Route Analysis Settings

Route Analysis settings control how model elements effect the path of travel. Model elements between the starting and ending points of the path of travel will impact the route generated by the analysis.


When placing a path of travel to the model, model elements will act as obstacles to the path of travel if a portion of their geometry falls within the analysis zone. By default, the following model elements are ignored:
  • Elements hidden in the view.
  • Demolished elements.
  • Elements visible in an underlay to the view.
Add model categories which will be ignored during the path of travel analysis. In the dialog, enable additional model categories to be ignored and then choose the specific categories to ignore from the list.
Note: When using nested families, both the host family and the nested family category must be selected for the family to be ignored as an obstacle during route analysis.

Analysis Zone

The analysis zone used by the path of travel is established by a top and bottom offset value from the views level. If any geometry from a model element is within the analysis zone it will be considered an obstacle to the path of travel. The path of travel will be generated to avoid those obstacles in the path of travel.

As a general rule, it is best to set the top of the analysis zone above the cut plane of the view (see: About the View Range). When the top of the analysis zone is below the cut plane, you may experience unexpected behavior.

Note: Slanted walls and columns in the analysis zone of a path of travel will affect the route. You may need to view the condition in another view, or use Reveal Obstacles to identify slanted elements in the path.

The following section shows the analysis zone of a plan view: Bottom , Top .