New User Experience Update

Find layout and usability improvements in the Annotation, Clipping, and Connector modules, animation settings, Camera and Curve Editors, Scenegraph, and Preferences to match our new user interface guidelines.

Video captions: Additionally, we added now the access to go into XR directly on the menu bar,. This makes your life much easier now, when you want to switch on and off XR, and speeds up your design review workflow.

And, we changed several modules' layouts and controls to reflect our new user interface guidelines, such as the Clipping module, the Annotation module, the Connector module, and the Animation module. And, also the Preference dialog has evolved again, so you can expand the entire tree with the new slider for a quick overview. Also, you can now control all Warning dialogs and enable or disable them, which is very helpful for reoccurring warnings that don’t affect you in your workflow. And, we added a new color ramp slider, where you can change the background more intuitively.

Annotation Module

We added a menu bar, rearranged the QuickActions Bar icons, moved the Description option into Properties, and updated the layout within the Attributes. See Annotation for more information.

2025 2025.1
annotations 2025 annotations 20251

Camera Editor Step Values

In the Camera Editor, step values are now remembered when moving between different properties and are no longer reset.


We adjusted the layout of the Clipping module and added to the QuickAccess Bar.

adjusted layout with toolbar of the Clipping module


We added a tool Connector icon to the QuickActions Bar for connecting to another VRED and updated the layout within the Attributes.

Curve Editor

We added Select Clones and Select in Clip Maker to the Edit menu, and a hierarchy slider to the Clip Maker.

Clip Maker with a slider

Preference Changes

There are an assortment of preference changes in 2025.1.

We've added Shell, Mesh, and Line to the Scenegraph Advanced Search node type list.

Scenegraph Advanced Search node type list

Unshare and Duplicate now keep references to original animation blocks and touch sensors.