Rendering Workflow

IMPORTANT: Vasari includes a built in material library that includes low resolution textures that are suitable for basic rendering. To render a view with high resolution textures, you must have an Autodesk 2012 product installed with the AEC materials library.

In Vasari, the process of rendering a 3D view is as follows. (The first 4 steps can be performed in any order.)

  1. Create a 3D view of the building model.

    See GUID-B3354433-8ED8-4DA7-8078-C2514195BEB5.htm#WS46B90C3CB2C58CAD922804FC7FA4315F-7F9A.

  2. Specify render appearances for materials, and apply materials to model elements.

    See Materials Overview.

  3. Define lighting for the building model.
  1. Define render settings.
  2. Render the image.
  3. Save the rendered image.