0.45,-0.45, 40, 20, 0, 30.2, 20, 19.5, 0.5, 25,  5, 1
1000, -0.45,-0.45,-0.45, 20,  0, 0, 20,  9.8, 19.5, 0.5, 25, 15, 2
1000, -0.45,-0.45,-0.45, 20, 40, 0, 20, 30.2, 19.5, 0.5, 25, 20, 2

The LSR file for multi-axis DED contains a 14th column, Layer Group Number.

Using fewer layer groups tends to converge more reliably, using more layer groups, however, will be slightly more accurate and generally faster.

Deposition paths from the file example above, visualized on a custom substrate loaded as mesh from a file


LSR file format limitations and requirements
