When viewing the results of an GUID-2043E09F-40E5-4155-AE28-134F62E54F54.htm#WS73099CC142F487552C60378B128B24194AD655E, you can email a single chart or the entire analysis to team members.
To email the entire analysis, do not click in the analysis display.
The email fields and buttons display at the top of the dialog. You may need to resize the dialog to see the Send, Cancel, and Settings buttons to the right of the email fields.
To define email settings
Setting | Description |
SMTP Host | The name of the SMTP host for the outgoing email server. |
SMTP Port | The port number used by the outgoing email server |
Username, Password | The username and password used for authentication to the outgoing email server. (This information is required if your email server is secure. Otherwise, you can omit them.) |
Vasari saves this information and uses it each time you send an email.