Video: Modify a Railing Sketch

Modify a railing sketch to change how the railing wraps at the ends as it changes from one level to another.

This video demonstrates the following:

  1. Learn about the parts of a railing.
  2. Edit the sketch to create railing extensions.
  3. Create a loop interior rail.
  4. Modify the corner position.
Note: This video was recorded using Revit 2018. When using a newer software release, you may notice differences in functionality and user interface.


Railings are sketch-based elements. Multiple factors control the final railing geometry. A sketch defines the position and length of the railing. The rail structure and baluster placement of the railing type define the overall railing pattern. The host of the railing controls the slope and 3D geometry of the railing. In this video, we'll look at modifying the railing sketch. ​

To edit a railing sketch, select a railing and, on the contextual tab on the ribbon, click Edit Path. In this example, we'll make some modifications to the default railings for this multistory stair. ​

The wall-mounted railing needs to have extensions at the lower landing and the upper landing. Select a segment of the railing sketch, and use the grip controls to extend the railing past the stair ends. The arrow controls near the end of the railing sketch indicate the start and end points for the railing. Click an arrow to swap them. In this case, the definitions for the end baluster and the beginning baluster are the same, so changing the start and end points have no impact on the railing geometry. Click Finish to complete the railing. ​

The sketched lines for the railing follow the host stair. Where the host is not directly under the sketch, the railing is horizontal. ​

The interior railing of the stair should be continuous, not broken at the intersecting floor. Select the railing, and click Edit Path. Add a segment to the railing sketch to close the loop on one side. When a railing sketch forms a closed loop, an additional control is added to the sketch. This control will change the corner where the start and end arrows are positioned. ​

To better understand how this control affects the railing geometry, on the ribbon click Preview to see a preview of the railing as you make edits to the sketch. Click the "Move beginning" control, and in the 3D view watch how the railing geometry is affected. When the sketch beginning is positioned correctly, click Finish to complete the railing. ​

Use the preview control and start/end controls in a railing sketch to control how a railing is created in the model.