Importing Massing Studies from Other Applications

You can use 3D design software to create large-scale massing studies, and then use Revit to associate host elements (walls, roofs, and so on) to the mass faces.

For example, you can import geometry from applications such as Autodesk 3ds Max®, Trimble® SketchUp®, or Form/Z® by AutoDesSys, Inc.

When you use the following workflow, Revit can understand the exported geometry as a mass object:

  1. Use the design software to create a 3D design.
  2. In the design software, export the design to a supported file format (such as DWG or SAT).
  3. In Revit, import the file into a mass family.
  4. Open a project, load the mass family, and place instances of the mass family in the project.

Revit then treats the geometry as a mass, allowing the faces of the mass component to be selected and associated to Revit host elements, such as walls, floors, and roofs.

Note: Exported objects are faceted, rather than smooth. When exported, curved elements may be triangulated.