Using the Parameters Service in Revit

Use the Parameters Service to manage shared parameters and import them into a Revit session.

Note: The Parameters Service is only available on the US and EU servers.

Management: From Revit you can launch the Parameters Service by navigating to Manage tab (Parameters Service) in the toolbar. From this window if you are an administrator, you can manage your parameters. If you are not an administrator, you can browse the service to see what parameters are available to you.

Adding Parameters to Revit: You should be able to add parameters from the Parameters Service anywhere where you currently can add shared parameters. Launch the service by looking for the (Parameters Service) icon.

You can add parameters from each of the following dialog windows:

  • Project Parameters
  • Single and Multi-Category Schedules
  • Material Takeoff Schedules
  • Sheet List Schedules
  • Note block Schedules
  • View list Schedules
  • Family Editing (Family Types)
Note: When accessing the Parameters Service from Revit, select the toggle button to show or hide parameters present in the active model.
  1. Select Add From Service from any of the above dialog windows to launch the Parameters Service. This workflow only allows you to search for parameters, filter a view, or add parameters to your Revit model.
  2. Select one or more parameters and when you find the parameter(s) you want to use, select the Add to Revit Model button.
  • Parameters with a default category set in the service can be imported directly into a Revit project. These act as defaults for the parameters. Parameters missing a default category will need their category defined during the import.
  • Families will bind to their own category and do not need a category set.
  • Parameters with a default type/instance set in the service can be imported directly into a Revit project. These act as defaults for the parameters. Parameters missing a default type/instance will need their type/instance defined during the import.
  • Parameters loaded into a Revit building model can be found in Project Parameters. Parameters loaded into a Revit family can be found in Family Types. Parameters loaded from the service can be managed the same as any other shared parameter.

Setup and Access

To access the Web URL for the Parameters Service:

  1. As an Account Administrator, login to Autodesk Construction Cloud.

    For more information on using Autodesk Construction Cloud Docs, see Using Parameters with Autodesk Docs.

  2. Select the Account Administration link the upper right-hand corner.
  3. Select Library from the left-hand navigation.
  4. Select the Parameters tab.
  5. To initiate a first-time setup, select Create Parameter Collection.
    Note: Currently you are limited to create only one parameter collection. We are planning to use parameter collections to enable future workflows in managing parameters. Please post your feedback about this workflow to the Revit Forum.
  6. Once you collection is created, select the collection in the list, and select Edit in the right-hand panel to setup your parameters collection.
  7. When you are done editing, select Done to return to Autodesk Construction Cloud.
    Note: Only an Account Administrator can access the parameters service from the Autodesk Construction Cloud web interface. Please post your feedback about this workflow to the Revit Forum.

To access the Parameters Service from Revit:

The service can be launched from Revit by navigating to the Manage tab in the ribbon and selecting Parameters Service.

Note: You will need to login with your Autodesk account to access the Parameters Service.


Parameters on the service are organized under an Autodesk Construction Cloud account. In the upper left section of the page, you will see a drop-down menu with all the accounts to which you have access.

Creating New Parameters

To manually create a new parameter, select the + button. You are required to fill in the name, discipline, value type, and properties palette group. Select at least one category the parameter should be bound to as a default, in addition to selecting whether the parameter is a type or instance parameter.
Note: Parameter names cannot contain the following symbol(s):
\ : { } [ ] | ; < > ? ` ~

To upload existing parameter definitions, see Uploading Parameters.

Editing Existing Parameters

When you select a parameter, the parameter detail window will open on your screen.

You can change the following data for a parameter:
  • Category bindings
  • Property palette group
  • Type vs. Instance
  • Description
  • Hidden Flag
Note: Parameter Name, Discipline, Data Type, and Read Only Flag are not editable after the creation of a parameter.

Editing features (only for administrators)

Archive a parameter

Archive a parameter to remove it from view in the Parameters Service. After archiving a parameter, it will no longer be selectable to add to a Revit model.

  1. When in list view, click the ellipses button at the end of a row in the parameters table.
  2. Select Archive and confirm you want to archive the parameter.
View archived parameters
  1. Click the filter button to open the filters column.
  2. Use the Archived Parameters toggle switch to show the archived parameters in the table. Archived parameters will have an archive icon in front of their name.
Restore archived parameters
  1. Select the parameters.
  2. Click the ellipses button at the top of the table.
  3. Select Restore.

Edit view

Use Edit view to edit each parameter's category, type/instance, and properties palette group settings. You can select multiple parameters to make multiple edits simultaneously.

You can access Edit view by clicking the pencil icon tab. After making edits to the selected parameters click the Apply button to commit your changes or click Discard to cancel your changes.

Tip: While In Edit view, sort parameters by Status to see parameters that may be missing data.

Add to Revit and Confirm Settings (for all users)

Confirm Settings enables the flexibility to change parameter data before loading it into Revit. Any user can change parameters' Category, Type/Instance, and Property Palette Group settings. When adding parameters to Revit, select parameters and use the Confirm Settings button. In the Confirm Settings view, review the parameter settings and make any changes, then use Add to Revit to add the parameters to your Revit model.

Confirm Settings changes apply only to the current parameter loading operation. Parameter settings saved in the Parameters Service do not change.

Note: The Add to Revit button will be disabled if any parameters are missing settings for Category or Type/Instance.

Labeling Parameters

In the labeling view, you can organize your parameters however you like by attaching labels to them. You can review the labels assigned to the parameter and remove any unnecessary ones.

  1. Select one or more parameters in the table.
  2. Next, use the Add Labels flyout to attach or detach labels on the selected parameters.
  3. Type in the text box to search for labels or to create new labels.
  4. To commit to the creation of a new label, click the checkbox next the label and it will be applied to the selected parameter and now be available to be applied to other parameters.
  5. Select the X at the end of the label name to remove it from that parameter.

Searching For Parameters

  1. To search for parameters, input your search query in the box on the upper right of the Parameters Service window. Parameters will be searched by name.
  2. To filter the parameters in the search results, activate the filters panel from the filters icon to the right of the search box. Parameters can be filtered by property palette group, discipline, data type, category, and whether it is a type or instance parameter.
  3. Use the Save this search button at the bottom-right corner of the filters pane to save the current search for later use.
  4. Switch to the Saved Filters tab to recall or delete a saved search.

To export a parameter

  1. Select a checkbox next to a parameter in the parameters list and click the ellipses button in the top header.

  2. Click Export.
  3. A Revit shared parameter text file will begin downloading.

Loading Parameters into Revit

When launching the service from Revit from a window where parameters can be added, select one or more parameters. After you select the desired parameters, select Add to Revit Model. You can use shift+click to select multiple parameters at once.