Best Practices: Preventing Data Corruption in Revit

You can prevent data corruption in your model by understanding the types of corruption and how they occur.

Types of Corruption

Understanding the different types of data corruption is an important step to determining and preventing the causes of corruption.

Element-Level Corruption

Project-Level Corruption

Causes of Corruption

Some causes of corruption are listed below.

Best Practices to Prevent Data Corruption

Follow the guidelines in this section to prevent data corruption.

Ensure that you have a backup copy of the model. Corruption can be introduced during an editing session. When this happens, each save operation causes a valid backup to be lost and a corrupt backup to be created. If the number of automatic backups is fewer than the number of save operations, all valid backups are lost. To ensure you that have a valid backup, do one or both of the following.

Audit the model periodically. It's good practice to audit the model once a week, but if the rate of change is higher, audit more frequently. As the number of errors increases, Revit will eventually be unable to continue operating. Using audit data can clear out problematic data and serve as a warning if auditing begins to fail.

Ensure that Revit is updated. As Autodesk identifies issues that lead to corruption, the code is modified to prevent these problems. Install the latest updates to ensure that all fixes are present.

Keep non-workshared files and local workshared files on the local hard drive. Writing directly to a network path increases the chance of a read/write failure.

Ensure that at least 5 GB (or the amount specified in the system requirements) of hard disk space is available. If Revit is unable to write to the hard drive because it is full, the resulting model will be incomplete and unusable.

Ensure that the %TMP% folder is emptied periodically. When an RVT file is opened, it is decompressed into the temp folder, and Revit works from this location. If Revit is unable to read/write to this folder, the result may be corruption or false corruption messages. Ensure the %TMP% folder is located on the local hard drive.

Avoid using the Undo command after synchronizing or canceling a synchronize process. These processes can place the model in an inconsistent state where some parts are updated and other parts are not.

Keep the number of warnings to a minimum. Warnings point to possible problems with the project. Numerous warnings increase the chance that Revit will have difficulties when updating the associated elements.

Upgrade the model periodically to ensure that you have a version of Revit that can open the model without upgrading. When encountering errors in the upgrade process, there are times when changes must be made in the model to allow the upgrade to succeed. However, if model data is archived without change for long periods of time, the original version of the software may no longer be available. To avoid this situation, periodically upgrade the archived model data, addressing errors as they occur. Depending on future project needs and available storage space, you may want to maintain both the original model data and the upgraded copies.