Video: Add Fascia

Add a fascia to roof elements in the model.

This video demonstrates the following:

  1. Add a fascia.
  2. Change the mitering of the fascia.
  3. Change the profile of the fascia.
  4. Create a built up fascia condition.
Note: This video was recorded using Revit 2019. When using a newer software release, you may notice differences in functionality and user interface.


Add fascia elements to roof edges to add detail to your models. Fascia elements are made from profiles . You can choose to model the fascia all as one element, or build up a complex fascia from multiple elements.

To add a fascia element, on the Architecture tab , use the drop - down arrow on the Roof tool and select Roof:Fascia. The shape of the fascia is based on the profile that is used by the fascia type. In this example, a simple rectangle fascia is selected. Click a roof edge to apply a fascia. Continue to select roof edges to add segments to the fascia element. Click Modify to finish the fascia.

Notice that if a fascia is placed as one continuous element at a gable end, the fascia is mitered automatically. If a separate fascia is added at the gable, it is not mitered or connected to the other fascia element.

This may be useful in some situations. For example, a case in which the gable end fascia needs to end with a perpendicular miter. Select the fascia, then select Modify Mitering on the contextual tab. Now, select the mitering option, and adjust the fascia as required.

Change the shape of a fascia element by loading a profile family into your model. Select a fascia, and on the Properties palette, click Edit Type. Duplicate the fascia type, then use the drop-down arrow to select the new profile and click OK. This technique works well when all parts of the fascia are the same material.

Fascia elements can be used in combination to build up a fascia condition. Start the fascia tool again, and select the fascia type on the properties palette . Now, select edges of existing fascia elements to build up a fascia out of multiple profiles, building out the final condition.

Use fascia elements to add detail to your models and communicate your design intent.