Use the Ceiling tool to create a ceiling at a specified distance above its level. To place a ceiling, click within walls that form a closed loop, or sketch its boundaries.
Architecture tabBuild panel (Ceiling)
Topics in this section
About Ceilings
You can create a ceiling defined by walls, or sketch its boundary. Create ceilings in a reflected ceiling plan view.
Create a Ceiling
Use the Ceiling tool to create a ceiling in a reflected ceiling plan view.
Create a Sloped Ceiling
You can create sloped ceilings and cathedral ceilings in the building model.
Modify a Ceiling
To modify a ceiling, select it and use tools on the Modify | Ceilings tab.
Ceiling Instance Properties
Modify instance properties to change a ceiling's level and offset, slope, and more.
Ceiling Type Properties
Modify type properties to change the structure and thickness of a ceiling, its fill pattern, and more.