The Parameters Service can be accessed through the following access levels.
Account Permissions:
Account Administrator: Indicates the user is an account administrator in the account.
- Autodesk Construction Cloud: The Account Administrator can access the Parameter Service on Autodesk Construction Cloud. You will be able to initiate service, upload shared parameter file(s), create and edit parameters, labels, and saved searches.
- Revit: Access the Parameters Service through Revit to upload shared parameter file or files, upload parameters from the active Revit file, create and edit parameters, labels, bindings, saved searches. Can load parameters into the active Revit model
Project Member: Indicates the user is participating in at least 1 active project in which they are not an administrator.
- Autodesk Construction Cloud: No Access.
- Revit: Access the Parameters Service through Revit to create saved searches. Can load parameters into the active Revit model.