Monthly Cooling Load

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When reviewing a GUID-2043E09F-40E5-4155-AE28-134F62E54F54.htm#WS73099CC142F487552C60378B128B24194AD655E in the Results and Compare dialog, this chart shows the cumulative cooling loads on the project for each month.

Note: This chart does not represent the peak cooling load used for sizing of cooling equipment. The chart also does not represent cooling loads caused by ventilation air, which can have a significant impact in densely occupied buildings.

Example: In the sample chart above, the largest cumulative cooling loads occur in August, with the greatest contribution from Window Solar, or radiant solar heat gain through windows. However, heat gains through walls are small by comparison. Therefore, you should improve the glass by reducing the windows’ GUID-D44E4744-B5DF-467A-A4A1-1FBC4A00E0D9.htm#WS1A9193826455F5FF11D4ED1B128F2317A0815E8 before investing in improvements to the wall insulation value.