Video: Place Columns
Place architectural columns in the model. Use the architectural columns or grid intersections to place structural columns.
Video: Create a Sloped Roof
Sloped edges on a roof sketch line create a sloped roof. Use sloped edges or a slope arrow on a roof to create sloped roof elements.
Video: Place a Railing
Add a railing to a stair that has already been placed in the model.
Video: Sketching Hosted Railings
Sketch a railing and host it to different elements in the model. Changes to the host will modify the railing geometry.
Video: Modify a Railing Sketch
Modify a railing sketch to change how the railing wraps at the ends as it changes from one level to another.
Video: Create a Winder Stair
Add a winder stair to the model and use grips to make adjustments. Change the point where the winder starts on the stair run in the Properties Palette.
Video: Component Stair Enhancement
Use layout options to position a stair. Once a stair is in place use grip controls in canvas to make modifications..