Online Help

To access Help

Do one of the following:

To change Help settings

  1. Navigate to the following folder:

    %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Vasari\Vasari 2014

  2. Open Revit.ini in a text editor.
  3. Locate the following lines in the file:
  4. To specify your preferred web browser for Help, change the value of the HelpBrowser setting.
    Value Result
    HelpBrowser=0 Use your system default browser.
    HelpBrowser=1 Use Microsoft Internet Explorer.
    • In Windows® 8, change your system default browser by right-clicking Start screenAll appsControl PanelProgramsSet Default Programs. Select the desired browser and click Set all defaults for this program.
    • If you use Internet Explorer to display Help, the same tab remains open as you move through different Help pages. For other browsers, a new tab opens every time the window changes.
  5. To access Help using an Internet connection

    Do the following

    1. Make sure that UseHelpServer=1.
    2. If you want to use the default Autodesk (located at, save changes to Revit.ini, and restart Vasari.
    3. If you want to use online help located at some other network location, change the value for OnlineHelpServer to specify the URL or web-based help server.
  6. Save changes to Revit.ini, and restart Vasari.