Place Duct Fittings

  1. Open a view containing the duct system where you want to add a duct fitting.
  2. Click Systems tabHVAC panel Duct Fitting, and in the Type Selector select a particular fitting type.
  3. On the Options Bar, click Rotate after placement to rotate a component after placing it in the view.
  4. When you place a fitting, such as an elbow, on existing duct, the elbow will orient itself relative to the duct.

    Move the cursor to where you want to place the fitting, and click the duct to snap it to the connector at end of the duct.

    Tees can be inserted anywhere along the length of a section of duct. The elevation and size for the fitting are automatically adjusted to match the duct.

  5. Use the duct fitting’s rotate controls to adjust the rotation of the fitting as needed.