Create a Custom Pattern File

This example shows how to create a pattern of octagons and squares in the pattern file. You can use the description here to create other patterns.

The completed pattern contains octagons that are 8 inches at their widest point; both the octagon and the square are 3 5/16 inches on a side.

  1. Open a text editor, such as Notepad, to begin creating the pattern file.
  2. On the first line, enter the header in this format: *Concrete Paver.
  3. On the next line, enter the type declaration: ;%TYPE=MODEL.

    The first value for a pattern descriptor is the angle at which the pen line is drawn. For example, a 0 angle indicates the line is horizontally straight; 90 angle indicates the line is drawn vertically straight.

  4. Create the first pattern descriptor, using the following values:
    • Angle: 0

      This value is the angle at which the pen line is drawn. For example, a 0 angle indicates the line is horizontally straight; a 90 angle indicates the line is drawn vertically straight.

    • Origin: 0, 0

      These values are the x-origin and y-origin, which indicate the start point.

    • Shift: 5.656, 5.656

      These values establish the x-shift and y-shift, which is the x and y distance between the start of any pass and the start of the next pass.

    • Pen down: 3.3125
    • Pen up: -8

      Pen down and pen up indicate how long the pen is down and how long the pen is up, respectively. A negative number indicates the pen is up.

    The first pattern descriptor is complete:

        0,     0,     5.656,     5.656,     3.3125,     -8 

    The pattern is as shown:

  5. Create the second pattern descriptor, using the following values:
    • Angle: 0
    • Origin: 0, 3.3125
    • Shift: 5.656, 5.656
    • Pen down: 3.3125
    • Pen up: -8

    The pattern is as shown:

    Because you changed the origin, the lines are drawn above the first set.

  6. Create the third pattern descriptor, using the following values:
    • Angle: 90
    • Origin: 0, 0
    • Shift: 5.656, 5.656
    • Pen down: 3.3125
    • Pen up: -8

    The pattern is as shown:

    Because of the 90 angle, the lines are drawn vertically, beginning to create a square pattern.

  7. Create the fourth pattern descriptor, using the following values:
    • Angle: 90
    • Origin: 3.3125, 0
    • Shift: 5.656, 5.656
    • Pen down: 3.3125
    • Pen up: -8

    The pattern is as shown:

  8. Create the fifth pattern descriptor, using the following values:
    • Angle: 45
    • Origin: 3.3125, 3.3125
    • Shift: 8, 8
    • Pen down: 3.3125
    • Pen up: -4.6875

    The pattern now looks like this:

    A 45 angle has a positive slope and results in a slanted line effect.

  9. Create the sixth pattern descriptor, using the following values:
    • Angle: -45
    • Origin: 3.3125, 0
    • Shift: 8, 8
    • Pen down: 3.3125
    • Pen up: -4.6875

    The completed pattern file is:

    Paver,   ;%TYPE=MODEL,
        0,       0,       5.656,     5.656,     3.3125,     -80,
        0,       3.3125,  5.656,     5.656,     3.3125,     -890,
       0,       0,       5.656,     5.656,     3.3125,     -890,
       3.3125,  0,       5.656,     5.656,     3.3125,     -845,
       3.3125,  3.3125,  8,         8,         3.3125,     -4.6875-45,
      3.3125,  0,       8,         8,         3.3125,     -4.6875

    The completed pattern.

  10. Save the text file. Change the extension of the text file from .TXT to .PAT so it can be used to create a fill pattern.

For information on using a custom pattern file, see Create a Custom Fill Pattern.