Toposolid Instance Properties

Modify instance properties to change a toposolid's level, height offset, slope, and more.

To change instance properties, select the element and change its properties on the Properties palette.

Name Description
Level The level to which the toposolid is constrained.
Height Offset from Level Specifies the elevation of the top (unmodified) of the toposolid relative to the Level parameter.
Room Bounding Indicates that the toposolid is a room-bounding element.
Related to Mass Indicates the element was created from a mass element. This is a read-only value.
Structural Toposolid Shape Edit
Curved Edge Condition Specifies the toposolid surface to either Conform to curve or Project to side. This parameter is only available for curved edge toposolids.
Slope Not used
Perimeter The perimeter of the toposolid. This is a read-only value.
Area The surface area of the toposolid. This is a read-only value.
Volume The volume of the toposolid. Any volume removed by cutting elements (i.e voids, excavations, shafts) is automatically calculated and removed from the value. This is a read-only value.
Elevation at Top

Indicates the elevation used for tagging the top of the toposolid. This is a read-only parameter that reports Varies for sloped planes.

Elevation at Bottom

Indicates the elevation used for tagging the bottom of the toposolid. This is a read-only parameter that reports Varies for sloped planes.

Thickness The thickness of the toposolid.

This is a read-only value, unless a shape edit has been applied and its type contains a variable layer. When the value is writable it can be used to set a uniform thickness of the toposolid. The entry can be blank if the thickness varies.

Identity Data
Image Image file associated to the toposolid.
Comments Specific comments related to the toposolid that are not already defined in the description or type comments.
Name User defined element name.
Mark A user-specified label for the toposolid. Possible use: shop mark. This value must be unique for each element in a model. Revit warns you when the number value is already used but allows you to continue using it. You can see the warning using the Review Warnings tool. See Reviewing Warning Messages.
Design Option If design options have been created, this property indicates the design option in which the element exists. For more information see Design Options.
Phase Created The phase when the toposolid was created. See Project Phasing.
Phase Demolished The phase when the toposolid was demolished. See Project Phasing.
IFC parameters
Export to IFC Define how the element is exported to an IFC file.
Export to IFC As IFC entity used by the element in an IFC export.
IFC Predefined Type IFC predefined type used by the entity ijn an IFC export
IFC GUID GUID used by the entity when exported to IFC.
Note: These properties only visible when a graded region is used.
Net cut/fill Difference between cut values and fill values
Fill Volume added from shape editing.
Cut Volume removed by cutting elements (i.e voids, excavations, shafts) or shape edits.