We've improved the speed when switching between views, optimized playback for texture image sequences, added support of JT material transparency, made improvements to locked node behaviors, and updated some SDKs.
Find improved performance when switching your viewport between Single View and Split View.
We optimized playback speed when playing an HDR and LDR image sequence in an area light by only calculating the relevant input data.
VRED now supports material transparency when importing JT files. When importing a JT file, the transparency parameter in the JT material is now mapped to HSV color parameter in the See Through option found in the Material Editor Transparency section. This change eliminates extra post-processing that was required, as a result of the missing transparency information.
You will find performance has improved when working with locked nodes and we made some other improvements as a result of this work.
Active unlocked or locked/disabled cameras display a green icon. Inactive unlocked or locked/disabled cameras display a grey icon.
Active unlocked | Active locked/disabled |
Disabled/locked nodes in different editors or modules, such as the Light, Camera, or Sceneplate, can now be dragged and dropped into other editors or modules, such as the Node or Variant Sets. Before 2025.3, dragging wasn't possible for disabled/locked nodes.
In the Camera Editor, when a group is selected and a new camera is created, it is now added to the selected group, instead of appearing outside it.
We significantly improved import speeds for CATPART curve files and optimized the line counts upon import completion.
We updated the following SDKs:
MaterialX SDK version to 1.39.1, which supports the OpenPBR models.
MDL SDK version to 2024.0.4